Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/647

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SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. CII. 378. 1910. 623 sand two hundred dollars each; four clerks, at one thousand dollars each; four clerks, at nine hundred dollars each; and two writers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; eighteen thousand two hundred and eighty dollars; one draftsman, one thousand two hundred dollars; and one surveyor one thousand two hundred dollars, two thousand four hundred dollars; one dentist, two thousand five hundred and twenty dollars; and services of organist at chapel, three hundred dollars; one captain of the watch, nine hundred and twenty- four dollars; one second captain of the watch, eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars; and twenty-two watchmen, at seven hundred and t irtly-two dollars each, seventeen thousand eight hundred and fiftg—six ollars. EPARTMENT or OBDNANOE AND GUNNERY: One mechanic, nine m§,°gj,°,{},’,1,*;‘§,,‘§_,;.’,'°‘ hundred and sixty dollars, and one at seven hundred and fifty dollars; " one armorer, six undred and sixty dollars; one chief gunner’s mate, five hundred and forty dollars; and three quarter gunners, at four hundred and eighty dollars each, four thousand three hundred and iiftg dollars. . E1>AETMENTs 01-* ELEUIRICAL ENGINEERING AND Pnrsres: Two h,§;§,’°,{*,{’;§’;,*;‘;‘,°§,§°é electrical machinists, at one thousand dollars each; one mechanic and physicsseven hundred and thirty dollars; and one at seven hundred and twenty dollars, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. DEPARTMENT or sEAMANs1IrP: One coxswain, four hundred and m,,Q’,$SP,‘;{,§§“°“‘°‘ “°°‘ eighty dollars; three seamen at four hundred and twenty dollars each, one thousand seven hundred and forty dollars. DEPARTMENT or MARINE ENGINEERING AND NAVAL CONSTRUCTION; 2,*}; ` One master machinist, one thousand eight hundred dollars, and one ¤¤v¤1<=¤¤¤¢¤¤¤¤¤¤- assistant, one thousand two hundred dollars; one pattern maker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one boiler maker, one blacksmith three machinists, one molder and one coppersmith, at one thousand and eighty dollars each; and for draftsman, two thousand dollars; machinists, and other employees, six thousand seven hundred and slixliiy-eight dollars, twenty thousand five hundred and twenty-eight o rs. COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT: One chief cook, one thousand two commisuy ams. hundred dollars; four cooks, at six hundred dollars each, and eight “'°"°‘ assistants, at three hundred dollars each; one steward, one thousand two hundred dollars, and one assistant, six hundred dollars; one head waiter, seven hundred and twenty dollars, and two assistants, at four hundred and eighty dollars each; two pantry men, at four hundred and twenty dollars each; one chief baker, one thousand two hundred dollars; one baker, six hundred dollars; two assistants, at five hundred and forty dollars each, and one assistant, four hundred and twenty dollars; necessary waiters, at sixteen dollars per month each, thirteen thousand four hundred and forty dollars, twenty-seven thousand and sixty; one messenger to the superintendent, six hundred dollars, and twenty-five attendants, at three hundred dollars each, eight thousand one hundred dollars; in all, thirty-five thousand one hundred and sixty dollars. In all, civil establishment, one hundred and eighty-six thousand seven hundred and four dollars. CURRENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES, NAVAL ACADEMY: Text Contingentexpenses. and reference books for use of instructors; stationery, blank books and_ forms, models maps, and periodicals; apparatus and materials for mstruction in physical training and athletics; expenses of lectures, mcluding pay and expenses of lecturer; chemicals, philosophical apparatus and instruments, stores, machinery, tools, fittings, appa~ ratus, and materials for instruction purposes, thirty-eight thousand five hundred dollars.