Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/896

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872 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rus. 3. 1910. its bureaus, officers, and employees, and of said Bureau of Forestry,

  • ’°'“'· its officers, and employees as it may deem desirable. Said committee

or any subcommittee thereof is hereby empowered to sit and act during the session or recess of Congress, or o either House thereof; to require by subpoena, or otherwise, the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, documents, and papers; to take the testimony of witnesses under oath; to obtain documents, papers, and other information from the several departments of the Government, or any bureau thereof; to emploiy stenogmphers to take and make a record of all evidence taken an received by the committee, and to keep a record of _ its proceedings; to havesuch evidence, record, and other matter required by the committee printed and suitably bound; and to employ such °•¤¤ assistance as may be deemed necessary. The chairman of the committee, or any member thereof, may administer oaths to witnesses. n&;¤]*¤·¤°• °* *i*· Subpcenas for witnesses shall be issued under the signature of the chairman of the committee or the chairman of any subcommittee thereof. And in case of disobedience to a subpoena this committee may invoke the and of any court of the United States or of any of the Territories thereof or of the District of Columbia or the district of Alaska, within the jurisdiction of which any inquiry may be carried on by said committee in requiring the attendance and testimony of witnesses and the production of books, papers, and documents_under_the provisions of this resolution. And any such cpurt withm the lu iction of which the inquiry under this resolu. ’ tion IS being carried on may, in case of contumacy or refusal to obey · a subpoena issued to any person under authority of this resolution issue an or er requiring such person to appear before said committee and produce books and_ papers 1f so ordered and give evidence touching the uasgtter rnhqzeitionkagd arg failure toobeybsuch order of the court <>r¤¤¤¤•¤¤¢ *¢¤¤-¤¤*.Y ums 6 Y Su Wu ¤¤9·00¤l3€m tt ereof. Theclaim that "°°>’· any suclytestimony or evidence may tend tg criminate the person 'v- mg such evidence shall not excuse such witness from testifying {lint such evidence or testimony shall not be used against such persdn on the trial of any_ criminal proceeding except in prosecution for rjury hzigziigrpgghgygtge committed in giving such testimony. In addition to being subiect to punishment for contempt, as herembefore rovided, every person who . aving been summonedas a witness by authorit of said committee of any subcommittee thereof, willfully makes default, or who having appeared, refuses answer any question pertinent to the ifivestiga. tion herein authorized, shall be deemed gui ty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof, be punished by a Ene of not more than ond thousand dollarq rgor les? than ppc hundred dollars, and imprisonment in a common ai or no more an one year not less than one month. °,§c*;;¤,:¤°* *“°"°d Arg officml], or ex~oiHc1al, of the Department of the Interior, or of the _ ureau of _Forestry, in the Department of Agriculture, whose otiicial conduct is in question, may appear and be heard before the said ]omt comm1ttee,or aréy subcommittee thereof, in person or by counsel. gtzngggigr. All hearings by an before said yomt committee or any subcommittee therpofl shgllbe open {to the (public. The said joint committee shall _ cone u e 1 s inves iga ion an re rt to thi · a1>1>rvx>¤~¤¤¤- taken and received and their finggngs and scdiibll§§bSrisallii:i]·?e¢;1i1d(Jfl`ll`i6 sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may bg necessary, is ereby appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to pay the necessary expenses of said Qggiggoroirrgtgnrgateel, tliceuggid spom gp be disbursed by the Secretarv of ers a ro · “ committee. P0 pp ved by the chairman of the Approved, January 19, 1910.