Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/881

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 431. 1910. 857 Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, and the proceeds of any such lease shall be paid to the allottee or his heirs, or expended for his or their benefit, in the discretion of the Secretary of the Interior. - Sec. 5. That it shall be unlawful for- any person to induce any m}&%¤§;¤Iud*;gQ]:°g; Indian to execute any contract, deed, mortgage, or other instrument mm mmers unlawpprporting to convey any land or any interest therein held by the M nited States in trust for such Indian, or to offer any such contract, deed, mortgage, or other instrument for record in the office of any recorder o eeds. Any person violating this provision shall be "°m¤**m°¤**°*· deemed guiltyuof a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a e not exceeding five hundred dollars for the iirst offense, and if convicted for a second offense may be punished by a iine not exceeding) five hundred dollars or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or y both such fine and imprisonment, in the discre- _ tion of the court: Provided, That this section shall not apply to any mon lease or other contract authorized by law to be made. _ P ` Sec. 6. That section fifty of the Act entitled "An Act to codify, ,,2;,§“b°’ °"*”°°“` revise, and amend the nal laws of the United States," a proved uY;l}hed*’·5· P· 1°°°· March fourth, nineteen heundred and nine (Thirty-fifth United States ` Statutes at Large, page one thousand and ninety-eight), is hereby amended so as to read: "Sec. 50. Whoever shall unlawfully cut, or aid in unlawfully ,.§',‘;§}*§§;“§§‘,{§’sQ‘}$§j cutting, or shall wantonly injure or destroy, or procure to be wantonly ¤¤¤ Or 1¤¤i¤¤ 1¤¤d¤ injure or destroyed, any tree, growing, standing, or being upon any land of the United States which, rn pursuance of law, has been reserved or (purchased by the United States for any public use, or upon any In ian reservation, or lands belonglipg to or occupied by an tribe of Indians under the authority of the mted States, or any allot- c,,,T§‘jf °“°'“"°”""" ment while the title to the same shall be held in trust by the Government, or while the same shall remain inalienable by the allottee with- · out the consent of the United States, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned ·not more than one year, or both." That section ’dfty-three of said Act is hereby amended so as to read: "Sec. 53. Whoever shall build a fire in or near any forest, timber, Ppnishmeut ger not or other inilammable material upon the public domain, or upon any i:s;ii»$ii.iZiiii1rii1¤ii1°1g: Indian reservation, or lands belonging to or occupied by any tribe of *“’Q,‘§,§· ,,5 P ,0,,, Indians under the authority of the United States, or upon any Indian ¤m¤n?1ed.' ` allotment while the title to the same shall be held in trust by the u.l`.iZ*3l°ll°°m°°”’°' Government, or while the same shall remain inalienable by the al ottee without the consent of the United States, shall, before leaving said iire, totally extinguish the same; and whoever shall fail to do so shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both." Sec. 7. That the mature living and dead and down timber on gg$B*gQ);¤gg;`*g;;¤g¤;; unallotted lands of any Indian reservation may be sold under regu- unallotted rauerm. lations to be prescribed by the Secretary of the Interior, and the roceeds from such sales shall be used for the benefit of the Indians oi) the reservation in such manner as he may direct: Provided, That this gzzkgion section shall not apply to the States of Minnesota and Wisconsin. P ` Sec. 8. That the timber on any Indian allotment held under a trust trggggglgfuyégger ¤¤ or other patent containing restrictions on alienations, may be sold by ` the allottee with the consent of the Secretary of the Interior and the roceeds thereof shall be paid to the allottee or dis sed of for his benefit under regulations to be prescribed by the &(cretary of the Interior. ‘ Sec. 9. That section three of the Act entitled "An Act to provide tO¥i*;¤é·};u§¤ Ssmeitv for the allotment of lands in severalty to Indians on the various reser— vei. 24, p. sas, vations, and to extend the protection of the laws of the United States ‘“"°“°°°‘ and the Territories over the Indians, and for other purposes,"