Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1232

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1=·nocLAMA·r1oNs, reno. 2673 whenever, afterthe thirtyfirst day of March, nineteen hundred and ten, and so long thereafter as the President shall be satisfied, in view of the character of the concessions granted by theminimurn tariff of United States, that the government of any foreign country no terzrm or rmictrons, either rn the way 0 tariff rates or provisions, trade or er regulations, charges, exactions, or in any other manner, directly or indirectly, upon the importation into or the sale in such foreign country of any agricultural, manufactured, or other product of the United States, which rm uly discriminate against thigpnited States or the producgsuzhemmiémtliuch fgieign cptrirggy D0 GXPOIK O! 1 0 SIPOIT OD. BX gay article to theqlnitg Stat; whrch undiilgr giscriminateslxgginst the0United Sta ucts thereof, and that such foreign country accords to the agricultural man , orotherproductsof the United States tr¤tment·whrch·mrecr;no¢:r1and epuivalent, thereupon and thereafter, upon proclamation to effect by the President o the United States, all articles when imported into the United States, or an of its pomessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuilax, from such foreign country shal1,_except as otherwise herein provided, be admitted under the tignsof e minimum tariff of the United States as prescribed by section one of this Arm Wrmnms satisfactory evidence has been presented to me that ‘ the Government of Roumania imposes no terms or restrictions, either in the way of tariff rates or provisions, trade or other regulations, charges, exactions, or in any other manner, directly or indirectly, upon the im rtation into or the sale in Roumania of any agricultural, manufggtured, or other roduct of the United States, which undul discriminate against theglnited States or the products thereof, and that the Government of Roumania pays no export bounty or imposes no ex ort dut or prohibition u n the exportation of any article to the United Sytates which unduliyodiscriminates against the United States or the products thereof, and that the Government of Roumania accords to the agricultural, manufactured, or other ·produ;:lts of the United States treatment which is reciprocal and uiv ent: °qN¤w, Tizmnmronn, I, Wmunr Howann Terr, President of the ,,*gg}g·¤$;¤,*gPu•g United States of America, by virtue of the power in me vested by the licm Roumania. aforesaid Act of Congress, do hereby make known and proclaim that from and after Marc 31, 1910, and so lon thereafter as the aforesaid Act of Congress is in existence and the Government of Roumania imposes no terms or restrictions ripon the importation or sale in Roumania of the products of the nited States which unduly discriminate against the United States, all articles when imported into the United States, or any of its possessions (except the Philippine Islands and the islands of Guam and Tutuila), from Roumania shall be admitted under the terms of the minimum tariif of the United States as prescribed by Section one of the Tariff Act of the United States approved August 5, 1909; Provided however, that this proclamation shall not take effect d,§§,‘f?u‘:;*g§¤;‘ “,';‘,}g: from and after March 31, 1910, but shall be null and void in the event ¤s¤¤¤=¢ Amerlcw wmthat at any time prior to the aforesaid date, satisfactory evidence Mm shall be dpresented to the President that the Government of Roumania ~ has ma e such change or changes in its present laws or regulations affecting American commerce in Roumania as to discriminate unduly in• any way against such commerce, and in the further event that a proclamation by the President of such fact, revoking the present proclamation, s all have been issued. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my. hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. DONE at the City of Washington, this twent —ninth day of March, A. D. one thousand nine hundredy and ten, and of the [san,.] Independence of the United States of America the one hun red and thirty-fourth. Wu H Tam By the President: P C Knox Secretary of State.