Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1542

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INDEX. 2883 Dipartvgzmt of Cormmgrcg and Labor—Cont’d. P¤8¤· Departmmt of Just1be—Co¤tinued. Pm- . eiiciency appropriation for Coast and Geo- appropriation for defense, Indian depreda- QGIIC _Survey . 224, 227, 1314, 1324 tion cases . 748, 1424 for Fisheries Bureau,.-: .. 2 224, 1324 for prosecution of fraudulent convey- for collecting commercial statistics . 226 ances, Kickapoo Indian allotments f°Y Pl&¤§» GV!-, bullding for --·--·--·· 780 in Oklahoma ... 748, 1425 fw contingent egmw ... _ .. 800 for traveling and emergency expenses. 748, 1425 for Bureau of L t-Houses, salanes 800 credit todisbursing clerk for advances. 1425 for Immigration and Naturalization Bu- for Alaska court expenses .. 748, 1425 reau . _ . 800 for enforcing antitrust laws 748, 1425 for John J. Cannon and Benjamin for setting aside conveyaucw, allotments Smith. ... . 801 m Favs Civilized use . 748,1425 for Rafael Chalpa, uan C. Gonzales, and , for volume 27, Opinions of the Attorney- Eduardo revmo . . 801 General .,,,,,,____,,, , ,___________ 749 for R. L. Bend . 801 for 0 mms and men ot soiicam ot me {Of José de OIIVRIBS . 801 greagury __,_,_ , ______ , _____ _ ______ 749 fo1' Judson S. Walter. .. 801 for investigating titles to lands in District fol‘ Census Office . .. 812 of Columbia ..,...,...,, , ,,,,._ 749 for William L. Soleau ... 1313 for enforcing acts to regulate commerce. _ 142.5 for Court of Claims judgments under 1319 for suits affecting Seminole allotments- . 1425 bonds of surety compames, restriction on for penitentiaries 751,1427 acceptance of . 125 for National Training School for Boys, commission authorized to investigate D. O ..,. 753,1429 rates, etc ... . . . 126 for printing and binding for. .,.. 769, 1447 Census Office special agents, compensation. 126 for designs and estimates for new builddesigns and estimates or building for, to be ing ..., 1384 pyred; cost .. 698 deficiency appropriation for United States appro by boardiappmpriation author- courts . 125, 214, 224, 227, 799, 812, ized ... 698 814, 890, 1311, 1324, 1327 expert technical, etc., services author- forattomeysinspecialcases. ... 125 ized; comgensation etc... .. .. . 698 for National Training School for Boys, edition of Daily onsular Reports increased 821 D. C 125, 800 Immigration Commission records to be- equipment of shop authorized ..-. 800 come part of files of ... . 800 for rent 125 payment to Alice V. Houghton ... 1313 for rent of additional quarters .. 1310 Department 3/ English and History, Military for Assistant Attorney-General, Deputy, Am emy, attorneys, etc., in custom cases. . 125,214 status of head of ...,_,,,_, , ___,,,,,.______ 312 for furniture and repairs .. . . 213 appointment of civilian as professor; rank, for contingent expenses .. 213, 798, 1310 · pay, etc. ... 312 for defense, Indian depredation Department of Justice, _ClB1m§. . .: .. 213, 1311 appropriation for Attorney·General, Solici- for investigating, etc., frauds upon the tor-General, Assistants ... 522, 1224 revenues .. . ... 213 for Solicitors, attorneys .. 522, 1224 for prosecution of crimes . . . . 213, 1311 for chief clerk, examiners, law clerks, for lsska court exgenses 214, 1310 clerks, etc ... . ... 523, 1225 for United States ourt of Customs Aptransfers from lump appropriationsn- 523 peels .. 214 for Division of Investigation. . . 1225 for miscellaneous and incidental exfor Division of Accounts ,... 523, 1225 penses. . . . 214 for contingent expenses. .. . .. 523, 1225 for paying judgments United States for official transportation . 524, 1225 courts under . .. 218 for rent . 524, 1225 for paying Court of Claims judgments for Solicitor of the Treasury, etc .. 524, 1225 under. ._ 218, 807, 1319 for Solicitor of the Department of Com- for prosecuting Indians in Arizona .. 224, merce and Labor, etc ... 524, 1226 227, 1327 for United States courts. . . 529, 749, 1232, 1425 for plans, etc., new building for .. 780 for civil expenses under ... 747, 1423 for court-house, D. C., repairs .. . . . . 798 for courthouse, D. C . 747, 1423 for special repairs .. 798 for Court of Claims building. . 747 for efe¤din§ suits in claims .. . . 798 for construction of penitentiarim . 747, 1423 for Western nion Telegraph Company. . 798 for National Training School for Boys, for Chesapeake and Potomac Telephone D, C ,. . 747, 1423 Com any .._,, 798 for Assistant Attorney-General, Deputy forbooksgorjudgesanddistrictattorneys. 798 attorneys, etc., in custom cases. 747, 1424 for A, C. Caine .. . .. 799 for supplies, etc., customs cases . 747, 1424 [ for interstate commerce expenses ... 799 for witness fees, etc., before Board of i for printing and binding 807 General Appraisers, from customs { for court o aplpeals building, D. C .. 1310 expenses . . 1424 I for Goulder, olding and Maston ... 1310 for defending suits in claims .. 747, 1424 I for W. K. Kimball .._____,., 1311 for detection and prosecution of crimes, · for relgairs to courthouse, Fairbanks, etc ._.. 748, 1424 A ska .,,.,..,___,,,_, 1311 for inspection of prisons and prisoners- 748, 1424 Assistant Attorney—General to be apfor investigation and prosecution of pointed for customs cases .., 108 frauds. . 748, 1424 salary fixed .,,,,., 214