Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/733

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I1. GH. 384. 1910. 709 computers, and such other services as the Secretary of the Treasury A£{g{°¤'{§g*gu§,§g·· **1 may deem necessary and specially order, to be employed only in ec ` the office of the Supervising Architect exclusively to carry into effect public building} legislation, including the administrative work in connection wit the annual appropriations under the control of the Supervising Architect ’s office: Provided, That the expenditures on {L’,]§i§°“‘ this account for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall not exceed four hundred thousand dollars; , for compensation of supervising superintendents, superintendents, s,§,`Q’f§{§f{,°§'}fl§§‘b",§i{‘,§j and jjumor superintendents of construction, inspectors of public i¤8S· buildings, and inspectors of mechanical and electrical engineering, in connection with the erection and inspection of work on publ1c buildings, at rates of compensation to be determined by the Secretary of the Treasu , but in no case exceeding those heretofore authorized to be aildy out of appropriations for public buildings: Provided, That tli)e expenditures on this account for the fiscal Limityear ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eleven, shall not exceed two hundred and forty thousand dollars; for compensation of mechanical labor force, including carpenters, plumbers, machinists, f M€¢h¤¤i·>¤i hbvr and such other services as the Secretary of the Treasury may 0m` deem necessary and specially order, including the compensation of superintendents and assistant superintendents of repairs, engaged in work incident to repair of buildings, mechanical equipment, and vaults, safes, and locks, at such rates of compensation as may be determined by the Secretary of the Treasury, but in no case to exceed for any one $:011 the rates current for similar services at the time and in the p where such services are performed: Promkled, That m“'“· the expenditures on this account for the fiscal year ending June thirgieth, nirgeteen hundregl and elevend shall no}; ziixceed eiglity thousand T Y d _ ollars; ore nseso su rinten ence, inc u trave in ex nses ce,,Q"°"‘g ““ u““f* of building anxdxiurniture ildiipectors and other 0%%:ers and gmplidlyees, mms expe ses on duty or detailed in connection with work on- (public buildin? and the furnishing and equipment thereof, under or ers from the reasury Department, office rent, and expenses incident thereto; for superintendents, including temporary stenographic and other assistance incident to the preparation of reports and the care of public property, and so forth; or commissions to disbursing a ents in accordance with law; for cost of advertising; for office supplies, including drafting materials, specially dprepared paper, typewriting machines and exchange of same, an furniture, carpets, and office equipment, stationery, telephone service, and such other articles and supplies as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and specially order or a prove for the use of the office of the Supervising Architect, not including heat, light, janitor service, awnings, curtains, or any expenses for the general maintenance of the Treasury building, but including not exceeding one thousand five hundred dollars for books of reference, technical periodicals and journals, subscriptions to which ma be paid in advance, and also for contingencies of every kind and, character, including compensation and expenses of judges to select plans, care of sites acquired for public -bui dings, commissions to ur$,g;¤c¤g;iS*i¤¤¤ ¤<> architects under the provisions of the Act approved February twen— VOL 27,,, ,,,8_ tieth, eighteen hundred and ninety-three, traveling expenses of site agents, recording deeds and other evidences of title, telphone service at completed public buildings for use of custodians, photographic instruments, chemicals, plates, and photographic materials, and such other minor and incidental expenses not enumerated, connected solely with work on public buildings and the acquisition of sites, and the administrative work connected with the annual appropriations under the Supervising Architect’s office, as the Secretary of the Treasury may deem necessary and specially order or approve, but not including surveys, plaster models, photographs, test pit borings, or mill an 88740°···VOL 36. rr 1-11-—-47