Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/681

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 382. 1910. 657 Improving harbor at Racine, Wisconsin: For maintenance, and R°°*¤°·W*¤· continuing improvement in accordance with the partial Uproject submitted in the Annual Report of the Chief of Engmeers, nited States Army_, for the fiscaldyear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred anii mne, two liluncgrée and Sf}or}t)y)·three %fpusand dogars. · _ mprov ar r at e y an, isconsin: or maintenance 8¤°b°Y8¤¤·W¤ thirty-twdnigiousand five hundred dollars. , 5 Improvingd hlarpor at Two Rivers, Wisconsin: For maintenance, T“'° m'°”·W“ ve thousand dollars. Improving Fox River, Wisconsin: Continuing improvement, from FM R¤v¤¤‘»Wi¤- _ Depere up to Port?e, twenty-five thousand dollars, of which _ amount three thousan dollars, orso much thereof as may be necessary, %l&al& used for removing bars and snags and otherwise improving o iver. Improving harbor at Duluth, Minnesota, and Superior, Wisconsin: °‘“““‘·“‘““· goatinuing improvement and for maintenance, five undred thousand o ars. · , Improving fSainti] Croixd (Tiger, Wisconsin and Minnesota: For wi'§ixl1i¤i:Hll.°niuv°" maintenance ourthousand dollars. Improvingé at Agate Bay, Minnesota: For maintenance, *8**** B“>'·“"*“· two thousand dollars. _ Improvinglhjaribor at Grand Marais, Minnesota: For maintenance, Mililflm M"°"" two thousand dollars. Improving Warroad Harbor, Minnesota: Completing improvement Mg{‘,f"'°“" H°"’°’· and or maintenance in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered Seven hundred an three, Sixty-first ‘ Congress, second session, seven thousand seven hundred dollars. theI\:.;gl£1(:i O¥‘I‘g]1.l(Z;$:¢£)it3Oai.i{;Ig3P, Minnesota: For maintenance, two M}{§¤°¤¤*·* Rivet Improving Red River of the North, Minnesota and North Dakota: Ngifg §§§f{ ,,‘§,§ QE? For maintenance, seven thousand five hundred dollars. nar, Indiana Harbor, Indiana: For improvement and maintenance in ]“°"‘“‘H“‘°°'*I“"· accord ance with the project recommended in House Document Numbered Elevelp himdgeg aipd thiéteen, Sixtrgelth Congress, seécopld session, sixty-two thousand dollars: , at no part 0 t is a pro- priation shall be expended until the Secretary of war shall be satisfied com mm that lthe conditions specified in said document have been fully comp ied with. - Improving harbor at Michigan City, Indiana: Continuing improve- M*°¤*K¤¤ C¤>*·I¤¤·*- mentbandcior maintenance, ilncludiréggrepgir ainddngaifftenance of the east rea ater, sixty-five thousand ve un re dollars. Improving Calumet River, Illinois and _Indiana: Continuing ,,,,%‘}‘§,§{°° R""* UL improvement and for maintenance, ninety-eight thousand dollars: · Provided, That the proj act for the imgrovement of the river, submit- §*g·g··g;·icau_m of ted in House Document Numbered ne hundred and_ seventy-two, Plan. Fifty-eight Conigress,_ second session, is hereby modified so as to _ Hermit e use o_lpurn3g basins abovelnuénbgr onieéiigsuichshape ang imensions as wi cna e a vesse six un re an y ee in en to tum with ease, and is further modified so as to provide a navigaitle depth of twenty feet from One hundred and twenty~second street to the forks of the river and a turning basin at the forks having a similar depth and a water-surface diameter of seven hundred and fifty feet, in accordance with the project set forth in House Document Numbered Three hundred and forty-nine, Sixtieth Congress, first session, andlpfhedamounts heretofore appropriated shall be available for such mo e project. tgmprcgripgl harbor at Calumet, Illinois: For maintenance, thirty °"“"‘°*·m° thousand dollars. Imfproving harbor at Chicago, Illinois: Continuing improvement °“"“‘°·m· and or maintenance, two hundred and forty thousand do lars.