Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1463

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2804 INDEX. Ball, Gieorge E., $#2%*6 i Bzgzd Iron or Steel, P¤8;é penswu inc uty on . · Ballard, Edward, cotton ties . 22 pension increased 1932 punched, ctc . . ...- 22 Ballard, James N., Bandings, pension increased ,,., 1912 duty on, cotton, flax, ctc. 50 Ballard, Jeanette (widow), silk ... — . 59 pension increased ... . ... 2074 woolen ... . 54 Ballard, Wilhhm, Bands, pension incroissed ... . 1478 duty on, cigar, atc gg Bullentine, Wil xbm E., cotton, x, etc . . - - pension increased 1657 Bane, William A., ‘ Ballewz William A., 2081 B p%i0§ %1Cl‘93.SGd . ... 1705 pcnmon increased . . . . an , 0 n, Balhbt, Stephen F., 24 B pension incrgaszad ... 1910 pension incrmsed . . . . 15 ange, Marsh . wzdw , Ballinger, Jzmws J., pension .. . ... 1618 pension increased .. . . 1522 Bangkok, Siam, , Ballinger, James L., appropriation for consul general. .. 338, 1028 B yfsjion increased . ... 2103 B or 1r$erpreter to consulate general. - 339, 1029 a ns, etc., angor, e., , international declaration prohibiting jiis- appropriation for public building .. 704 charge of projcctilas and explomvcs terms of court at . . 1114 B H fr¤”;¤ --------·----·-- · --»---------- 2439 B¤¤y#,_G¢<>?y¢ M·, · 1940 a com, ar, pensmn mcrcasod ... . aflgnropriation for .. 245, 1038 Bankhead, John H., Ba u, Edward L., . appropriation for services, Inland Water- B p;el(;1usi¢g1 incrcaqedg ... 2029 B In vgays Commission .. 667 a , andervam ., an 'ng or ratims, B gzusion increased 1951 oxceptiad gm grolnéltiary bankruptcy . 839 a , invo untary an ptcy ... 839 duty 011, anti-friction .. . . . 22 Bankruptcy, b1lliard, ctc., of ivory, bone, ctc . . - . 66 appellate jurisdiction of Supreme Court chess ... . . 66 from courts of . 1159 Balls, William G., jurisdiction of United States courts expension increased 1947 clusivc of State, in matters in .,,... 1161 Balm of Gilead, Bankruptcf; Act Amendments, on free list . . . 73 extra al owanco to receivers, cbc., for con- Balsams, tiuuing business 838 dumu: drugs . _ . : . . . 13 ancillary junsdictiou given to courts . 839 on f list, crude, not specuzlly provided 75 V01\111t3{yd lziaukruptcics, corporations exor c u e . 839 Baltimore and O}? Ram gmnpnawzy, to 2026 inv0luntary(;>ankmptcIes, corporations oxa propriatiou or re 0 pena._ y copm ...__,,. 839 dgrecteéi to chgge gmgcccrossxug on Q 199 liability of ofiigcrs not affected by ba.nktroet no east, . . . ru my 0 corpomt on ... 839 share of gxpcnses, Cedar Street bridge and 387 composggonz time when terms may be su wa ... 0 em ...,,, _ ______________ 839 Baltimore and Trcmcit Company, meeting of creditors to consider ... . . 839 time for completion of tracks into Washing- action to await determination. . 839 B u_ mxmntoudcd . . . 894 applicsgious for discharge, txrustem to bc u 1m0re, ., ear m ..,.,,__,_,__,__ _ _____ 839 appmprgimon for assistant treasum§;4 1197 _ grounds for refnisal ... . ., 839 0 ce .. , 1 trust,ees’ authority limited .,,________, 840 for Ligmxfcxixgnt of lixrbor ... 639, i trusteeg puiés for recovery of property, c ne 0 ay . c mm: ,,__,,,_,__ _ _______ 840 gm- auiugal quéxrzxtliinc station . .. { authoriiy for glosing up mmm ,,________ 340 or mm B OD ... I com usa 1011 0 trustees _________________ 840 for rangclizizts, Fort McH¢jmry_Cha1mcl . 1431 K3 cage of cgmpggit gn _______________ 840 acquiring site and erecting 1mm1gra11t sta- apportionment among three, etc .. 840 tlpll ZC, i1\1Y·h0l’}Z8d ·..-----·-----·-·· 685 Z wgthhcld at discretion of court _____,__ 840 I3Hg6 ggnhs fmthonzed, Fort McHenry 535 reqmvem a?d marshals . 840 H8 ».. ; 111 case 0 com 'ai ___,,,_____ _ ____ 841 tmjrus of court at ... . .. 1114 ? whgu acting o1l;i);laS0:;1mmdia¤ ____ _ _ _ 841 Baltsmore Steam Packet Company, » nutmeg to crgdjmm _______ _ ____________ 34] pazgent to · ..·. 1873 ¤ for continuing business _,_,,____________ 841 Bum , _ g in qase of composition. ,_,__,. 841 duty on, blmds, shades, screens, etc .. 34 5 nouce to cx-edmmq ___,____,__________ 341 on free list, in the rough, cut for umbrellas, 5 notices to creditors to be given by mail, . . 841 CEDGB, etc .. 81 { matterg spgciiied___: _______ _ ___________ 341 Bcmfmgd, Qwrge S., { _0f gpphcauous for dmchmgg, ______ __ ____ 841 pensxon nqcrpucd . ... 1730 , dmmngml of pen: sion .,,,,_,_,, _ ,_____ · _____ 84 1 Bam:n>_[z, lfelhmn C., nouca to croditors of application before penswn ugcmasad . . .. 1514 gmnuug ,,,_________ _ ______________ 341