Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1593

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2934 INDEX. G·uam—Continued. P¤¢¢- Gum; cmd Gum Resins, P¤8¢· customs tariff schedules not applicable dumn , , ,..__,,...,, 13 to. ._ .. 11 on list, crude, drugs, not specially promerchandise for residents of, may be m.r— vided for .. 75 ried on Army transports. ... 256, 1051 Gopal, crude .. 72 Gumg,66 l_ 76 66 K?6§1·66crud<36 . . ... 72 on mt ... em a ortar atteriea, Gmmtanamo, Cuba, appropriation for elect lantsf . 596, 1341 appropriation for repair installation, naval gr sliipplies, etc., Philip ine Iglands 598 station 1275 Gun Barrel Molds pp tos gublic ¤}o}its, `ssysi ff I Z]; 1277 ds? os, steel, not in bars 23 ·Guard,_ oghie M. (widow), Gun locks, Wood, pension increased . . .. 1758 on free 1ist,_ rough hewn, etc., not specially Guatenmld, _ _ _ · provided for ,.. 81 aptpropnation for mmister to ... 337, 1027 Gun Metal, or secretary of legation . 337, 1028 duty on, jewelry articles of .,,,,,.. , , 67 articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2545 Gage Wada, 9u0k0n00fv0f· ·$'¢b¤5¢i<m, sty 0n ·--·-·----------·------~---------- 67

 increased  1469 G"”‘b°a*s N90!/1 _ 6

Guenn, Stephen D., construction of one, authorized, cost .. 1287 pension insrsssed --·.. . .. 2088 Gimb00¢, River, _ r » Guernkr, S. G., construction of one, authorized; cost .. 1287 my bridge Missouri mvos, Atchison, G·0¤i07m¤n, Hmm, 666 Kaus ... . ..,..,_____ _ _ _ 905 66 p:6n6t;1o; .. . 1589 t, W'll u QM in -, pcgnsisri ------. . 1942 p0nsion z¤0r0¤¤s<1 ------- - ---------·------ 1897 Gufeys Benjamin, Gunn, _.Iulum H., · 666p;nsi6>'n increased .. . ...,_,______ _ 2042 66p6z61:l6on }616;:6;6ea§d . 1 . . 1968 yr 1 . ’ . " pension mcrwsed ---.. . .. 1680 666psnsi0¤ incrssssd -------- - ------··------- 1564 G’mm•a, Bntuh, . nn"!} E:'“Z`°"•’“» NT)!/¤ articles from, admitted at minimum tariff. 2542 ¤PP1'9P¤¤'>1°¤ f<>1’ P1[1ZQ¤, *3189*-5, ¢’0¢ ----- 608, 1268 Gmkmq, Dutch, ‘ deticientéy appropriation for 221, 1322 G6¤rticles666fr6>6¤6¤6, admitted at minimum tariff. 2522 G•461676;*6}g6 6 1666 lmnav r _ ····· · ·····•· · ······· ‘ · · articles som, admitted st ssmimsm torts. 2661 Gunnnw, 0010-, _ · granted lands for public rk .,.. . 461 Guild, Preston JL, . . lg Pa pension increased ... . ,,,_ 1177 Gurmwm Nqfumal creat, Colo., Gu,y·o,d Bank 6,.,,,,,,,] Cm,,pm,y6 appropriation for rnamtenance, etc., of . 427, 1248 duties nf, 00¤¤¤0w<i with memorial mms- p¤00¤s¤¤¤¤0¤ <1n¤¤¤¤¤1¤nz --------·-- - ----· 2705 ment to General Greene and Conti- Gunn? GWh, _ nentsl Army ... . ., 899 66:1nty 0n, sctwn bagging ... 51 otujora Court Ho1ue_Butlle_/ield, M 0., d’},1;‘"‘g,"# 66 monument authorized to commemorate Gumoiies ‘'‘' '‘ 6 ‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·· Revolutioning victory at, by forces mic;] my ’ * 1667 under Major eneral Greene ... 899 Gupsm, ‘°‘‘°‘'‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘·· ¤pp¤>pn¤¢i0¤ for ··-·..-.- . 1402 6666,66 ,66,6,,666 ,626 G"*’*¢¤· P°"”9”“° Gu John R, '````'````````` `'```` srticlss fr0¤¤» sdniitwd st mininnnn mis. 2543 ,,’;`,‘f§{,,,, ,,,,3,,,;,,,,, ___________________ _ ____ ,96, 0··v·»x Mmn. ··~·» "'°°°`°‘‘‘‘‘`°‘°°’°°‘ o,£’,$,‘;;‘°?,,;5.‘,$',,$“i, ························ “"° °PP'°1"*"i"°“ ‘°' ’““'°Y’ °‘ ****%*1** 0*; · · 75*% 1432 pension increased ..,. , .,,_,,,,.,_ 1902 ‘·’°”'*'“°“°“ °f !'h*“"’°° °*·°·· mz °d1°°°¤* Gurry, Patrick, alia: Edward Judge, t0 1>s¤P1¤¤n Islsnd, snthnnzed .. sos ,,,,,,,0,, ,,,,3%,,,,,, ______________ ,4,,,, umrine biological station authorized on gut, °'°’ ° ' ' Flmiida wut °f ’'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · *‘···· 96* on free list, rmmanufactured, cat .. 74 G**UP<¤‘*· !"*?*·· . whip . . 74 ¤PP1’<>P6¤:_¤°¤ for improvement of har- 666 666 young . 66 ,,,..,,__ _ ,,,, , ______,___ 7 4 -···· ···•··· · ·---··-- · -· .. 57,1,4;, enry _, fi)? anchdmge bum? 0per·stion of 662 Guptinsion increased .,.,___ , _,______________ 1935 dredge ... I rie George E., transfer of dung? “ ssm¤d·* ---·--·. 942 pension increased ,,,,,__ _ ______________,,__ 1554 for public building . 705 Guthrie, Okla., Gulicb, gdmund B. appropriation for public buildin ...,.. 1372 . . P P 8

 increased ...·~-.. 1842 engagement of public building at, author- 666

G¤&¢P» WM, ized -·--... . .. . pension increased ..-.-·.. 1587 terms of court at ...,,,.,... - . 1122 Gulley,_ Jdgn, 6666 Guthrie, Ogoer S., pensionmcreaned ..·····--·--···-···-·· nsion increased . . .,.,,. 1856 _ Gum, QI•¤jleaR., 6666 Giga-Perdm, pennon increased uty on manuiact of not specml1' Gum Substitute, vided . ,’ ..,,,,_ 70 duty on .. 39 on free list, crude.; .. 16