Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1075

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PROGLAMATIONS, 1910. 2517 mept of any foreign coungg imposes no tm-nps or restriction, either in the way of tani rates or provmions, t. e or other regulamons, charges, exactions, or in any other manner, directly or indirectly, upon the importation into or the sale in such foreign country of any agricultural, manufactured, or other product of the United States, which unduly discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign countyy patys no export bounty onj imposes no ezgport dum? oyprqhilgition upqn the awmuon 0 any umclo to the Umwd States whnch uqdu y dxscnmmstes agamst. the mted States or the products thereof, and that such fore n country accords to the agricultuml, manufactured, or other products of the Unit,e§ States treatment which is reciprocal angi equivalent, tlgereugmn and thereafter, upon proclamation to thm effect by the President of the United laws, all articles when imported mw the United States, or an of its pcmessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuii.), from such foreign coumtry shall, except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms of the minimum tarif of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act. AND Wnrmums satisfactory evidence has been presented to me that ' the Government of Persia imposes no terms or restrictions, either in the way of tariff rates or provisions, trade or other regulations, charges, exactions, or in any other manner, directly or indirectly, upon the imcgortatiou into or the sale in Persia of any agricultural, manufactur , or other product of the United States, whxch unduly discriminate against the United States or the Kroducts thereof, and that the Govcmment of Persia pag; 110 export ounty or imposes no export duty or prohibition upon thexportation of any attic o to the United States which unduly discrimimntcs against the United States or the products thereof, and that the Government of Persia accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reciprocal and equivalent: Now, THEREFORE, I, WILLIAM HOWARD TAN, President of the l§gg}g“¤{*0 fig United States of America, by virtue of the gglwcr in me vested by the Prom Persiaaforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby make own and proclaim that from and after March 31, 1910, and so long thereafter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is in existence and the Government of Persia, imposes no terms or restrictions ugon the importation or sale in Persia of thu products of the United totes which unduly discriminate aggaiust the United States, all articles when imported mto the United tates, or any of its possessions (except the Philigpinc Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from Persia. s all be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tariff Act of the United States approved Au st 5, 1909; gntlovidcd, however, that this lgoclamatiou shall not take effect dlkggnogmggngf ¤;yy;· from and after March 31, 1910, ut. shall be null and void in the ¤§{°x¤¤¤Am¤n¤¤¤¢¤mY event that, at any time prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory ‘“°'°°· evidence shall be presented to the President that the Government of Persia has made such change or changes in its present laws or regulations affecting American commerce in Persia as to discriminate unduly in any way against such commerce, and in the further event that an proclumatxon bi the President of such fact, revoking the present roclumstion, s all have been issued. IN WETNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONm at the City of Washington, this twenty-ninth day of January, A. D. one thousand nine hundred and ten, and of the [SEAL-] Inde ndencc of the United States of America. the 0116 · hundlrid and thirty-fourth. Wu H '1`Arr By the President: P C KN0x Secretary of State.