Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/70

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46. SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909. S°“°°¤·*I· twenty-five cents r s uare yard, twelve and one-half cents per migibiiluiliiiehim s uarg ard but iiht liiss than forty per centum ad valorem; if bleached] and not exceeding two square yards to the pound, five cents per square yard; exceeding two and not exceeding three square yards to the pound, five and one-half cents per square yard , exceedmg three and not exceeding four square yards_to the pound, six cents per square yard; exceeding four square yards to the pound, six and onehalf cents per square yard; any of the foregoing, b cached, and valued at over sixteen and not over twenty cents per square yard, eight cents per square yard; valued at over twenty and· not over twenty-five cents r square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; value¢l):.t over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one-half cents er square yard: but not less than fortdy per centum ad yalorem ; if dyed, colored, stained, painted, or prmte , and not exceeding three square yards to the poimd, six and one—half cents per square yard; exceeding three square_ yards to the pound, eight cents per square yard; any of the foregomg, dyed, colored, stained, pamted, or printed, and valued at over twenty and not over twenty-five cents per square yard, eleven and one-fourth cents per square yard; valued at over twenty-five cents per square yard, twelve and one—half cents per · square yard, but not less than forty per centum ad valorem.

  • 7****** d°¤¤°¤- 320. e term cotton cloth, or c oth, wherever used in the paragi: hs of this schedule, unless otherwise specially provided for, shall

held to include all woven fabrics of cotton m the ieee or cut in lengths, whether figured, fancy, or plain, the warp andp filling threads of which can be counted by unraveling or other practicable means, and shall not include any article, finished or unfinished, made from °°°¤* °“¤*°*°*· cotton cloth. In determining the count of threads to the square inch in cotton cloth, all the warp and filling threads, whether ordina or other than ordinary, and whether clipped or unclipped, shally be “’°*¥**‘ md “‘“°· counted. In the ascertainment of the weight and value, upon which the duties, cumulative or other imposed u on cotton cloth are made to depend, the entire fabric and all parts thereof, and all the threads u·ggf*“°°“°¤ °“°““ of which it is composed, shall be included. The terms bleached, dyed, colored, stained, mercerized, painted, or rinted, wherever applied to cotton cloth in this schedule, shall be talien to mean respectively all cotton cloth which either wholly or in part has been subjected to an of these processes, or which has any bleached, dyed, colored, stainexll piircerized, painted, or printed threads in or upon any part of the a rio. ,,,§L‘{.°l;‘b'§{.§°°‘°“ “"d 321- Cloth, oomposecl of cotton or other vegetable fiber and silk, whether known as silk—striped sleeve linings, silk stripes, or otherwise, of which cotton or other vegetable fiber is the component mate- _ rial of chief value, eight cents per square yard and thirty r centum §Q'{,'g*;,°,;m_ ad valorem: Promkled, That no such cloth shall pay a lggs rate of Filled crcrhsew- duty than fifty pir centum ad valorem. Cotton cloth filled or _ coated, all oilc ot (except silk oilcloths and oilcloths for floors), and cotton window Hollands, three cents r square yard and twenty per centum ad valorem; tracing cloth, igiire cents per square yard and twenty Er centum ad valorem. m§ér;g_k€r¤hi¤f¤ Mid 322: Han erchiefs or muiiiers composed of cotton, whether in ' the piece or otherwise and whether finished or unfinished, if not hemmed, or hemmed only, shall pay the same rate of du`ty on the cloth contained therein as is imposed. on cotton cloth of the same description, weight, and count of threads to the square inch; but such handkerchiefs or mufflers shall not pay a less rate of duty than forty-five per centum ad valorem. If such handkerchiefs or muf- Hers are hemstitched, or imitation hemstitched, or revered, or have drawithreads, they shall pay a duty of ten per centum ad valorem in addition to the duty hereinbefore prescribed, and in no case less than fifty-five per centum ad valorem; if such handkerchiefs or