Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/758

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734 SIXTY—FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. R°P•i¤· f Fc}; r3pairs,li]§1clud§p§ tlhtle séamrhpbjectslwciiiied under this head t t ran , - ve thousand dollars; B‘""“’k“‘ Olllorcthiidle Iliarrackg ong hiindred and sixty-two thousand dollars; Farm. For farm, including the same ogjeipts specihed under its head for thC talB ht thouandoars; In §ll,rfive lliililrllilredcalnd fifgy-one thousand two hundred dollars. $§'§,'§'Q‘§',§,’?;_§§,_”‘ Western Branch, Leavenworth, Kansas: For current expenses gicludingfiphe sarrlie objects (slpgcgied under this head for the Central , t t t o an dollars; · S¤°=*¤*¤¤°*>· rgb? subsgtgae, inc§di.u§ the same objects specified under this gead for the Central Branc , one hundre and sixty-two thousand H, •>¤¤¤, Mid- OFgf·S household, including the same objects specified under this nesmohou. head for the Central Branch, eighty-seven thousand dollars: Promkled, That no part of this sum shal be used for fuel oil if it shall appear to the board of managers that coal as a fuel can be procured d d more econ0m` a ; H°'*"°"" aDFoli·Sli1ospital, `inclucgliiiiiftlie game lobjectsdsgepfiied under this head forth Central Brano ty-t ree thousand dollars· T"‘”’*’°'“°°“‘ Forllxransportation of members of the home, three thousand dollars; R""‘”· For repairs, inchlidifpfg th¢;;;mehobjects1s(pe§i£ed under this head for - the Central Branc t -t e thousand dollars; . "`""‘ 4 For farm, includihg the same objects specified under this head for `the Central Branch, eighteen thousand dollars; _ In all, four hundred and thirty-four thousand dollars. 8CQ,‘}.,‘;¤}'§}"p§‘·¤,g_‘L Pacific Branch, Santa Monica California: For current exgenses iéicludingiiphe samehobjectg s§>eciliEeddi;ige5· head for the entral ranch t -one thousand ve un dollars; ““"‘*"““’°°· For slubsiisrtence, including the same objects specified under this geahd for the Central Branch, one hundred and sixty-three thousand o ars; H"“’°*’°"’· f Fo; lig;1seho{déincl1;1di1i§ the sameilobjects miziiied under this head or the ntra ranc ty-ni11e thousand dollars; H°”¥’"°’· f Fog hggpital, éncludliiigaéhe slams obljeictg specified under this head - · or the ntra ranc y thousand dollars· '*"""'¥’°"“°*°“· h Fgr galnsiportation df members of the homia, three thousand five un re dollars; R°¥’°'”~ f Fog rgpaim,li]1;cludgrig6tl;o same objegtslspecified under this head or the entra ranc y thousand dollars; "`°"“ *°' *’°"*’"'*’· For six tent houses for hospital one thousand six hundred dollars; """· hF¢g fariiplgxnclucgng tire sarlne objeéztg specified under this head for t e entra ranc twe ve thousand dollars; _ In all, three hundred and ninety thousand six hundred dollars. 2,*u"§,,’g,'}; ;‘;g;m¤_ Marion Branch, Marion, Indiana: For current expenses, including glue sakme objects spepiged under this head for the Central Branch, orty- our t iousan dollars· ““"°*'°°“°°· For subsistence, includingithe same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, one hundred and seven thousand dollars; H°‘“°’*°“* For household, includin§ the same objects specified under this head for the _Central Branc , and for necessary expenses for the propmementg pgnng, ating Hreservation of natural gas, oil, and water, 0rty-eig t thousand dollars· H°°P*°*'- For hospital, including the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, thxrty-seven thousand dollars; '**¤*”P°*¤'-*°¤ h Fgr tg-ainslportation of members of the home, one thousand five un re dollars; K°P·‘”~ For repairs, including the same objects specified under this head t for the Central Branch, thirty-three thousand dollars; hm- For farm, mcludxng the same objects specified under this head for the Central Branch, thirteen thousand five hundred dollars; In all, two hundred and eighty-four thousand dollars.