Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1439

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2780 INDEX. Page. Page. Accounts and Records, Treasury Department, Actual Market Value eg Imported Merchanappropriation for investigations, etc., to drLse—·Continue . mar? better administrative meth- ascertainment 0;, when goods not sold in o .,. 493, 1195 open mar et, etc .. 98 deficiency appropriation for investigation, determination of ... 98 etc., to secure better administra- cost at place of production to be ascer- A A tion of . . . . 204 tamgd by appraisin%oi1icer if unable cetic cid, to 0 tain market va ue- - .. 97 ‘ duty on .. . ... 12 Ad Valorem Dutrkzc anhydrid ... 12 tobe assessed oh actual market value or Acrkls, wholesale price in principal markets duty on, acetic .. 12 of coun from whence exported,. . 101 anhydrid ... 12 Adams, Anna L. widow), blpracic .. . . lg Agzensirgr . ... 1811 c romic ... 1 ms, enjamin ., citric ... - .. 12 glension increased ... . .. . . 1793 gaglic . 12 A ms, Columbus H, tic ..,.. . ;... 12 lpension increased . . ,_ 4 ..,. 1545 not ipeciallly provided for .. 12 A ms, Cortland S., oil o vitrio 12 (pension increased . ... 1961 oxalic . . 12 A ams, Daniel V, pyroliigneous . L 12 Atpensig igcreased . . ...,,,..,...,, `1490 ricino eic . . 14 ams, . ., salicylic .. . 12 ayment to .. 1875 sulpho-ricinoleic .,. 14 Agzrns, Edrick, 4 sulphuric . lg A$pusi¢‘g.;l1_lincmased ..., 1571 tannic . 1 , i, tartaric ... 12 nsion increased .,.,..,..., _ 2006 on free list, amidosalicylic . 74 Aeljns, Eli S., arsenic, or arsenious 71 (pension increased ...,.., . .,,_,_.,,,,_ 1894 benzoic 71 A ams, Eli W, carbolic . ... 71 A§>ensicE1_lincr§7ased ..,,.,__,,, , ,___ 1501 fluoric . 71 ams, las ., hydrochloric ,. 71 glension increased ,,,.,.._,,, _ __,,____ 1723 iron or steel drums for shipping, returned A ms, James R., from abroad Alpensiop rncrghased ._,,,,., , , _ _ 1711 metanilic . ams, eremi , muriatic . .. 7% Atpfnsiopoilncgwm ._,,,,__,__ _ 1945 nitric .. . ... 7 ma, n ., . ngtropgcric. I . 9/1 Atpensioy ilncgzased , _ ___,__,___ 1950 p osp one ,. . .. ams, 0_n ., phthalic ..,,,. 71 Alpensionr; Zncrfased ,.,,_,,,_,__,___ _ _______ 1939 picric . . 7 ams, 0 n ., piussic . . .. Agnilitazy rec0;_d corrected ,,___,_,____ _ 2026 si icic .. .- ...,.. ams, ester ., sulphuric for agricultural purposes; re- nsion increased 1779 taliathry duty ... . . 80 Azlizcrrw, Mary S. (widow), valerramc . 71 (pension increased 1518 Acker, Catharine A. (widow), A ams, Matthew W, A ;£ensioni·1;crea§ed . . .. 1710 Atpensiolré zicreased ... . 1968 c erman, om , mas, e cm, pension increased ... . 2012 nsion increased 1950 Ackerman Lewis H., Azliiirw, Philip 11., pension, increased 2080 pension increased 1860 Ackerman, William Il., Adams, Robert N., · A }i<;nsi¢;§_1hi1p;·e;e3Sed . ... 1953 Aglensioér increasgd 1993 c ey, ms, g vester ., A pension increased 2095 A pension increased ,,.,,.,,.,__,_.. , _ , _ 1635 conite, dams, Wilson, A on free list .. . 71 Q Afpension grcreased ,,,._,,,.__,_____,__ 1683 corrw, T amson, aron M., duty on, prepared as coffee substitute . 39 { [pension increased ,,,,__,,,_.,,___,__,_,__ 2051 on free list, raw, unground ... 71 , A amaon, David, Acton, Thomas C., 3 § pension ipcreased, ..,,,..,,__,,.,____ 1912 pension ... . .. 206 Ada on, a T,, Actors, Alwkn Professional, Thgionu . .. . ._,,,.,_ 1843 contract labor exclusion not applicable to. 264 Agrwm, Milton M., Actual Market Price, _ · dpension increased . ...,.,. 1923 _ ad va1orem_ duties to be assessed on, in A ing Machines, principal markets of country from appropriation for, in office of Auditor for _whe;rce exported. - . AMI Posagfice Department .. 489, 1198 meanrngo . . tem i iam 9. Actual Market Value of Imported Merchrmdiae, mon increased:. .’ . 1639 appraisers, etc. to ascertain etc., in ( Axaan, W Va., _ country whence imported, .. 97 1 terms of court at; rooms required . . . . . 1129