Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1585

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2926 INDEX. German Settlement in America, First, P¤S¢· Gibson, George W, Indiana Volunteers, P¤8¢· contribution authorized for monument at pension increased ,... 1902 Germantown to commemorate .. 1352 Gi son, George W., Ohio Infantry, approval of design, etc . , .. 1352 Gap;-znsion increased 1599 Gegman Silver, 29 on, Henry E., ut on . . .. nsion increased . . . . 1502 jeywelry articles of ...,. . ... 67 Gibgon, John W., _ German South- West Afnka, pension increased 1819 articles admitted at minimum tariff. 2558 Gi son, Joseph C., 2071 Germa , wm, ns on increased .,.. G pensfioni 1610 Gibson: William F., 2 16 ermantown, a., nsion increased .,.. 1 contribution authorized for monument at, Gibson, William L., commemorating first German settle- pension increased 1916 ment in America .. 1352 Gaeseke, Henry F., Germany pension . . . . .,.. 1495 appropriation for ambassador to 337, 1027 Gresin, Rudolph, or secretary of embassy . 337, 1028 pension increased ...,,,,. 1587 for second secretary . ... 338, 1028 Giford, Albert 0., for third secretary .. 338, 1028 pension increased ...,,,,.,, ,, 1776 replica of statue of General Von Steuben, Giford, Henry M., _ authoriped for presentation to Em- 605 G’L%en3io1I>in?·{eased ..,,,,.,,.,, ,,,, 2105 peror o . .. J ., or , an ., agreement .with, relating to working of 217 G1%en;io]1;;il ...,,.,, 1548 , tents, etc . - 8 or , i iam . articlespafrom, admitted at minimum tariff . 2523 Gilrfnsion increased ...,,,,. 1493 postal convention with, reducing letter National Forest, N. Mex., ...s.."°“""°m. Z*§.‘{2“.i·‘“°§‘,?°;.·gr”‘€‘°,; 2197 “€§’§°¤...*’““i.2i§’.1‘ £.’§d”i“,?i'i§‘i."°°°.a§f."‘* °f‘ *27* iii? p n mg o nvr- 1 oun es o _ leges to subjects of. . .: 2685 Gigi River_Indian Reservation, Ariz., mcludmgmechanical musical reproduc- appropriation for when system. ..,, 272, 1062 G gags in copyright privileges - .. 2761 Giilregrtlmteégllwe Is ms, t ff earner, o n, IC es m admit a minimu tari .. 2683 G pensioi ... . ... 1719 Gilbert, Benjarhirgeg'., m , ew ., ension increa . .. . 1902 pension increased 1568 Gilbert, Charles B., Getchell, Lendora (widow), 1472 Giplecniaigd 1606 pension . ... w . ‘ Getchell, Nellie A. (daughter), miliiary record dorrected 1 1750 pension . . ., . ,., _ .. 1 549 return from President requested of bill to Gettysburg} Fiftieth Anniversary Gilbert (iorrect military record of . . ..,. 2133 o att o , eorge commission of three Senators and three defieiency appropriation for services ____,_ 806 Representatives to confer with . 2134 Gilbert, Horatio, Gettysburg atibnal Park, Pa., pension increased ,,..,.,,,,,,, , ______ 1536 approporgation for continuing establishments 1401 Gi bert,_ Richard ...,.. 72 nsion mcrea . ... . ... 1674 deficiency appropriation kfor ligttlefleld I Gilbaut, Thomas S., monumentsan mar ersto egu . 122 ensi n 'ncreased . .. 1522 Gettysburg, Pa., Us G1l]berta%ai·, Fla., appropriation for public building .. 1372 qrgeliminary examination of, to be made. . 670 combustion of public building authorized Gi , Charles H., at 683 nsion increased 2037 Getz, Michael, Graft, Sarah A. (widow), nsion increased ... . 1509 ension increased 1732

   C'., · 2108 Gages, 1'ilman, ahh: Robert Powell,

nsion increased . ,,. pensio ,,,..,,,,, . ,,, . , , . 1673 Gibgena, Jacob, Gi key, Jbhn W., pznsiorgncreased 1489 Gigeigion increased ..., 1899 . awry. . mhmin. Gipensionliricreased ..,. 1763 G pfrgioii ingreased .,,,,..,_,..,..,,__,,, . 1804 . 9 ”» t » 0**96 -» Gtpension increased .,., 1616 pension increased ,,,_,_,,__ _ ___________,, 1692 bong, John R., G1 l, John N., pension increased., ... . .. 1763 pension increased ______,_________,___,_,_ 1548 Gi bong, 1{ar9aret(wndow). Gi lNeu• and Neuings, pxsron increased 2095 dut on anx ...,...,,,,...,,,,,,,,,.. 49 G• . }Y¤l;¢·· H., aiu, hmmm, · D§10]111'1Cl'68B0d .. . . 2035 `(ynjpcteased ________ _ ______ _________ 1932

, fm had t _ _ _ Gtllzlisl John W.,

G 68 H1, 1 8 11111 .. `on increased . 1933 Gibson, Garrett, , Th L_ '‘‘‘‘‘‘ pznsion increased ... . 1621 $1::;;. in@d_’ ______________,________ 2040 , Gcgrsrc K. l land, William P., pension mcruced ..··--.. 1531 pension increased . ..,,,.. 1480