Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/969

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SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 166. 1911. 945 Improving Brazos River,;Texas, from Old Washington to Waco: wgg Wuhinzwu w golri the completion of lockand dam at Hidalgo Falls, fifty thousand ` 0 ETS. ~ra·:·—· ` Improving Trinity River, Texas: Continuing improvement and for T¤¤*°¥ Ri*¤¤·T¤¤- mamtenance b open-channel work, fortlyothousand dollars. , Improving Cjlypress Bayou, Texas and uisiana: For maintenance, m‘f,Y£s*°¤=B=Y°¤·T¢¤- two thousand ve hundred dollars. ' Improving Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana: Continuing °(;1=I_<;¤i¤Riv¢¤»Mk improvement b§the construction of Locks and Dams Numbered Two, °° ` Four, Six, and ight two hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into a contract or §Q§’,'{",,f,;,_.,_ contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete _ the said locks and dams, to be paid for as appropriations may fr·om time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate two hundred thousand dollars, exclusive of the amounts herem and heretofore appl1;>priated. proving Ouachita River, Arkansas and Louisiana: Continuing R°'“°'*”¥“°°8”·°*¤· improvement by removingisnags, leaning trees, and other obstructions between Camden and Ar ade phia, in the State of Arkansas, seven thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Arkansas River, Arkansas: For maintenance of improve- *}.?,§,*;¤,§g¤u£mX$g_ ment, including works at Pine Bluff and the operation of dredging ’ plant, sixty-two thousand five hundred dollars. Improving Black and Current Rivers, Arkansas and Missouri: For m§gj_*$j*“gg,?* maintenance, seven thousand one hundred dollars. ' Improving Cache River, Arkansas: For maintenance, three thou- °¤¤’=° Biv¤··¤¤=- sand dollars. _ Improving Saint Francis River, Arkansas: For maintenance of etwgamw River. improvement of Saint Francis and L’Anguille Rivers, and Blacktish " Ba ou, two thousand five hundred dollars. th{mprovi(pg] White River, Arkansas: For maintenance, eighteen Wkiw River. Ark. ousand o 81*8. Improving Cumberland River above Nashville, Tennessee: Com- g?¤¤¤b¢§l¤¤g iiger let' im rovement for slack—water navigagion between Lock and isi.? °° V °‘ Dari1nNumbered Three, near Nashville, and ck and Dam Numbered Seven, near Carthage, Tennessee, eighty-five thousand dollars. ‘ Improving Tennessee River above C attanooga, Tennessee: Con- ,,,§`,$'g“°$,’§:,,,*},f,(f;*a' tinuing improvement and for maintenance, sixty- ve thousand dollars. Tenn. ’ · Improvin Tennessee River below Chattanooga Tennessee, Ala- B°‘°”°¤**““°°¢¤· bama, and I§entucky: Continuing improvement and for maintenance by open-channel work from Chattanooga, Tennessee, to Riverton, Alabama, one hundred thousand dollars; continuing improvement and for maintenance below Riverton, Alabama, eighty thousand dollars. “ Im rovin Kentuc River, Kentuc : Continuing improvement K°¤°“°*Ym'°·‘·K¥- by theconstiwiction ofclliocks and Dams Ilflirimbered Thirteen and Four- Ncgilgiiisuhnril. mm teen, one hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of C0'{§‘;’,§’,;t,_ War may enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary to complete the said locks and dams, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in tliie aggregate two hundred and fifty thousand six hundred and fifty dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. _ “ mproving harbor at Ashtabula, Ohio: The Secretary of War is ggggg °h*°· hereby authorized to enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be necessary for the prosecution of this improvement, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate four hundred and seventy-four thousand six hundred and seventy-five dollars, exclusive of the amounts heretofore appropriated.