Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/703

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 383. 1910. 679 United States post-oflice at Orangeburg, South Carolina, ten °’°”8°"“'¤· S-C- thousand dollars. . d Hnited States post-office at Union, South Carolina, ten thousand U“’°“·S·°· 0 ars. d Hnited States post-oflice at Huron, South Dakota, twenty thousand H“'°"· s‘D°"· 0 ars. - d Hnited States post-ofiice at Lead, South Dakota, twenty thousand ‘*°"“· S·D°k· 0 ars. United States post-office and court-house at Sioux Falls, South Si¤¤¤ F¤U¤-S-¤¤¤· Dakota, one hun red thousand dollars. ‘ Ulniiteg States post-office at Murfreesboro, Tennessee, twelve thou- M¤rfr¤¤¤¤¤r¤.T¤¤¤· san dollars. United States post-oflice at Denison, Texas, fort thousand dollars, oeunearex. United States post-office and custom-house at hagle Pass, Texas, E¤s1¤P¤S¤·T·¤¤— twenty-five thousand dollars. United States post-oflice at Wichita Falls, Texas, twenty-five Wichita F¤¤s'i‘<¤· thousand dollars. . United States post-office at Park City, Utah, five thousand dollars. Pvk C“Y· Um- United States post—oiflce and court-house at Salt Lake City, Utah, S¤M·¤k°C*°Y·U*¤’*· thirty thousand dollars. d Fnited States post-office at Barre, Vermont, twenty-five thousand B“"'°·v°’ \ 0 lars. United States post-oflice at Suffolk, Virginia, twenty-seven thou- S“”°“‘*v“‘ sand dollars. __ \ United States post-office and court-house at Bellingham, Washing- B°‘““g"“‘“·W“"· ton, two hundred thousand dollars. " United States post-office and court-house at North Yakima, Wash- wfs‘{_f"‘ Y°“'”“· inglton, e' hty thousand dollars. nitedgtates post-office and court-house at Charleston, West Vir- §’,‘g{‘,,}5°f,§‘{,‘};,§,X;9‘j‘;g ginia, one hundred thousand dollars, in addition to one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars heretofore authorized. United States post-office at Morgantown, West Virginia, thirty-five “°'¥““'°"“·“'·""· thousand dollars. _ Ifin§.e{lhStates post-oflice at Rock Springs, Wyoming, fifteen thou- R°°* S*"‘“g*‘·w’°· san o rs. United States (post-office and court—h0use at Sheridan, Wyoming, "*°""’““·“"°· seven thousand ollars. Sec. 2. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, u*§{_’f,';,'f,§d'{‘°“‘· °‘°·· authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of the followin —named build- ' within the respective limits of cost hereby fixerg mllnited States post·ofiice at Anniston, Alabama, three thousand ·'*°°"‘°“·A‘“- two hundred dollars, for continuation of wall, and for other purposes. United States post-oflice and court-house at Pensacola, Florida, *’°“““°°‘“·m‘· one hundred thousand dollars. United States post-ofiice at Evanston, Illinois, fifty thousand dollars. E”°°*°“·‘"· United States post-office at New Albany, Indiana, thirty-five thou- New A“°““Y»’¤’*- sand dollars. United States post-office at Lansing, Michigan, seventy-five thou- L“““*“¥-“‘°"· sand dollars. d Hnited States post-office at Traverse City, Michigan, fifty thousand "“*"°"° C“’»M*°"· o ars. United States (post-office and court-house at Vicksburg, Mississippi, V‘°k“*’“'g·M"“· one hundred an ten thousand dollars. _ United States custom-house at Saint Louis, Missouri, one hundred cu§§0Q;*{mIu‘;;"”· “°·· thousand dollars. ` United States post—ofi*ice and court-house at Springfield, Missouri, SP'*“g“°"’·“°· one hundred thousand dollars. United States post-office and court-house at Lincoln, Nebraska, one U¤°?‘¤·N°"'· hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That not to exceed twenty-five i]",$'€”°r;. ae.; yu.,