Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/717

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cir. 383. 1910. 693 United States post-office at Monroe, Wisconsin, seven thousand M°¤'°°·W*¤· five hundred dollars. United States post—off1ce at Neenah, Wisconsin, seven thousand N°°¤**h·W‘S· Eve hundred dollars. _ d gnited States post-office at Waupun, Wisconsin, five thousand W¤“P¤¤·Wi¤· o ars. United States post-office at Basin, Wyoming, six thousand dollars. B°$l“·WY°~ d Hnited States post-office at Buffalo, Wyoming, seven thousand B¤¤¤*<>·WY<>· o ars. United States post-office at Cody, Wyo ° , six thousand dollars. C<>dY·WY<>· d Hnited States post-office at Green River, Wyoming, six thousand GMM Riv¤f·WY¤· o ars. Sec. 6. That for the pu ose of be inn' the construction of a w“”?‘?““S°'°“‘·1`§°· suitable and adequate iireplriiof additiosii tollllzlcie present federal build- etzfmimml gm di ing and the acquisition of additional ground for the accommodation . of the United States post-oflice and other governmental offices at Winston-Salem, North Carolina, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, {,°{},’,‘;‘f°·,,, 00,,, ,,,_ That this authorization shall not be construed as fixing the limit of cost ¤rg¤¤f<i· 77 789 of said enlargement and additional ground at the sum hereby named, ° ‘34’p°' 3' ' but the enlargement hereby provided for shall be constructed or planned so as to cost, comglete, including iirgproof vaults, heating and ventilatingfapparatus, an additional groun not exceeding two hundred and ty thousand dollars. _ _ That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized c0{‘,§§,$,‘c§‘}},§, °*,ff,,,‘}},‘§ and directed to acquire, by purchase, condemnation, or otherwise, izedsaid additional ground and to enter into contracts for the construction of said enlargement within the ultimate limit of cost herein fixed: Promkied, That of the said amount fixed as the ultimate limit of cost mg ,0, ,,,0,,, not to exceed fifty thousand dollars may be expended during the iiscal rw. year endinrgilune thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven. Sec. 7. at the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, ‘,§,’{·,{{°,;f_,°,g’;g,°·e,c_’ authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the enlargement, ¤¤¤1wrize<1. ` extension, remodeling, or im rovement, upon the present site, of the United States post-ofiice and court—house at Char otte, North Carolina so as to provide additional and necessary accommodations for the [United States post-office, United States courts, and other governmental offices, at a limit of cost, complete, including fireproof vaults, L**¤*°°' °°'*~ heating and ventilating apparatus, and gpproaches not exceedinv two hundred and iift thousand dollars: rovided, That of the said mt fo, nm; amount fixed as the ultimate limit of cost not to exceed fifty thousand Ymdollars may be expended during the fiscal year ending `June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven. Sec. 8. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, §§§{§§l§;,,,°;;§; ,,,,__ authorized and directed to enter into contracts for the enlargement, ¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¢<*· extension, remodeling, or im rovement, upon the present site, of the United States post—office andpcourt-house at Raleigh, North Carolina, so as to provide additional and‘ necessary accommodations for the United States post—office, United States courts, and other governmental offices, at a limit of cost, complete, including fireproof vaults, ¤m1¢¤f¤¤¤~ heating and ventilating apparatus, and a roaches, not exceeding _ two hundred and twenty-five thousand dldllars: Provided, That of fQ',$,"g’,'{,,, ,0, ,,,0,,, the said amount fixed as the ultimate limit of cost not to exceed rwtwenty-five thousand dollars may be expended during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven. _ Sec. 9. That for the purpose of beginning the construction of a $0“§§2;,g`,‘§§,;_ ° suitable and commodious fireproof building for the accommodation of the United States st-office at Austin, Texas, twenty-five thousand dollars: Prooideefo That this authorization shall not be construed wm as fixing the limit of cost of said build` at the sum hereby named mi ° but the building hereby provided for sl1I§1 be constructed or planned 88740°——vor. 36, rr 1-11--46