Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1328

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PROCLAMATIONS, 1910. 2723 prevent the use for such public purpose of lands so reserved, so long as such appropriation is lelgally maintained or such reservation remains in orce: Pramkled, hat all the rights, powers, and duties f:f§}’§’,f" ,,8,,,, ,,_ of the Secret of the Interior and the Commissioner of Indian wvad- Affairs, and a-lily rights and privileges of their permittees and the ' ` Indians reserved and confirmed by the roclamation of the President of the United States dated March second, nineteen hundred and nine, V°l·35»P·¤42~ creating the Zuni National Forest, shall remain in full force and eifect, and the Secretary of the Interior shall, for the term of twenty-five _ ears from the date hereof have the same power as existed heretofore to allot to individual Iiidians ang of the lands shown on the two arts of the attached diagram as the uni National Forest, which were Formerly a part of the public domain, and are chiefly valuable for agricultural or grazing purposes, notwithstanding anything in this proclamation contained. This proclamation shall not prevent the settlement and entry of $§{}°3‘£*;f“;§;§?“°’· any lands heretofore opened to settlement and entry under the Act . of Congress approved June eleventh, nineteen hundred and six, pntitled "An Act To provide for the entry of Agricultural lands within orest reserves." ~ The lands hereby eliminated from the Zuni National Forest which ,,,,';,*{};",§*,,,,,‘,§‘,,§'f’°" '“° ‘ are not embraced in withdrawals for administrative sites for use in the management of the Forest, or in any other reservation or appropriation, shall be restored to the public domain and become su ject to settlement under the general provisions of the homestead laws on such date and after such notice by publication as the Secretary of the Interior may prescribe, but shall not become subject to entry, filing, selection, or other form of appropriation until the expiration of thirty days from the date so fixed, except that on the same date as the lands eliminated become subject to settlement, the Territory of New Mexico ,,,f,,,”‘§;{‘g‘,§§,f,*;,,_’°"°°‘ may, if the lands eliminated are subject to such se ection, select as indemnity in the satisfaction of its common school grant, not to exceed two sections of land in each entire township restored, or one section in each fractional portion of a township where the restored _ area thereof exceeds five thousand (5,000) acres, and no person will be ermitted to acquire or exercise any right whatever under any settlement or occupancgr begun prior to such date, and all such settlement or occu ation is erebg forbidden. IN WITNESS WHERE F, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed. Done at the City of Washington this lst day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ten, and of [SEAL.] the Independence of the United States the one hundred and thirty-fourth. Wm H Tame By the President: Hurrrmoron Winsor: _ ' Acting Secretary ry State. Br mn Pnnsinnnr or mn UNITED Smrns or Aumuox ’“‘¥*»*°‘°· A PROCLAMATION WHEREAS it appears that the public good will be romoted by “°¤”"° N°“°°°·‘ adding to the Manzano National liiorest certain landg within the F¥i;ii¤ii>ieim` Territory of New Mexico which are in part covered with timber, by V"" 3s' p' 218* eliminatixig therefrom certain lands, and by transferri to the Zuni **”“·¥*'*'m— · National _ orest a portion of the area heretofore includiig in the Manzano National Forest; 8874l°—vox. 36, rr 2-11--88