Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/814

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790 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 385. 1910. imsgtsqmenee Depart SUBSISTENCE DEPARTMENT. S“l*'¤**¤ I·°“‘¤‘¤’•**· Reli f of sufferers from storm in Louisiana: For reimbursement of mliséiiligiree miginig the appropriation "Subsistence of the army, nineteen hundred and

  • “'“i‘°°° ”°°°'°”‘ ten," in the sum of three thousand and seventy-nme_dollars and

eighty cents, being the value of subsistence suppyhes furnished to sufferers from the storm in Louisiana in Septem r, nineteen hundred , and nine, three thousand and seventy-nme dollars and eighty cents. mgrniarear nepmf mmmcar. DEPARTMENT. “°‘“°“* '“P*’l’ °°` Re I in medical sup lies destroyed by fire: For replacin medi- Wéeglihiiumwm cal arildalilosgital su lies dlestro ed by fire at the arm medicalg supply P PP Y _ g' de ot in New York City, February fourth, nmeteen undred and ten tolbe available for purchases during the fiscal years nineteen hrmdred and ten and nineteen hundred an eleven, three hundred and sixty- seven thousand dollars. srgmrrsemee. SIGNAL sERvroE. ¥§{§"gf’,,$°l·,,g°§’_"°“°* The funds appropriated in the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred and nine, or the purchase an development of wireless telephone apparatus are herebtylmade available, for the purposes heretoore appropriated, during e fiscal year ending June thirtieth,.nine- · M6 te? hupgred and elevepl. W U h · W¤¤¤U¤*¤¤ eim rsement to the estem nion T 1 ap Com : T mph °°m°°°y` reimburse the Western Union Telggraph Conti Bagrly, from of the Washington-Alaska Military abe and 'lzele aph System for services in transm1tt1n§Ia guaranteed mess e rgbm Fort E bert, Alaska, to Christiania, orway, seven hrmdreug and fifty-five dillars and twenty-eight cents. rnumy aeuremy. MILITARY ACADEMY . rue1,e:e. For fuel and apparatus, namely: Coal, wood, charcoal, stoves, grates, heaters, furnaces, ranges and fixtures, fire bricks, clay, sand and for repairs of steam-heating and coal-conveying ap aratus, érafes, stoves, heaters, ranges, furnaces, and mica, three tliousand o ars. ca c. o.w.Be¤¤. To reimburse appropriation "Regular s li arte bef R°Y“°°"°‘”°“° °°‘ Department, Unitedp States Army," for static$§·yBSi1r·hlllasedl;aI,ii1<*l'Suse¢l} in examination of candidates for admission to thegluited States Military Academyrm January, nineteen hundred and nine, paid for by Captain O. . Bell, quartermaster, United States Army, per his voucher numbered twenty-three—A, March, nineteen hundred and nine, twelve dollars and fifty cents. Navy Department. ceuungeueexpemes. The Secretary of the Navy is thoriz d to f pgation for contingent expensesmdf the tllavyplilllelpaigrrrilertiltlo flilfpglie al year nineteen hundred and nine, nine vouchers, amorinting to ,two hundred and thirty-four dollars and twenty-six cents for tech. meal and professional periodicals purchased for the use of the various lliureirusi of (isha Navy Department during the fiscal year nineteen Italian earthquake. un P9 an . {une" cream; for sums to _ Relief of citizens of Italy: That th Se t f h ' »·¤e~»»- B hereby, sara-rad e allow rr ai e&iZ£2¥r°0F Sr? ZZZ0EE’r§'2,‘} the carvoes of the naval supply shi s Celtic and Culvoa such expenditures oil stores for the relief of the Italian eartheiluake sufferers in excess of three hundred thousand dollars originally set aside for this