Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/763

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sixTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. 11. Ch. es4. 1910. 739 and House of Representatives; for gas and electric lighting; pay of superintendent 0 meters, at the rate of one thousand six hundred do lars per annum, who shall inspect all gas and electric meters of the Government in the District of Columbia without additional compensation, lamplighters, gas litters, and for materials and labor for gasland electric lighting, and for general repairs, one hundred thousand 0 ars. For repairs and improvements to steam fire-engine house, and R¤r>¤i¤·¤*¤b¤¤¤»¤*¤= Senate and House stab es, and for repairs to and paving of floors and courtyards of same, one thousand five hundred dollars. PUBLIC LANDS smzvrcm. Pub¤ic1•¤¤d¤· Salaries and commissions of registers and receivers: For salaries and c€§,‘},§‘°” ““" ’“` commissions of registers of district land offices and receivers of public moneys at district land offices, at not exceeding three thousand dollars per annum each, itive hundred and seventy thousand dollars. Conti ent expenses of land offices: For clerk hire, rent, and other °¤¤¤¤¤°¤'°¤P¢¤¤— incidental expenses of the district land offices, including the exchange of t_ ewriters, two hundred and ninety-ve thousand dollars: , Provilizd, That this appropriation shall be available for the payment f,’Q,{'{§}g‘,,,_ of per diem, in lieu of subsistence, not exceeding three dollars per day, of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in the operation of said offices, and in the opening of new land offices and reservations, while on such duty, and for actual necessary traveling expensm of said clerks, inc uding necessary sleeping-car fares: Promlkd further, That no_ expenses nmncuou on exchargeable to the Government shall be incurred by registers and ""“‘“‘“’°'* receivers in the conduct of local land offices except upon previous wie authorization by the Commissioner of the General Land 4 ce. Ex enses of de ositi public mone sz For e nses of deposif 1>¤i¤>¤i¢i¤z moneys monely received fxibm thlg disposal of piiblic landlgliy registered minlig bank exchange, or otherwise, as may be directed by the Secretary of the Interior, and under rules to be aipgroved by the Secretary of the Treasury, one thousand five hundre ollars. Depredations on public timber, (protecting public lands, and settle- m;1;‘L¤;>°<;;ctfi:gw:<;_•§ ment of claims for swamp land an swamp- and indemnity: To meet swaiépnmu clalius. the expenses of protectin timber on the public lands, and for the more efficient executionbpf tlaeiaw ind rulials relating! tcigrtheicifttiang tltiereof; of rotectin u ic am s rom i ega an au u en en ry or appliiopriatiog, End of adjusting claims for swamp lands, and indemnity for swam lands, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, to be immediately available, of which sum five hundred thousand dollars is for the purpose of bringing up the work of the General Land Office hereunder so as to make the same current, and not exceeding Northern mine thirt thousand dollars to enable the Commissioner of the General *“'°“‘* Lancl7Office to complete the examination and classification of lands within the limits of the Northern Pacific grant under the Act of July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, as provided in the Act of vo;. 13,p. asv. February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, such V°‘· ”· ’· ***3* examination andyclassification when approved by the Secretary of the Interior to have the same force and effect as a classification by the mineral land commissioners provided for in said Act of February twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and not exceeding twenty-1ive thousand dollars additional for expenses of hearings held by order of the Commissioner of the General Land Office to determine whether alleged fraudulent entries are of that character or have been made in compliance with law, and not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars additional for clerk hire, rent, and other incidental expenses of district land offices: Provided, That agent and others employed i>,·,”.· ai.°i¤.