Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1490

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INDEX. 2831 Page. Page. Burnt Starch, Bussell! Martha JZ (widow), I dnt? on - . . . 39 PGDSIOH .. 1569 Burra Q, Joel H., _ Bust of Chief Justice Fulkr, B pexgsncgn uicgcascd 2041 appropriationcfor, with pedestal, for Su- 14**13, MM , rome ourt room . 1427 péqsiou increased ... . 1628 Butchcrs’PKnivea, Bum.s,_1*"r¢eman A. (aan), duty on ,,.,,.._____,,,,,,__ _ _,_,_________ 27 penswu - .. .. ... 1512 Butm, Frederic C., ‘ Bums, Willahm, pension increased ...,,,,,,._,,,,, 1939 pension increased . . . . 2004 Butler,·AIria, ` Bufntt, Elizabeth A. (wnlow), pension increased ...,,,,_,,.._,,,_ , _ _ 1775 pension increased ... . ..., 1569 Butler, Alvin, Burrittz John C. S. pension increased ,,,,,., _ ___,,,,,_______, 1329 pensmn increased ... 1913 Butler and Stoddard Gountka, Mo., Bunpugh, Paraey 0., _ may bridge Sgeint Francis River, Fisk . 352 nuts by, for recovery of nllegally collected Butler, Benyamm F., mterml-njovenuc taxes authorized - . 1699 pension increased . . .. 2078 Burrougha, Francis, Butler, George Edward, pension increased ... 1472 pension increased ,... 1740 .B·urroufghs, Horace E., . Butler, James, pension increased _ 1615 pension increased .. . ..., . ,,,, 1616 Burroughs, Mllhm Butler, Jmmthan D., pension increased, 1568 pension increased ..., 1771 Burrow, Jarrcll, Butler, Noble, · pension increased .. _ .. 2032 pension increased 1586 Burrows, Calvin, Butler, Pu., B pension .. 1927 construction of public building authorized urrows, mira . undo»w' , at 683 pension - ... 2060 Butler, Patrick H., alia; Patrick Jlodum, Burrows, John F., pension increased . , . . 2070 pension ,,. . . . . .. 1810 Bi¢£I¢T,_R€dIafd, Bumwma, pensnon increased . . . . 1522 dutggcn, mgmufncturod .. 21 Butler, Susanna (widow), on list, in blocks, rough or unmanu- pension increased ... ~ . 2077 factured .. : 79 Butler, Uriah, Burru,g_, Marcus S., pension increased . . . . 2089 pension increased . . .. 1573 Butt, Jamu A., Burt, Frank, pension increased . , .. 1575 pengion increased .,.. , ,,,, , . . . ... 1500 Butt, Matilda , Burt, Thomas, pension increased 1775 pension increased . ... 1985 Bulk, Mont., Burt1Qv,_Ida_(w·idow) _ terms of court at .. 1118 pensnon nncrpssed . ... 1801 Butter, _ _ _ _ _ Burman, mllwm II., 1703 ¤ppmpr;auon for utnpocuon of munutocmzgo 123 nsiou inc . . . . o process, e c . . 9 Bgrionl Hezekiah E., 1 duty on, and substitutes for. .. , 36 ngmn increased . ... . . . . . . . 989 COCOR . . . . . 36 Bgion, James W, Butter Knives, pension increased . ... 1615 duty on . . 27 Burton, John, Buttajeldh Clark H., pension. -- ... 1815 pension increasod 1925 Burton] Joshua, Bu¢terj§eld,_Georgc F., pension increased 1978 pension increased . ... 1484 Burton) Milford, Bu¢ter_/§eld,_George W., pensxon increased . ... 1787 pensnon mcreqsed 1973 Burton, Wiley, Bu£terj§eld,_ Wzllwm H., pension increased. - . 1978 pcnsxon xncreased . ...,, , .,,_. 1707 Burtsjield, John J., Butmer, Henry A., pension increased- . . . 2115 pension increased ... . 1622 · Burwell, Harriet L. (widow), Buttolph, Alfred M., pension ___,.,.. . . . .,. , ... 1637 pension increased . ...,..,_,,. 1563 Burwell, James C., Buttolph, N., pension ,,, . .. 1762 pension mcmascd . ... 1600 Bugbgy, L, W, _ Button Forms, ~ deficiency appropriation for services .. 805 duty on, cloth ...,._. 65 Bush, John, Buttons, pension increased . . .----- 1642 duty OD .. . . - - 65 Buslmmn, John H., 1559 pollar, cingll and dress, of silver, em 67 mion increased-, . - .. orms, c 0 ... 65 pxinezz, Rmzu (www). woolen ... . 54 pension _,. . .. . ... 1840 Butts, Albert M., alias Albert J. Stewarc, Bugimu Methods, Executive Dcgaytmenta, etc., pension increased . .,._,_, 1674 , appropriation for expert inqumes, atc., for Butts, Edward L., improving -.--.. . 703, 1363 pension increased .. . , 2073