Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/666

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642 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. North Carolina, including inland waterways between Beaufort Harbor and New River and between New River and Swansboro, twenty-three thousand seven hundred dollars, of which sum six thousand seven hundred dollars may be explended upon New River in accordance with the report submitted in ouse Document Numbered Ten hundred and eighty-five, Sixticth Congress, second session. _ €,§°,§“{,°“‘· °°°·· ""‘ Improving Northeast, Black, and Cape Fear rivers, North Carolina: ` ` For maintenance of improvement of ortheast and Black rivers and . of galpq Fear River above Wilmington, North Carolina, seven thou- , san o lars. ra5§:li€° Tu Improving Pamlico and Tar rivers, North Carolina: For mainte- R. k Ri nance, five thousand dollars. x.c°i°°° ° V"' Improving Roanoke River, North Carolina: For maintenance, five R, thousand dollars. N§?;lu°°°m°°° V"' Im roving Scuppernon River, North Carolina: For maintenance, N two thousand five undreé dollars.- _ S°°°h mv"' 'C' Improving South River, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Nine hundred and fifty-four, Sixtieth Congress, first session, sixteen thousand dollars. Smim °***·N·°· Improving Smiths Creek, North Carolina: Com leting improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred and seventy-four, Sixty-first Congress, Quolagjd ew second session, sixteen thousand two hundred and iiftdy dollars: Pro- ' mkled, That local interests shall construct the bulkhea recommended in said report, and convey to the United States the right to deposit the excavated material behind the said bulkhead: Provided further ""’“° "“""‘ That said local interests shall provide at least one public wharf of adequate facilities the use of which shall be open to all on equal terms. S"*“ °'°°"·N‘ °· Improving Swift Creek, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with report submitted in House Document Numbered Three hundred and sixty, Sixty-first Congress, second session, _ one thousand six hundred dollars. S.,ll§$°{§"BZ;.llT,`IQl§$,? Waterway from Pamlico Sound to Beaufort Inlet, North (lm-O1im,; let N- G- For maintenance ten thousand dollars. “°'°*‘°‘“’ °"’·N·"· Improving harbor at Morehead City, North Carolina: Completing improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and forty-nine, Sixty-first Con- ,Q;·{·£•:;d aw gress, second session, nineteen thousand dollars: Provided, That local ' interests shall construct a bulkhead five hundred feet in len h in front of Morehead City and shall cause to be conveyed to the Ciiited Mme Mm, States the right to deposit between said bulkhead and the shore the ` material excavated from the channel: Provided further, That said local interests, or the town of Morehead Citv, shall rovide at least one wharf of adequate facilities the use of which shall be open to all on equal terms. B°"‘“°"‘· 1*: C: Improving harbor at Beaufort, North Carolina: Completing imrovement by the construction of a channel from the inland waterway lietween Norfolk and Beaufort Inlet to the town of Beaufort, by way of Gallants Channel, in accordance with the report submitted in · House Document Numbered Five hundred and eleven, Sixtv—iirst Congress, second session, twenty-seven thousand six hundred and %¤g;;¤_ seventy-six dollars: Provided, That any_ unexpended balance may be used for constructing a turning basin in ront of the town of Belaufort. °

    • '¤=¤;wuy»$w¤¤ mproving waterway connectin Swan arter Ba with Dee

irlaliyxiic. d Deep Bay, North Carolina: Completinggmproveglelnt in accgrdancg witg the report submitted in House Document Numbered Four hundred and forty-five, Sixticth Convress, iiist session, fourteen thousand five hundred and seventy-five dollars. ,