Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/768

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744 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 384. 1910. ruaimvspanmaac. INDIAN Amrams. age Hm **~°¤°”¤· That twenty-five thousand dollars of the amount heretofore approxrigcgzuug work, riated for contmuing the work of constructing an_1rr1gation system Q my *“'““' lbr the irrigation of lands on the Fort Hall Reservation, in_Idaho, and 4··*¤·P·274· lands ceded by the Indians of said reservation, as provided m the Act approved April fourth, nineteen hundred and ten, be, and the same is hereby, made immediately available for the purposes therein, mentioned. _ _ _ S¤¤¤¤¤¤¥¤ Iedi¤¤¤i For the payment of all and any necessary expense incurred incident nllbrtnteuzncsljng mh ° to any suits brought at the request of the Secretary of the Interior, including the salary of an attorney specially employed, to set aside illegal conve ances of title or protecting the plossession of Seminole ‘ allottees to tlireir allotted lands in the Seminole _ ation, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, six thousand dollars. mmnmsom, M1scE1.LANEoUs OBJECTS, DEPARTMENT OF TQE INTERIOR. ‘ D1¤b¤r¤e¤¢ vw- Expenses of testimony in disbarment proceedings: For_actual and

 necessary expenses to enable the Secretary of the Interior to tdre

testimony, and_ prepare the same, m connection with disbarmeut roceedmgs mstituted against persons charged with 1mpropeg>ract*i€'es before the Department of the Interior, its bureaus and 0 ces, two thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. Supreme Gum Be- Supreme Court Reports: To pay the (publishers of the decisions °°m’ of the Supreme Court for two hundred an seventy copies of volumes two hundred aud nineteen to two hundred and twenty-three inclusive, official edition, at twodollars per volume, and for iiftcen copies of volume fifty-four of the Decisions of the Supreme Court, Lawyers’ Cooperative Publishing Company, at five dollars per volume, two thousand seven hundred and sevent —five dollars. A1¤n._ Care and custody of the insane of Alaska: For the care and custody Cm °f“‘““°‘ of persons legally adjudged insane in the district of Alaska, including transportation and other expenses, Eft thousand dollars. museum; of us- Education in Alaska: To enable the Secretary of the Interior, in his °"°°‘ discretion and under his direction, to provide for the education and support of the Eskimos, Aleuts, Indians and other natives of Alaska• for erection, repair, and rental of school buildings; for text·books and industrial apparatus; for pay and necessary traveling expenses of general agent, assistant agent, superintendents, teachers, physicians, and other employees, and all other necessary miscellaneous expenses which are not included under the above special heads, two hundred thousand dollars, so much of which sum as ma be necessa for the p,,,,,.,_,,,,_ purchase of supplies shall be immediately available: Promhllzd, That 1·“°”°‘P°Y· no rson employed hereunder as special agent or inspector, or to perihim any special or unusual duty in connection herewith, shall receive as compensation exceeding two hundred dollars per month, in addition to actual traveling ex enses and per diem not exceeding four dollars in lieu of subsistence, wlien absent on duty from his designated wpxerlpies. washing- and actual post of duty: Provided, That of the sum hereby appro- ' ' priated not exceeding seven thousand dollars may be expended for pegsgnal serpices in the District of Columpia. Supervision or ex- e enritures o monc · appropriatec herein for school ur oses °°"`m°'°°' in Alaska shall be under tile sliilperlirision and direction of tlie Commissioner of Education and in conformity with such conditions, rules, and regulations as to conduct and methods of instruction and ex ndi- . . Pe ture of money as may from time to time be recommended by him and approved by the Secretary of the Interior. Reindeer. eindeer for Alaska: For the support of reindeer stations in Alaska, and for the instruction of Alaskan natives in the care and management of the reindeer, twelve thousand dollars.