Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1211

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2652 PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. f f ' poses te restrictions, either in the way

 0:Igl`02Vll(;l§I!lS$(l2 (;llu0th€T   CIIKPQSEB, CXZCUODS, 012111 QUE

other manner, directly or indirectly, upon the importation into or the sale in sncd foreign country of any agricultural, manufactured, or other product of the Unite States which unduly discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign country pays no export bounty or imposes no expprt duty or rohibition upon the exportation of any article to the United States w ch un nly giscriminates against the United States or the products thereof, and that such foreign country accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other products of the United States treatment which is reciprocal equivalent, thereupon and thereafter, upon

  • "°°]$"i°'1,,‘°rI*"ir°*ft‘2,°ri §2L£‘;° Hkii ‘€t"‘p.m° U“s£€LZ S{§‘§223,?'tt”§"r?t€ir,l§,r$‘$

D1 mds anlin thetislgands of Guam and Tutdila), from such foreign country shall, except · as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the terms of the mrmmum tariff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Act.- Arm Wrmnnns satisfactory evidence has been presented to me that the Government of the French _Republ1c 1mposes_no terms or restrictrons, either m the way of tariff rates or provisions, trade_ or other regnlilatrons, charges, exactions, or m any other manner, directly or in _ ectly, upon the 1mportation mto or the sale rn French Indo- China 0 any a cultural, manufactured, or other product of the United States, vglliich unduly discriminate against the United States or the products thereof, and that the Giovernment of the French Republic with respect to French Indo-China pays no export bounty or IIIIPQSBS no export_ dutg or prolubitron ulpon_the exportation of any article to the United tates wh1ch imdu y discrrmmates against the United States or the products thereof and that the Qovernment ‘ of the French Republic with respect to French Indo-China accords . to the agrrcultur , manufacture , or other products of the United States treatment which is reciprocal and equivalent:

  • _f{g{;¤¤*{*° Now, THEREFORE, I, W1LL1nM Howann TAFr, President of the

fag)? mma do- United_States of America, lay vu·tue of the power in me vested by the C aforesaid Act of Congress, o hereby make known and proclaim that , from and after March 31 ,_1910, and so long}téherea.fter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is rn existence and_the vernment_of the French Republic rmpxoses no terms or restrictions upon the II!} ortatron or sale in Frenc Indo-China of the products of the United States which unduly discriminate against the United States, all articles when imported into the United States, or any of its possessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from French Indo—China shall be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tariff Act of the United States approved Angust 5, 1909; R¤¤•;;¤;·,g¤;f 9-23: Provided, however, that this proclamation shall not take effect against American com- from and after March_31, 1910, but shall be null and void in the event ""“’°°· that, at any time prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory evidence shall be presented to the President that the Government of the Fren¢gruIRepublicii_has_maclprnluch change or changes? in its present laws or re ations a ectrng erican commerce in rench Indo-China as to discriminate unduly in any way against such commerce, and in the further event that a proclamation b the President of such fact, revokiregithe Eresentlproclamation, shally have been issued. IN r SS W EREOF I have hereunto set my hand and causedjhe seal of the United States to be aflixed. Dorm at the City of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of March, A,. D. one thousand nine hundre and ten, and of the · [san,.] Independence of the United States of America the one hun red and thirty-fourth. WM H Terr By the President: P C Knox Secretary of State.