Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/879

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cris. 429-431. 1910. 855 CHAP. 429.-An Act To authorize the building of bridges across the Saint Marys ·l¤¤& 25· 1910- River, Georgia, and the Kootenai River, Idaho. [H· R· 26349] [Public, N0. 311. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United 1 States of America in Congress assembled.- Tilidit the Saint Marys and S¤i¤¢M¤rr¤ River- Kingsland Railroad Company, a corporation organized under the laws Kgiiéblliinddarlslhilrbldg of the State of Georgia, is hereby authorized to construct, maintain, §§‘§§;§’£,‘§§}§Q’§§8°· and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across the Saint Marys ° ` River at a point suitable to the interests of navigation, at or near a point about one mile west of the town of Saint Marys, in the county of Camden, in the State of Georgia, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the construction of bridges V<>1-=*A.1>.84. over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundredandsaxli th K K Le R nc. 2. at e ootenai Valle Railway Com n , a cor ration °° ““* i"°'· organized under the laws of the Stags of Washingtolhi: herebypsuthor- nhixiii ized to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto $$5 ;?§gi,°idZi;£°°` across the Kootenai River ata int suitable to theinterests of navigation at or near Bonners Ferry, in th; State of Idaho, in accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled “An Act to re ulate the construction V¤1·84.p.84· of bridges over navigable waters," approved March twenty-third, nineteen hundred and six. . Sec. 3. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·'“"°“‘*’”°°*· expressly reserved. » Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 430.-An Act To authorize the construction and maintenance of a dike on lglhmg Olalla Slough, Lincoln County, Oregon. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat1}ves of the United States of America in Cbngness assembled, That the le al officers of g}Q{}§S(}§Q§,l; (f{§§; the Olalla diking district, organized under the laws 0% the State of sep my ¤<>¤¤¤r¤¤¤¤ Oregon, be, and hereby are, authorized to constructu on the founda- I °m°Bi' tion already laid, and to maintain a dike across the Ol)alla Slou h, in Lincoln County, Oregon, with a to therein so constructed and _ maintained as to be readily openefimd easily operated for the purposes of navigation. Said gates may be closed for such time as to <>l¤¤i¤z sms prevent the overflowing by; e tides of the lands above the dike under regulations to be prescri d from time to time by the Secretary of War: Provided, however, That the work now existin shall not be ff;,‘;_‘§§‘;;,, 0, plum legalized nor shall any new work be commenced until the plans therefor have been Bled with and approved by the Secretary of War and Chief of En 'neers. Sec. 2. Thht the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby ·'*“‘°“"‘°°“*· expressly reserved. Approved, June 25, 1910. CHAP. 431.-An Act To rovide for determining the heirs of deceased Indians, for the dis sition and sale ofp allotments of deceased Indians, for the leasing of allot- ments, andxior other purposes. [ ° °' ‘ °` `] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re esentatives of the United I ,_ H States of America in Cbngress assembled, Thht when any Indian to mJ$£f" mm ° °f whom an allotment of land has been made, or ma hereafter be made, m{§§§{f,§‘}n°g,j‘§;” °* dies before the expiration of the trust period andy before the issuance of a fee simple patent, without having made a will dis osing of said allotment as hereinafter provided, the Secretary of the lhterior, upon notice and hearing, under such rules as he mayprescribe, shall ascertain the legal heirs of such decedent, and his decision thereon shall be , _ final and conclusive. If the Secretary of the Interior decides the ;,g}°§fil{t°L'§-;Zi_8°°r°` heir or heirs of such decedent competent to manage their own affairs,