Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/809

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SIXTY·FIRST cosennss. sms. II. cu. ess. 1910. 7 85 lamps on avenues, streets, roads, and alleys; purchasing and expense of erecting and maintaining new lamp-posts, street designations, lanterns and fixtures; moving lamp-posts, painf lamp—posts and lanterns; replacing and repairing lamp-posts andnlganterns damaged or unfit for service; for rent of storeroom, cartage of material, livery and other necessary items, for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and mne, m addition to the appropriation provided for said service for said fiscal year. Burnnmes Arm onomms, PUBLIC scnoors: For further improve- §?,P;§§°e*;°,§*°°‘;,gh . merits and extension of the Western High School, including four Schooladdrtional rooms, toilet room, retaining walls, and the enla ement of lunch room, drill hall, and assembly hall, and im rovementsrtilierem, and for increasi§ the size of windows in the east Ifront of the present buil ad tional light to class rooms, to continue available during year nineteen undred and eleven, forty thousand dollars. INSTRUCTION or runremrr num) CHILDRENS For additional amount .,{J§.i,'f_°" °u“° rerpuired for the instruction of indigent blind children of the District of olumbia, in Maryland or some other State, under a contract to be entered into by! the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, fiscal year nineteen undred and nine, six hundred dollars. . Fran nnrnrunurz For additional amount required for forage, }`{_';ggP•*’¤¤¤ one thousand three hundred and thirty dollars. ` Hrcayrrr nnranmmmz For additional amount required for enforce- §§D°}ge°,§B§g_g¤£ ment of provisions of law relating to drainage of lots and abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seven, thirteen dollars and eighty cents. - Comrrs: Juvenile court: For servrces rendered by acting judge of _{‘g,°¤”;*u$°‘;**— 'uvenile court during absence of judge of said court, as authorized vorii p.1s.' lay section three of the Act of March nineteenth,· nineteen hundred . and six (Thirty-fourth Statutes, page seventy-three): d giscal year nineteen hundred an ten, one hundred and forty-five o ars. giscal year nineteen hrmdred and nine, one hundred and fifteen dollars. Wnrrs or LUNACYZ For additional amount required to meet the L¤¤•·=v *¤¤- objects set forth in the appropriations for writs of lrmacy, District of Columbia: Fiscal year nineteen hundred and ten, eight hundred dollars. Fiscal year nineteen hundred and nine, two hundred and forty- nine dollars and twenty cents. WASHINGTON AsYLmr: For additional amount required for pro- W¤¤¤¤¤s¤>¤ Asylumvisions, fuel forage, harness and_vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothing, dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supp res, furniture and bedding, kitchen utensils, and other necessary items, five thousand dollars. _ _ · For additional amount required for erection of administration building for the workhouse for males, to pay F. L. Averill balance due for preparation of plans and specifications for said building, six hundred and forty dollars and fifty-four cents, and Fred A. Schmidt, balance due for tracings account same, five dollars and seventy-two cents; in all, six hundred and forty-six dollars and twenty-six cents. Rr;ForuuA’r01rY AND WORKHOUSE: For the following purposes in w§;*fgg*;¤:;°¤'Y wd connection with the removal of jail and workhouse prisoners from oenmréxpema. the District of Columbia to the sites acquired or to be ac uired for a workhouse and reformatory in the State of Maryland or (virginia, in accordance with the provisions of existing law, including su rin- "°l· 85- P- "17· tendence, custody, clothing, guarding, maintenance, care, anrlxgu port of said prisoners; subsistence, fumiture, and quarters for guards and overseers; the purchase and maintenance of farm implements, tools, equipment, live stock, seeds, and miscellaneous items, trans-