Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/670

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646 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. eleven, Sixtieth Congress, second session, thirty-two thousand four hundred dollars. _ _ _ "*”,;.{:°°°°h°° Improving Withlacoochee River Florida: For maintenance from Rm" the anchora e in the Gulf of Mjexico to Pembertons Ferry, six thousand dollars. _ _ _ _ myewr ¤r¤¤¤¤¢¤· Removing the water hyacmth, Florida, Texas, and Louisiana: Riemovlux. For the removal of the water hyacinth from the navigable waters of the State of Florida, so far as it is or may become an obstruction to . navigation, five thousand dollars. _ _ m§g_°°,§,:_*_*;,¥j,*g}*·f° Improving Choctawhatchee Ihver,_ Florida and Alabama: For ' maintenance of improvement, mcluding Cypress Top outlet, five thousand dollars. ¤e?r°1ii·°1$l’m,`r?1il.:i¤h Improving Escambia and Conecuh rivers, Florida and Alabama:

  • 1* _ For maintenance, five thousand dollars.

{,‘{’,'Y'1°"°“‘ Improving Mobile bar, Alabama: Continuing improvement and , for maintenance, nine thousand dollars. _ _ _ ¤¤”°’· Improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama: Continuing improvement, with a view to securing a depth of twenty-seven feet, m accordance with the re rt submitted in House Document Numbered Six hundred and fii}t;—seven, Sixty-first Congress, second session, and with a view to completing said improvement within a period of four years, four hundred) and fifty-five thousand dollars, o which amoimt five thousand dollars may be used in the removal of sunken logs, dead- Q;m”°ggm_ heads, and other obstructions: Provided, That in the discretion of the Secretary of War the work of straightening the channel suggested in the report shall not be undertaken until the {present channe shall have been drecigled to a depth of twenty-seven eet. Aammmver. Im roving abama River, Alabama: Continuing improvement pmm. and fdr mamtenance, eighty-five thousand dollars: Provided, That E"°"°°“‘ in the discretion of the Secretary of War the scope of this improve- · ment may be extended to include the Alabama and Coosa rivers between Montgomery and Wetumpka, in accordance with the re ort submitted in House Document Numbered One thousand and eighty- nine, Sixtieth Congress, second session. _Blwk W¤m¤r._W¤r- Improving Blaczk Warrior, Warrior, and Tomb' bee rivers, Ala- }'{$Z}.{"}l`l.f*`°”°"°°° bama: Continuing improvement from Mobile to fge Mulberry and Locust forks by the construction of locks and dams five hundred eww. thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter .,,(§°.§'},.,,”§” '°' 1°°" into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to prosecute the sand project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not‘to exceed in the aggregate five hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. wfligg B*p,g;jg,g> Improving Tombigbee River, Alabama and Mississippi; For mainnamauuou. ’ tenance, from the mouth to Demopolis, Alabama, thirteen thousand dollars; from Demopolis, Alabama, to Columbus, Mississippi, eleven thousand dollars; from Columbus to Walkers Bridge, Mississippi, ten thousand dollars. Blloxi,Mi¤. Improving harbor at Biloxi, Mississippi: For maintenance, five thousand do lars. cuirpomuas. Improving harbor at Gulfport, Mississippi: For maintenance of improvement of anchor e basin at Gulfport and channel therefrom to the anchorage or roaxtead at Ship Island, and for the improvement and maintenance of channel at Ship Island Pass, one hundred ge*;{‘;°6,cmme,_ thousand dollars: Provnkled, That the balance of funds heretofore appropriated and now on hand for maintenance of existing project, together with so much of the amount herein appropriated as may be allotted by the Secretary of \Var for work on the Gulfport channel and anchorage basin, is hereby made available for securing in said channel and anchorage basin such additional depth as may be practicable, not to exceed twenty-three feet.