Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/128

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1572 SIXTY-FIRST CONGRESS. Sms. II. Cris. 83, 84. 1910. .rate• of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now recenvmg. “Qg**•¤ '*‘¤*“¤ The name of W'1lliam Franklin Stotts, late of Company E, Fiftieth Regiment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, and Company A, Thirteenth Regiment United States Infantq, and pay him a pension at the rate ‘ of twenty-four dollars per mont in lieu of that he is now receiving. Pn¤¤¤•·v mmm The name of Harriet V. Wheeler, widow of Daniel Edson, junior, H" ' late first lieutenant and regimental quartermaster Seventh Regiment · Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of twelve dollars pir month. ‘ Tm,Wm 'Hie name of omas F. Rowley, late of Compan A, Twelfth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer nfant , and a a ension YY P Y P at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. 8********-*’°**’°”*°’— The name of Susan C. Schroeder, widow of Henry T. Schroeder, late of Company A, Twenty-fourth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and first lieutenant Company B, First _ Regiment North Carolina Volnmteer Infantry, and y her a pension at the rate oftwenty dellars(per month in lieu oflithat she is now receiving. -*°'“°°”°"· The name of Jessie reen, widow of Edmund Green, late of Second Battery, Vermont Volunteer Light Artillery, and pay her a pension at the rate of twenty dollars per month in lieu of that she is now receivmg. _ Approved, March 5, 1910. . . CHAP. 84.-A A G _ penn'., 41 ‘ mms pens-, cmajn · TRP; and sailors of the wililsosivnsainill depenigent relailivgs of such [mute, No. ia.] wd ¤¤1°”· Be it enacted the Senate and H owe of Re esentatives of the United reunion. States of America in Congress assembled, Tggt the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws- ’•¤°“_° "•‘°°°* The name of Janette Talcott , f ’d { R 1- K°°°°` cott, lata of Company G, Fcny-fiiacxitsli R§griurii;nimWisv;¤(iismu\??>iiin'fetir Liégxgary, and pay er a pension at the rate of twelve dollars per P¢¤··**¤¤¤ *¤¤¤g¤¤<*· The name of William S. Shu , l te fC H F` ' '"'""" S' S" "°‘ Used SMS 1··f¤·my._¤¤e¤ pi? his ¤°p¤E§it‘Ii”€€'ti.s ré{Zt.}}2€v';‘li§‘.Y four dollars per month m lieu of that he is now receiving. °°°“'° w` H°’°°°' Tim Dame of George W· Hayden, IMG Of Company B, First Regiment Oregon Volunteer Cavalry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. · """°“’ "'“‘$· The name of Edward Pfrang, late of Company D Thirteenth Regiment Wisconsm Volunteer Infantry, and pa him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars r month in lieu ofy that he is now r ivmg` “m°“ B·B"b°P· The name of Milton lii€Bishop, late of Company A Seventiegclig Re `- ment, and Company C, Thirty-third Regiment, Iiidiana Volunteilr Infantry, and pay a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month Ch NNW mm; mrllileu of thatf lgilxslnovyvrigzpivling. “ · · enameo T ares . ar,ateofC E,Fifth ` llwgassacliusctts I olunteer Infantrly, and pagliiiiiiing pension aiaigiauiglfig H W 0 twenty dollars per month in 1eu of that he is now receiving. sary asm- The name of Henry Wegner, late of Com any C Thirty-fifth Re i- ment Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at tie J·····=· H- ¤·»·»~·»¤- "*F1§’§ l.“§$.?§’3i9.i'§£Z$lii“ ‘§£§§§§hi2t2°“r°Eth°‘ “° is “°“" “`°‘*"'i"g· ‘ Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry; and pi:. h(i§iiaplgns]§nIg(i;utrliin?(iIeiiId of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that lie is now receiving.