Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/684

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660 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 382. 1910. · nineteen hundred and seven, to examine the Mississippi River below Saint Louis and report to Congress on the pr¢;ject o a fourteen-foot channel, shall be a member of and president o the board herein pro- N*°”° °‘ '°¤°*"— » vided for. Said board shall report upon the feasibility of such_water- _ way, and the most advisable epth and dimensions therefor, in case Levels er em: the same is recommended; also upon such measures as may be re- °"k°" quired to properly preserve the levels of the Creat Lakes_ and to compensate, so far as practicable, for the diminished level in said lakes and the connecti waters thereof by reason of any diversion of water from Lakemiiichigan for the maintenance of the proposed waterway herein described or diversion for any other purpose; and further, also, u on the influence on volume and height of waters in the Mississippi Iitiver below Cairo; and further, also, as to the effect u on the climate of the Lake States by a chan§e in the natural currents “£_¤;*i¤H1igLi<j_¤®m· of) Lake Michigan. The board shall, after fu conference with the authorized agenc of the State of Illinois, submit a report upon the extent to which the United States may properly cooperate with the · State of Illinois in securing the construction of a navigable waterway _ · from Lockport to the mouth of the Illinois River in corn;-rggction wit the development of water power by said State between kport and ‘ Utica, for which the p e of the State of Illinois have authorized R°°°"“"°“°*“°°’· their general assembllyccto appropriate twenty million dollars; the report shall state the extent and character of the cooperation recommended and the conditions considered necessary in connection therem*:;#.:h!'¤:,*;§•;_¤·¤ with to fully protect the interests of the United States} Should the board consider cooperation to be advisable, the report herein called for shall include plans and estimates of cost of the work recommended to be done by the United States alone or in cooperation with the State of Illinois; and until these plans and estimates have been submitted and a proéeet for_the improvement adopted by Congress the a pro— _ priation o one million dollars herein made shall not be availablie for 191;:;; ¤§_¤;¤:=;;; expenditure. The board also shal1 consider and report upon the and commerce. improvement of the Mississippi between the mouth of the Illinois River and the mouth of the bio River by the construction of a dam at or near Jefferson Barracks and a dam at or near Commerce, and the develo ment of water (power incidentally created by such dams. whcrrrv ¤rb<>¤¢- In the perfbrmance of its utnes the_board may consider all reports heretofore made; and the force, plant, and records of the Mississippi e River Commission and the severa engineer districts between Chicago cempennucn. and Cairo shall be available for the use of the board. The members of the board herein authorized shall be entitled to compensation at the rate of six. thousand dollars per annum, but the officral salar of any officer appointed on said board from the Engineer Cor of the Army · shall be deducted from the compensation provided fi; in this Act. ex*;ggs’gg"*°*‘°° "" For salaries and egxlpenses of said board, including all necessary clerical and other person services, there is hereby appropriated the sum of p§,Q,§f'¤*°°*"” °‘ '°· fifty thousand dollars. The reports herein 05ed) for shall be submitted to the Chief of Engineers not later than November first, nineteen hundred and ten, reviewed b the Board of En `neers for Rivers and Harbors, and submitted to (longress not later tilian the first Monday . _ _ in December, nineteen hundred and ten. }(‘§j*‘*gg*;§g§{·y to Improving Mimouri River with a view to securing a permanent mouth. x Sig;-foot channel between Kansas Cit and the mouth of the river, one Engines boned in million dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War shall a point a

$gg_’rjs};f¤¤¤*°**r'°°* board of three officers to further consider and report upon gre most

rmancoopmnou. economical and desirable plan of securing such channel, in which _ report consideration shall be given to the subject of cooperation on the p0§‘;,‘f“"'“‘°“ °‘ '°‘ part of local interests in the work of said improvement: P1-mnkled _ further, That the report hereby authorized shall be submitted to Congress on or before the opening of its next regular session.