Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1579

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2920 INDEX. Franklin, Asa M., Page- Freed*mcn’s Hospital and Asylum, D. C.- Pagepension increased ... . 2060 Continued. Franklin, De Lauzern, appropriation for rent, nurses’ quarters. 747, 1423 . pension increased ..,. 1623 for additional wing, etc ..,...,.. 747, 1423 Franklin, La. , for home for nurses ,, . . . 1423 appropriation for waterway to Mermentau deficiency afppropriation for power, etc, from ... . .. 648 plant or Howard University and. . . 796 for public building , 1371 Frecl, Joseph C., changes authorized in inland waterway to pension mcrea.sed.. , . 1489 Mermentau from. . 942 Freeland, Allen J., Franklin Street N E., D. C., pension increased". . . , . . 1800 condemnation proceedings for extension of- 200 Freeland, Snyder D., appropriation for _ . . . 200 ’ pension increased ... . 1493 Fran lin, Va., A Freeman, Benjamin F., appropriation for public building ., 1371 pension increased, . ...,., 1848 acquiring site for public building at, au- Ffwmlm, Edward, _ thorized ... 692 pension increased . . ,..,..._., 1832 Franking Privilege, Freeman, Edward W., of Members of Congress accorded to Resi- pension increased .,.. 1473 dent Commissioners from Philip- Freeman, Jesse K., pine Islands ..., - ..,,,___ 467, 910 pension increased ,,,, . ..,,,,,,,,,,__, 2047 Franks, nterstate, Freeman, John, giving or receiving unauthorized, unlawful; pension increased 2014 penalty ,..,,,. _ ____ 546 Freeman, John A., Franks, Milton H., pension increased .,.,.,., 1610 pension increased ...,.,.,,,.,,_____,_ 1508 Freeman, Louis, Fmnzen, Amanda (widow), pension increased ,,.,.. , ,,,.,,,,,_. 1472 pension .,.,...,...,..,,,,,,.,.,,_,,_, 1940 Freeman, Moores, ‘Fraser, Willmm W, pension increased . . .. 1991 pension increased . _ . . .. .,.. 2006 Freeman, Otis W, Fraternal Benejichzl Somhties, or Orders, pension increased ... . 1799 exempt from corporation tax .. 113 Freeman, William A., F1-auds upon Customs Reremle, pension increased ... . 1779 appropriation for detection and preventign Freeman, William Henry, of, increased 716,1393 pension increased . ... 1748 Fraud: upon the Revenues, etc., Freeport, Ill., appropriation for investigation and prose- terms of court at. ... 1110 cution of ,. . 748, 1424 Frees, John W., deiiciency appropriation forinvestigation, pension increased . . ...,.. 1539 etc ,,,,,_________________,__ .,,__,,,,.,_ 213 Frgestone, A for ayment of spec1a' lassistant attorne s 213 ut on, not s cially rovided for 21 Fraudugnt Conceyavwes, Five Civihhed Tribé, Freiglll Agents o_/Pl€ailma£, appropriation for suits to set aside 748 name to be posted at every freight station. 548 Fraudulent Entries, Freight Cars, _ , appropriation for protecting public lands safety appliances required on . ... 298 from .,..,,.,.,..,,, 739, 1415 Freight Difols, Yards, etc., allowances to agents ,,,,, 739 include with railroads in interstate com- Frazar, Moses, merce regulations . . .· .,.___ 545 pension increased ... _, ...,,,,, 1646 Freight, Navy, and Navy Department, Fmzee, John N., appropriation for .._ , ______,___ 620, 1279 pension increased ... s . 1 943 deficiencgappropriation for . , . 221, 810, 813, 1322 Frazier, Darid, Freight on ullwn and Coin, pension increased . ,. .. 1827 appropriation for ..,... 492, 1194 Frazier, S. M., , Freight, Postal Service, deficiency appropriation for . . 209 appropriation for paying, on postal cards, Frazier, William, etc ,,,,________,,__,__________, 362, 1335 pension increased, ,,,.,... . .. 1941 supplies to be sent by, preceding Frederica River, Ga., weighing periods ,,,_,____ _ ______ 362, 1335 preliminary examination of, to be made... 670 Freight Statistics, Frederick, John C., uniform classifications to be made for, repension increased 1675 lating to river and harbor t.raEc_ _ 668, 952 Frederick, Md., Fremont National Forest, Oreg., appropriation for public building .. 1371 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 426, 1248 acquiring site for public building at, au- Fremont, Ohio, _ thorized ... 690 appropriation for public building .. 1371 Fredencks, John, de ciency appropriation for public buildpension .. . ... 1611 ing, rent, etc ,___,,_,______ _ ________ 207 F:-ederwkoon, Fred C'., , . acquiring site for public building at, aupension increased ...  ; ... 1753 tborized ..,__,,,,__,___,___ _ _______ 691 Free List, French, AZUGTO B., Tariff of 1909 . , . 71 pension increased ,,_,,,.,,_,___________ _ _ 1795 F5·eedmen’s Hospital and Aaylurn, C., French, Augustus F., appropriation for care of mdxgent pa- pension increased ,__,...,,______,______,_ 1650 ticnts. . ... ,, . 407, 999 French Broad River, N, C'., 3 fo! expenses . . ..,... , -,. . 7 46, 1423 preliminary examination of, to be made, . , 674