Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/975

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SIXTY-FIRST ooNeRnss. sm. III. cs. 166. 1911. 951 provided all the work so done shall be in accord with the project erem adopted and satisfactory to the Secretary of War/’ Improv1ng°Columbia River, Washin ton: For maintenance of im- ;?,;>})¤*¤y;i¤wIg{’¢¤- provement tween the mouth of Willamette River and the city of tOV&lI1l00l`;V€f,%!1;gl€t:B ancouver, Washmgfon, three thousand dollars. Imrklroving Colum ia River between the foot of The Dalles Rapids ,,,°'§,’;‘{,,’§“;,¥§§§,_R°p‘““ and the head of Celilo Falls, Oregon and Washington: Continuing imlplilpvement, six hundred thousand dollars. _ proving Columbia River and tributaries above Celilo Falls to the R;¤¢¤¤¤F¤1M¤S¤•k¤ mout of Snake River, Oregon and Washington: Continuing improve- m' - ment, twenty-five thousand dollars. . Improving Snake River, Oregon, Washington, and Idaho: Continu- wirgkv !&ivi_<;%>r•=s-. ing hg-Krovement and for maintenance up to Pittsburg Landing, Ore- ""` °' gon, een thousand dollars. ‘ Improving harbor at Bellingham, Washington: Continuin im- B¤¤i¤z¤¤¤¤¤» WM provement, m accordance with the re rt submitted in House Document Numbered Eleven hundred angosixty-one, Sixtieth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions relative to cooperation mQg¤rg>m¤{¤¤¤¤br1¤w1 on the part of local interests as set forth in said document, twenty-five ' thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may enter into mmm. a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may be neces- °°“‘”"“· sary to complete the said project, to be paid for as appropriations · may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate fifty-two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars, exclusive of the ' amounts herein and heretofore appropriated. Improving Grays Harbor an Bar Entrance, Washington: Con- Gnysuubunwnn. tinuing improvement by means of extension of north jett , three hundred thousand dollars: Provided, That the Secretary of Vgar may mm ` enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may °°“""°'“‘ be necessary to complete the said project, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be made by law, not to exceed in the aggregate six hundred and fifty-five thousand dollars, exclusive of the amoimts herein and heretofore apgriopriated. · Improving harbor at Olympia, asbinglton: Completing improve- o1ympl¤, wasn. ment in accordance with the report of the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, dated March ninth, nineteen hundred and eight and printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered Five, Sixty-first Congress, second session, and subject to the condi- ,n'{g°rg,;¤¢*°¤ b>"°<>¤¤ tions relative to cooperation on the part of local interests as set forth ' in said document, forty-three thousand dollars. Improving Willapa River and Harbor, Washington: Continuing H§f{£:vgv_l;L'¢* md improvement in accordance with the report submitted in House ' Document Numbered Five hundred an twenty-four, Sixty-first Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions relative to mQg;*e¥;;_¤°*°¤bY*°¢¤¥ cooperation on the art of local interests, as set forth in said document, fifty thousand dolllars: Provided, That the Secretary of War may gggggéw enter into a contract or contracts for such materials and work as may ` be necessary to complete the said proijiect, to be paid for as appropriations may from time to time be ma e by law, not to exceed in the aggregate one hundred and eighteen thousand one hundred and thirty-two dollars, exclusive of the amounts herein and heretofore ¤1>p;>r¤‘i¤¤¤d· . . . . provi Chehalis River, Washington: Completing improvement, W{js*;1¢¤¤¤i¤ mret ten thousaiigl dollars. _ _ _ ` Improving Cowlitz and Lewis Rivers, Washington: For main- Rgggigzvéad MW tenance, inc uding. North Fork of Lewis River, two thousand five ' hundred dollars. _ Improving Grays River, Washington: For maintenance, five hun- G¤·¤>·¤ 1¤v¤r·W¤¤¤- dred dollars.