Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 1.djvu/986

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962 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 186. 1911. Nsuemirmsena- S _ 4_ Th t mission, to be known as the National Forest m£ii¤m(bmmiSi°m Resggvation llloiitiriiilslslion, consisting of the Secretary of War, the Secretary of the Interior, the Secretary of ture, and two members of the Senate, to be selected b the dent of the Senate and two members of the House of F.epresentat1ves, to be selected ,,[{',,$f‘,t'L_" °"°°”° by the Speaker, is hereby o’reated and aiéthlopzed to elonsider and pdasp hl d n orpurcaseasprome ¥(§§cZ`$ZS1x°ILrStfi1iSIriii; ahdtibohliruilie iirice or prices at which such lands ma be purchased, and no purchases shall be made of any lands until such lands have been duly approved for purchase by said com- P’°"•°8H 3, bm mission: Promkied, That the memibers of the COIDIHISSIOD herein mm created shall serve as such only during their incumbency in_the1r ective official positions, and any vacancy_on the commission · glisalll be filled in the manner as the original appomtment. _ -*¤¤¤¤¤¤P°*¤ Sec. 5. That the commission hereby aplrwmted shall, through ICS president, annually report to Congress, not ater than the first Monday in December, the operations and expenditures of the commission, in detail, during the preceding fiscal year: _ _ “_¥·¤¤•¤¤¤ ¤‘ ¤¤°¤· Sno: 6. That the Secretary of Agnculture- is hereby authorized and directed to examine, locate, an recommend for purchase such lands as in his judgment may be necessary to the r lation of the I I How of navi ble streams, and to report to the atnonal Forest zx•mi¤;:::; by Reservation the results (ofbsuch-epoxaminatiolpsz Promkled, $`$t‘l£l’°52mm.” "".§i.i?.“$35H3.T°§l.1Su° a’t§£§r¤Z'3°§§ltt§’€?§0iE§?Z§i Surveioand a report made to the Secretary of Agriculture, showing that t control of such lands will promote or protect the navigation ’ of streams on whose watersheds they lie. _ _

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been approved . for purchase by the National Forest Reservation

°f Sum Commission at the pl'lC6 or prices fixed by said commissmn: Provided,

That no deed or other instrument of conveyance shall be acce ted or approved by the Secretary of Aiicultureunder this Act until) the legis ature of the State in which the land hes shall have consented to the acq_u1s1tion of such land by the United States for the purpose mh to- of preserving the navigability of navigable streams. »° 1:0. 8. That the Secretary of Agriculture may do all things necessary to secure the safe title in the United States to the lands to be acquired under this Act, but no payment shall be made for an such largishppltgc the ttigle sthlelltgietsgtgsitaetoxy to the Attorney—(£-mera] ans vese in e me aes.

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e o w om 1 ` to the United States of the minerals and of the merchantableetiiinber, or e1ther or any part of them, within or upon such lands at the date mg¤z¤¤¤¤¤== mw of the conveyance, butin every case such exceptmn and reservation and the time within which such timber shall be removed and the rules and regulations under which the cutting and removal of such timber and the and removal of such minerals shall be done shall be expressed in the wr1tten instrument of conveyance, and thereafter the mining, cuttnng, and removal of the minerals and timber so $X('.f§)C€d] and eieservedfshall be done oinly under and in obedience _ o e ru es an regu a ions so expresse . mcse: !gt¤1g·eg·=e§¤g»r1 Sno, 10. That inasmuch as small areas of land chiefly valuable for pub1icu$. agriculture may of necess1ty or by inadvcrtence be included in tl-acts aeqmred under this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, and he is hereby authorised, upon application or otherwise, thosegreppliirgile gud e)scerta1n_I(;l(?ieflocation and extent of such areas as in to al; r..t.“3'L t3 S22-’é1Fl. afi; ;‘§§"2?lfi"l’.“ "`“`*’°“S ""“‘°“'* “"“'¤’ c are not needed for public