Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/640

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616 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 378. 1910. °°,“¤““,,,,“f ,,°"°*P“’* Pendin the completion of the track connection above rovided sm cm for, the Pgiiiladelphidi Baltimore and Washington Railroad Cllompany is hereby authorized to maintain its track connection with the United States navy-yard as at present existing, and to continue the operation thereof under such rules and re lations as may be established by the Commissioners of the District o%uColumbia for the governance thereof, R·°'¥:g’·r vp-. ¤¤ provided that within thirty days after the completion of the new °{=en{ °° ° Mw track connection with the United States navg-yard, hereinbefore authorized and rovided for, said Philadelphia, a timore and Wash- , ington Railroad) Company shall, at its own expense, remove said existing track connection and restore and make the surface of the streets over and through which the same is laid satisfactory to' the ?{_u,';j,’?;,,_Bu,_e,°_ Commissioners of the istrict. of Columbia: Provided further, That Congress reserves the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act. W. - N°*’*°“=· V¤~ NAvY—rAnn, Noarorx, Vmormaz Railroad tracks, extensions,§ thousand dollars; electric-light plant, extensions, twenty-1'ive th¤\i· sand dollars· repairs, buildings, Saint Helena, twenty··five thousand dollars; dredging, to continue, twenty-five thousand dollars; compressed-air system, extensions, ten thousand dollars; improvements to water front, one hundred thousand dollars; to enlarge dry dock numbered three, five hundred and fifty thousand dollars; crane track

  • ’°•'· P· me around dry dock numbered three, to continue, twenty thousand dollars; paving and grading, thirty thousand dollars; power plant, coal

storage, twenty—Eve thousand dollars; electric motors for pumping plants, dry docks one and two, thirty-five thousand dollars; waterclosets and lavatories in yard shops, twenty-five thousand dollars; heatingqsystem, extension, fifteen thousand dollars; in· all, navy- yagl, orfolk, Virginia, eight hundred and ninety-five thousand o ars. · rea-m1a,r·¤a NAvY·YAnn, PENSACOLA, FLomDA: For elevator for building num- ` bered one (to complete), two thousand dollars. New Or1eans,La. NAVAL srArroN, Nnw ORLEANS, LOUISIANA: For power house and plant, sixty-four thousand six hundred and seventy-seven dollars and ' seventy-one cents, previously appro riated and erroneously transferred to the appiopriation "Cons0lidIai.tion of wer plants} um rsumacar. NAvY—YAnn, Ann IsLANn, CALIFORNIA; Tg continue improvement of channel, one hundred thousand dollars; in all, navy-yard, Mare Island, one hundred thousand dollars. For hpurchase of a shed belonging to the dr dock contractors, navy- yard, Iare Island, California, two thousandy dollars. 1>¤;e¤so¤¤u,w»a. NAVY-YARD, Puonr Scum), WASHINGTON! Dry dock (limit of cost is hereby increased to two million three hundred thousand dollars), to continue, six hundred thousand dollars; storehouse, to complete, one hundred and sixty thousand dollars; foundr , to complete, one hundred and twenty- ive thousand dollars; in alll, navy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington, eight hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. $$:1 Hmm. Hn- NAvAL STATION, PEARL HARBOR, HAWAI1: Dred ing, one million ' five hundred thousand dollars; dry dock (limit 0% cost is hereby . increased to two million seven hundred thousand dollars), to congiiwe, one million dollars; in all, two million five hundred thousand o ars. The Secretary of the Navy is hereby authorized to utilize toward _ yard development of the naval station, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, the W-’“· P- °°°· sum of thirty-five thousand dollars appro riated by the Act of June _ twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and six, ihr the reclamation of that Iéortgon of the naval station, Honolulu, Hawaii, known as "The ee . _ F1¤¤~¤¤a¤r¤¤¤· FLOATING enum: One one-hundred-ton floating crane to cost not nm'p'm5` exceeding two hundred imd fifty thousand dollarsc), one himd;-ed md twenty-five thousand dollars, for use at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.