Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/91

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 6. 1909.67 furs, further advanced than dressing and dyeing, when prepared for Su§"d§i$_Q_“&E0§i,d use as material, including plates, linings, and crosses, thirty-five per ` centum ad valorem; articles of wearing apparel of every description, partly or wholly manufactured, composed of or of which fur is the component material of chief value, Bfty per centum ad valorem. Furs not on the skin, prepared for hatters’ use, including fur skins carroted, twenty r centum ad valorem. 440. Fans of alleldnds, except common palm—leaf fans, fifty per F¤¤¤· centum ad valorem. 441. Gun wads of all descriptions, twenty per centum ad valorem. G‘“‘ "“d’· 442. Hair, human, if clean or drawn but not manufactured, twent Humm hmper centum ad valorem; manufactures of human hair, or of which uman hair is the component material of chief value, not specially - provided for in this section, thirty-five per centum ad valorem. 443. Plushes and woven fabrics (except crinoline cloth and hair e$¤i¤¤¤¤—h¤irp1¤¤hea seating) and manufactures thereof, composed of the hair of the camel, ' goat, al aca, or an animal, combined with wool, vegetable fiber, or silk, shallil be classified and dutiable as manufactures of wool. d444i Hair, curled, suitable for beds or mattresses, ten per centum C“"°d *"*i’· a va orem. 445. Haircloth, known as "crinoline" cloth, eight cents per square H¤i*’°*°*h· yard; haircloth, known as " hair seating/’ and hair press cloth, twenty cents per square yard. 446. Hats, bonnets, or hoods, for men’s, women’s, be s’, or chil- F“"‘“‘“·°‘°· dren' s wear, trimmed or untrimmed, including bodies, hoodg, plateaux, forms, or shapes, for hats or bonuets, composed wholly or in chief value of fur of the rabbit, beaver, or other animals, valued at not more than four dollars and fifty cents r dozen, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen; valued at more than fifur dollars and fifty cents per dozen and not more than nine dollars per dozen, three dollars per dozen; valued at more than nine dollars per dozen and not more than eighteen dollars per dozen, five dollars per dozen; valued at more than eighteen dollars per dozen, seven dollars per dozen; and in

  • addition thereto, on all the foregoing, twenty per centum ad valorem.

447. Indurated fiber ware and manufactures of pulp, not s cific- Fiber wm. ally provided for in this section, printed or unprinted, thirty-ii):e per centum ad valorem. ` 448. Chains, pins, collar, cuff, and dress buttons, charms, combs, ’°"°""·°‘°· millinery and military omaments, together with all other articles of every description, finished or partly finished, if set with imitation precious stones composed of glass or paste (except imitation jet), or composed wholly or in chief value of silver, German silver, white metal, brass, or gun metal, whether or not enameled, washed, covered, plated, or alloyed with gold, silver or nickel, and designed to be worn on apparel or carried on or about or attached to the person, valued at twenty cents per dozen pieces, one cent each and in addition thereto three—fifths of one cent per dozen for each one cent the value exceeds twenty cents per dozen; all stampings and materials of metal (except irorf or steel), or of metal set with glass or aste, finished or partly finished,suitable foruse in the manufacture ofp any of the foregoing articles (except chain valued at less than thirty cents per yard other than nicke or nickel-plated chain), valued at seventy-two cents per gross, three cents per dozen pieces and in addition thereto one—half of one cent per gross for each one cent the value exceeds seventy-two cents per gross; rope, curb, cable, and other fanc patterns of chain, without bar, swivel, snap or ring, composed of roiled gold plate or of silver, German silver, white metal, or brass, not exceeding one—half of one mch in diameter, breadth or thickness, valued at thirt cents per yard, six cents per foot, and in addition thereto three-fifths of one cent per yard for each one cent the value exceeds thirty cents per yard; fimshed or unfinished bags, purses and other articles, or parts thereof,