Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/939

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 103. 1911. 915 inspector within three months after the a proval of this Act, and after m·}ag1ggf,°‘· °*°·· °* hearing and approval by the Interstate Commerce Commission, such ` rules and £n§t;uctions,b¥vith such modiiilpations as the commission requires, s a ecomeo igatory upon suc carrier: Pr however P"”’“°*· That if any carrier subject to this Act shall fail to file its i·ules and iflglriiéffgilmeorblg instructions the chief inspector shall prepare rules and instructions °°" not inconsistent herewith for the inspection of locomotive boilers, to be observed by such carrier; which rules and instructions, being ppproved by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and a copy ereof being served ulpon the president, general manager, or general superintendent of suc carrier, shall be obligatory and a violation thereof punished as hereinafter provided: Provekled also, That such °h¤¤8°¤· common carrier may from time to time chang? the rules and regulalations herein provided for, but such change s all not take effect and the new rules and regulations be in force until the same shall have been filed with and approved by the Interstate Commerce Commission. The chief inspector shall also make all needful rules, regulations, and °“°° *******5- ewinstructions not inconsistent herewith for the conduct of his office and for the government of the district ins ctors: Provided, however, ` That all such rules and instructions shalllfe approved by the Inter- mf,§°'°'°l °‘ *11 state Commerce Commission before they take effect. Sec. 6. That it shall be the duty of each inspector to become vismcmspecaou. familiar, so far as practicable, with the condition of each locomotive boiler ordinaril housed or repaired in his district, and if any locomotive is ordinarilyy housed or repaired in two or more districts, then the chief inspector or an assistant shall make such division between inspectors as will avoid the necessity for duplication of work. Each 0,§)•;,¤,gg;!¤·1 i¤¤¤¤<=¤¤¤ ins ector shall make such personal inspection of the locomotive ' boillers under his care from time to time as may be necessary to fully carry out the provisions of this Act, and as may be consistent wit his other duties, but he shall not be required to make such inspections , at stated times or at regular intervals. His first duty shall be to see rnspectimi by uathat the carriers make inspections in accordance with the rules and dm regulations established or approved` by the Interstate Commerce Commission, and that carriers re air the defects which such inspections disclose before the boiler or Ixoilers or appurtenances pertaining thereto are again put in service. To this en each carrier subject to m§·g°¤’¤ *¤v<>¤¤ mba this Act shall file with the inspector in charge, under the oath of the ` proper officer or employee, a duplicate of the report of each inspection required by such rules and regulations, and shall also file with such lIlSpBCt0I‘, l.lIl(l0I' tht? 08.tll of lZl‘lB pI`0p8l‘ ofIlCOI` OI` BHlpl0y69’ 5 I‘9PI£JI'li Repairing defects. showing the re air of the defects disclosed by the inspection. he rules and regul)ations hereinbefore provided for shall prescribe the _ time at which such reports shall be made. Whenever any district ,,,,1§‘g§§f*’€,‘f,{ d°‘°°“"" ins ector shall, in the performance of his duty, find any locomotive boiler or a paratus pertaining thereto not conforming to the requirements of tile law or the rules and regulations established and approved as hereinbefore stated, he shall notigy the carrier in writing that the locomotive is not in serviceable con ition, and thereafter such boiler shall not be used until in serviceable condition: Provided, That a car- {rom? me _ rier, when notified by an inspector in writing that a. locomotive boiler speggiabgigui-1erfm` is not in serviceable condition, because of defects set out and described in said notice, may within five days after receiving said notice, appeal to the chief inspector by_tele<rraph or by letter to have said boiler reexamined, and upon receipt of the appea from the inspector’s decision, the chief inspector sha assign one of the assistant chief R°°x’“'“”*‘“°¤· inspectors or any district inspector other than the one from whose decision the appeal is taken to reexamine and inspect said boiler within fifteen ays from date of notice. If u on such reexamination Mum the boiler is found in serviceable condition, fha chief inspector shall immediately notify the carrier in writing, whereupon such boiler may