Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/906

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882 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. II. Rss. 32-35. 1910. any law thereof, to tix the boundarly line between said States where the Columbia River now forms said boundary, and to cede, respect ively, each to the other, such islands, sands, tracts, or parcels of and, title to which has heretofore been in dispute; that is to say, consent is hereby given to the State of Oregon to cede all such islands, sands, tracts, or reels of land lying on the Washington side of the line so fixed and dbltermined to be the boundary line between said States, and consent is given to the State of Washington to cede to the State of Oregon all such islands, sands, tracts, or %·cels of land lying on the Oregon side of the line so fixed as the undary line between said States. And thereafter said line so fixed shall become and be recognized as the true boundary line between said States. Approved, June 10, 1910. ·l¤*;¤}é:°1& [No.3§.] Joint Resolution Makin the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the ..L&.;.._l.. appropriate marking of the graves of She soldiers and sailors of the confederate army ""'°` ”“" M ”°' 3?£i”§X§ `l}}°J}.t‘£ `"¤“°'“’°i'? ’.I'i“i’“‘t."‘ti*.e".;°£$.¢'.Zh?".§?i*t.§‘?.I.*I.i {Ti.? 'Z£3'?>§h°’ wry; at Chiwgm P TPOBBS, y 0 W mB· Resolved by the Senate cmd House of Rqaresentatzives of the United ¤§gY_,,F{,,,,§,",,,_€·°,,£;'°"‘ States qf.Aynerica in Congress assembled, That the Act entitled "An wgrosrmc in Act to provide for the approdpriate marking of the graves of the solv.,;_ M, P, 5;; vo; diers and sailors of the confe crate army and navy who died in north-

  • '· P- W- - ern prisons and were buried near the prisons where they died, and for

other purp0ses," approved March ninth, nineteen hundred and six, as heretofore continued in full force and effect, shall hereafter be con- Am P 875. pta-ned to apptlyto the cozgfederptzl monilnd infOakwood Cemetery, at - · ‘ icago, any ing m ]01n reso u °ons ereto ore passed by Congress to the contrary notwithstanding. Approved, June 11, 1910. · . Junew. 19l0· ’c.34. Joint Resolution To enable the Sta ‘ · · · [PEZ- ; R°’:*’;·] anIifMichiIgan to determine the jurisdiction of i:o`d’nIxiiiq°ttrbed¤dx§lllra;)e ialinehdngm, . BU., 0. , Resolved by tlae Senate and House of Resentatives 0 the United ¥;,§°,°l{jf,[f‘{{§,,o,, States of Amerzra cn Congress assemblgl, flzliat the conseiit of the Con- 1¤¤¤;:§ uzglengprrg; {regs p the .UD1tBd States is hereby given to the States of Wisconsin, Kigqonsycumacsm- llinois, Indiana, and M1Chlii¤, or any two or more of them, by such °°· agtiileement or compact_as t_ey may deem desirable or necessary or o erwnse, not in conflict with the Constitution of the United States or any law thereof, to determine and settle the jurisdiction to be exercised by said States, respectively, over offenses arising out of the Iviolgtion of the laws of any of said States upon the waters of Lake ic igan. . Approved, June 22, 1910. ·l¤¤° 2‘·m°· No. 35. Joint ResolutionC ti ‘ ‘ ·

 nt[the celeibration of the first ceb`i:uxli1§1llol(t[llii>u§l;i)1fbl;: bipllhfiigclhe Umm! Smu-

Resolved by the Semzte and House 0 R res ‘ * nggexicnn cennen- States of America in Congress assembled; Tegat aezbldiiiidsifdig lgzzlgad cémmissieumnor. created, consistin of three Senators, to be a inted b t . · y ized to represent · § PPO y he Plesfldellt Umm, sum an of the Senate, an three Members of the House of Representatives to xm, p. na. be appointed by the Speaker of the House`of Representatives and three persons, to beaeppointed by the President of the United States - to represent the [init _States at the celebration of the first centennial of the Republic of Mexico, at the City of Mexico, in said Republic of Mexico, uring the month of September, nineteen hundred and ten - Approved, June 24, 1910. `