Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1571

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2912 INDEX. Fisher, Man; C. (widow), Page- Fishplates, Railway, P¤s¤· pension .. 1756 duty on, iron or steel . 23 Fuher, Simon, Fisk! Ark., pension increased .. . . 1468 budge authorized across Saint Francis Fucker, Thomas, River between Saint Francis a11d.- . 179 pension increased - ... 1961 Fisk, Arthur G., Fuherks, Ameriurn, credit in postal accounts . 2023 on free list, fish oil and other products of. . 77 appropriation fo; reimbursiug for losses, minus Arumamm, Norm Azumm, _ Sw P\¤¤<>¤¤¢<> emhquake -·-------. 2023 mcswge antzgocumeuts relating bo, ordered 45 dig;’·»authOrimd across Saint i prin .. . . . .` .. 1 6 , C 8 F·*’·~·*%,*§;$,g·;·*··”¢P¢*¥*~i"*°fC¤*~*mm·* m8,GeJ°;2“5Y,“""· ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 352 appropriatiugx for Commissioner, deputy, F£c°}lnSE?n;¤g°?sQdn` ") ’'‘`'‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘ 2072 clerks, ctc . 758, 1435 _ ésiou increased ’ 2010 designation of acting Commissioner . . . 1436 Ffgl Gab"! G ‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘‘ f ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘·*· fordivnsicn of fish culture, ofiice force- 759, 1436 Ou iucrésed 1986 forrsta.tion‘cmpl0¥ees 759, 1436 F5;. Helm L ‘'‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· for employees at ar? --.-...-------- 761,,1438 gsion incgeawd ’ 1.,88 for distribution employees . . - 761, 1438 FF emu Honorabl; ‘°'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘°‘‘‘‘ tor inquiry division .. . .. 761, 1439 fg - ged a member of cgmmisim to for statistics division ... . 762, 1439 mgm; Han of the House of Rc I; for vessel service. . . ; ... . 762, 1439  ! P 1444 {or division of Alaska fisheries .. 1439 Fitzgerald Robert ``‘''’'‘' ' or contingent 2 erases . . 762, 1440 · - ’ _ degzgams m xgmmmomn Fisheries 2 F11jz$;f‘gjj“_};‘,f,j°g°°d ············· · ···-··--—- 1466 ngress--;..:..· . ; . 76 ’ ~" ¤»»p~p»gm . mma Ewymgug *;,},1,m 0* ·--·----·---—- · --—·—-—· 1734 for mmntcmmce of vemels .. 762, 1440 Mw ’ ·° mggi for inquiries- - . 762, 1440 F£z° m£dww,d ‘ i '’'``‘‘ 2100 for statistical iqquirics . ..; .. 763, 1440 mica 1833 for salmon iishenes, Alaska ..,.. 763 Fg: Civumd T 1 61% ········ for·l¤.m1ch for fresh-water mussel station, 763 appropriation for Su hténd { U . ' for biological station, Fairport, Iowa- 763, 1440 pp PA uc pen °° * mm 281 ‘°*A'”’¤“* m' ‘*°h°’*°° ·····-·---~-·-· 7**3 to ¤»»"££1¥’éb§°°aA°"UAi6‘x ``°°`‘‘‘ 281 for protecting sponge fisheries .. 1440 fo;] · budge;} C°°* ks mg C];=7°°iy· · · for upper Mxsmssippi Valley iish·cu1tural 440 Emi dmfuug blooded Indians em °&°· 281 station . 763 1 . · ········· im- Beaufort, biological muon, N. C ,1440 . §°"‘;§1§';';‘;“* ?:11;3f1'°°mi;°d> °*°·» ]“d° gg} fw °t°ti°°’ J°E°”°° C°u°ty* KY ‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘ 1440 ig; removing alienatimri ic · o - l l l · _ 281 Eg: ’g‘3°°.g:1Vgm’ °t"“i0&£· Ghif · bk 1440 io: gouygletfng work gi commgaggi {5:; I 281 FIOQQL _________________ *_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1440 for nxécilsntsl expenses, Indian Service, 281 fg; °*·“°*?“ g §°B§;‘{sf’j'j‘§—_; I I I ;; I Z I for makixié $1éb`6£ i§1Bé1`{>i»6i»é}£§; éiél Z 281 for Amkm fisheries service expenses. . . 1441 f ¤¤;i;§g;gg·¤d bxgugu m%d° °"¥“§Sbl°· 281 deficiency appropriation for mmcellane- 1324 °’ em °‘g° °’ mm"` “ “‘·‘?é1 1070 ous . . .. 224, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘: ················ » baonogmn mum on Gulf coast otF1m·id¤, h ‘°' PI:>;';jQ1{ glfggggw **¤¢dm¤¤ f<>¤ 281 F. l . ·g?n°:?°q ‘’ °’‘'`°‘°``’'° 964 dcggpticn from award to C1§;>bEv}§`§;{d » , _ » s nckasaws .. . 281 sppropnatxon for,_deput.y clerks, etc. . 758 1435 - ' ; designation ¤f wtmg, ¤¤fi¤<>ri=•=<1 --·---·--- j 1436 ! for ff) .:*1 281- Firhgries Qonymgign, Ca1m£an,- I for tribal nchoolg ,,_____ _ ..,_,__ _ ______ I I 282 approprmtmn for commnsncn, ctc., i for exawnses of administration ., 1069 F_ * 22 I .. _ . 344, 1033 g eu;p igyec 1; sigénl txgibgl deeds, etc., , , _ or eere o n ...,, agreement with Great Britain submitting _ for fulfilling uegtim v?iti1 gimctaws to grbitmtigu ,,,,,,,___,___,, , ,,_,__ 2141 tribal cgntmctg fm- gffgirg, (lhgqgigéré appropriation for expenses, arbitration oi aqd Chickasaws authorized . 1070 questxons relatmg_t0-._ . . 765 recexpts of tribal funds may be demegggg gugximpers, arbxtmtxcu of, ordered 1 Yomted 111 banks; interest ..,, _ ...,., 1070 _ nn , ctc ... 1456 i for c erk to si tribal deeds . 5 1214 mw 8 zc N 1 · g" - H- mg {ce _, . C'.! for suxts to set asxdc couveyxmcea of appxionnatxcn for 1p1p1:ovement of . . , _ , 641 [ allotted lands ,______,___ _ _______ 748 1425 prghmumry exammatxon of, to be ¤l8d6-- . 674 { defiCi€l1C}Q appropriation for administering 7 "·$.:·z,~z;"m·,¤h- me .. tf 81% :*%*0* ··-·--·····-·~--·-·~·-·- 13*** . c m mug cu 0:,... ue a ot t " ‘ . . · · ················—··-·······-·· ¤ eceased .

 283 i2eZm—“§EEa§§?i?§****"‘—Z*’*3`2°?*`?* m

Fuhing mak, mmau zgsvq, umm, ” °"° F$*n¤l;Yh°§ -, ~··- I ·F -···~-· 6 ~··--········· 28 H;p12_r:£,f:·§¢;?w for improvement or harbor, 633, 934 7 1 y . sppmpristion for maintenance, ew., of. . 428, 1248 pension incgéqgd ___________ _ ____________ ma