Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1019

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2468 C()NVENTION——·DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. JUNE 19, 1909. J“°°l°»1°°9· Convention between the United States and the Dominican Republic for the extradition of criminals. Signed at Santo Domingo, June 19, 1909; ratiiioation advised by the Senate, with amendment, July :90, 1909; rat;/ied by the Presulent, A `l 29, 1910; rdgied by the Dominican Repu lic, July 11,1910; ratigtions ezchang at Santo Domingo, August 2, 1910; proclaimed, August 26, 1910. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATES on AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. E¤:°¤:d鮤l§c•¤_¤c Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and mmPrcamblie!lu the Dominican Republic providing for the mutual extradition of ° fugitives from justice was concluded and signed by their res ective Pleni otentiaries at Santo Domingo, on the nineteenth da oi? June, one thousand nine hundred and mne, the original of which Convention, being in the English and Spanish languages is, as amended by the Senate of the United States, word for word as follows: TRATAD0 DE EXTRADICION ENTRE LA REPUBLICA DOMINICANA Y Los ESTADOS `QNIDOS DE AMER- ICA. 1909. cumming rewm. The United States of America La Republica Dominicanay los and the Dominican Republic, haV- Estados Illnidos de América, haing judged it expedient, With 8 biendo juzgado conveniente, en view to the better administration vista, dg ln, Incjop gdminigtrgcién of justice and to the prevention de justicia y de la prevencion de of crimes Within their I‘€Sp€0tiV€ crimenes dentro de sus respectivos territories and jurisdictions, that territorios y jurisdicciones, ue persons convicted of or charged las personas convictas 6 acusa(das with the crimes hereinafter speci- de los crimenes mas adelante fied, and being fugitives from jus- especiflcados, fugitivas de la justice, should, under certain circum- ticia de dichos respectivos paises, stances, be reciprocally delivered sean bajo ciertas circunstancias up, have resolved to conclude it reciprocamente eutregadas, han convention for that Hurpose, and resuelto celebrar una Convencion · . h8·V¢} &PP0¤1t6d as t 6H` Pl€mP0’ con cse objeto, y han nombrado t6!1tl8·1'1€S¢ _ _ Pleni otenciarios:

  • ’*·¤*¤·°*¤**··**==- The Presxdent of the United El%’residente de la Republica

States of America, Fenton R. Dominicana a Don Emilio Tejera MGCIBGIQY, MiI1iS$€1‘ R6Sid€H@ and Bonetti, Secretario de Estado de COHSUI G€¤€!‘¤;1 of W6 United Relaciones Exteriores, interino, Stutcs of Amcncqy end the PI'€§!· de la Republica Dominicana; y el dent of the Dcmrmcan Republic. Presidente de los Estados Umdos Dori Emilio Tegera Bonetti, Act- dg América 5 Fgntqn R_ Mn i§ Secrctcry c State fcr Fcrci? creery, Mmistm Residente can- _ MPS of the Dcrmmcw Rept! · sul General de los Estados Unidos hc, who, after recgprocal commu- dg Américanicatiou of their fu p0W9I‘S, fol1I1d Quienes idespuég dg habgrgg in good and due form, have agreed comunjcmjo Sus pjcnos Podcres y UPOD Um fou0Wi¤g ¤F'¢i¤1€$» tc Wit: encontrar éstos en buena y debiila forma, han convenido las estipulaciones contenidas en los siguientes articulos.