Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/928

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904 SIXTY·FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. CHS. 53-56. 1911. AM .1>.1¤¤- Colorado Utah Wyoming Minnesota Washington, and Qregon, and 8 the Territories Sr Ariaona dud New Mexico, where the period in which they were or are required bylaw to make entry under such declaratory · statements or to establish residence 0XP11‘Bd or expiresafter December first, nineteen hundred and ten, are hereby] grante until Mag fifteenth, . _ nineteen hundred and eleven, within w 1ch to make suc entry or

; P.,-M ..0. establish such residenceupon the lands so entered by them :_ Promded,

¤*=°¤°¤°d· That this extension of time shall not shorten either the period of commutation or actual residence required by the homestead aw; Provzded Advma °*¤**¤¤ **0* further, That this Act shall not affect an adverse claim mitiated prior °¤°°m` to the passage of the Act and after the expiration of the time allowed an entryman for estabhshing residence on the land. _ _ M·¤¢¤¤¤ Mmm- _ Sec. 2. That homestead entrymen or settlers utpon the public domain in the States and Territories above named be, an _ the same are hereby, relieved from the necessitg of residence upon their lands from the date _ of the a proval of this ct to May fifteenth, nineteen_ hundred and §‘{"§,‘§,;m.d ,,.0,,, eleven: govided, That the time of actual absence during the period f¤11D¢1’1¤¢r named shall not be deducted from the full time of res1dence requnred by law. Approved, February 13, 1911. l F¢¤¤E§¤¤’9&g51;j1911~ _54.——An Act To authorize the construction of a bridge across Saint John A ,.. _ . VBI', NBB. [mw ,u ass] , c 0 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatoves of the United ¤¤¤¢J¤¤¤ Kim- States o_fAmer1Ica in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress Maine and Canada . . . . . my snags, between is hereby Agven to the constructmn, maintenance, and operation by the }_’;}g‘uE“ md ““°‘ State of ine and the Dominion of Canada, jointly, of a brid e now in course of erection across Saint John River between Van Luren, Maine, and Saint Leonards, New Brunswick, in accordance with the "’°‘· "· ¥’· 8*- provisions of the Act ent1tled “Au Act to rciiyulate the construction of . bridges over navigable waters./’ approved arch twenty-third, nine- . teen hundred and six, said bridqp to be used only as a common highway R*¤"°” °’°‘“°°°· for passengers and common ve icles, and in no case used for steam, electric, or other railways. » A*¤°¤*“¤°¤'~ Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, February 13, 1911. Fb 13-1911- CHAP. 55.-A At A th ° ° b Sec f Co _.1%"*`}@_ .x.i...,.. a...a. 3.. .i...m`L..§£`.?£?§..£i§..r .i.°.Z“‘,$.?'..°.r B.€‘.€1,‘i‘f‘°° ““" L""°’ ‘° {runnin, Ne. aaa] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat2Pves of the United §f,'§§;,,€§°§§·,mm,_ States nfAmeriea in Lbngress assembled, That the Secretary of Comsr•;¤;;:r¤¢=%¤2¤iw· merce and Labor be, and he is hereby, authorized to exchan e the site Aaairiiinaikme. heretofore acquired for an immigrant station at Boston, ilassachu-

  • ’°°‘· P- 1***- setts, for another suitable site, the additional cost not to exceed thirty

thousand dollars. ‘ Approved, February 13, 1911. Febrnnrr13.1911- CHAP. 56.-A A t G ting H L. Ha i ' [Pu;;;·i;j·;60.] ds., .. rh. ssinricmxiliilmver,ngsrillraiilimviiie,r§BaixnSi€.iIi»£i$nm<iriiini(;»,cix)£;t1i.i1g?¤? ’ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representat1}ves th U `led %*gr'?,f1gu°“§_Y’},1}·f,‘§;; States of Ameerieez in Congress assembled, That Herman L. %`art?ens7i;;in §·§t¤;`_i¤§¤]»;>· dam. nw a citizen of the State of Michigan, his heirs and assigns, be, and they ‘ are hereby, authorized toconstruct. maintain, and operate a dam across