Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/16

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XV 111 LIST OF PROCLAMATIONS. Page. Dimiuishing area of the Rio Grande National Forest, Colorado. August 15, 1910 . 2736 Modifying boundaries of the San Juan National Forest, Colorado. August 15, 1910 ... 2736 Modifying boundaries of the Kaibab National Forest, Arizona. August 23, 1910 ... . . . . r . 2787 Modifying boundaries of the Sitgresves National Forest, Arizona. ugust 24, 1910 2739 Modifying boundaries of the Jemez National Forest, New Mexico. August 24, 1910 .. 2740 Enlarging boundaries of the Carson National Forest, New Mexico. August 24, 1910 .. . ... 2741 Diminishing area of the Routt National Forest, Colorado. August 24, 1910 ..----- 2741 Openinilto entry lands of the Crow Indian Reservation, Montana. September 9, 1910: .. 2742 D1rnin° ing area of the Arapaho National Forest, Colorado. September 26, 1910 . 2743 Modifying boundaries of the Powell National Forest, Utah. Stgatember 26, 1901 .. 2744 Modifying boundaries of the Tonto National Forest, _Ar1zona. eptember 26, 1910 ... 2745 Diminishing area of the Agache National Forest, Arizona. September 26, 1910 ... 2746 "».°°m‘}s. "°““““2°t3.°‘i.k°..C‘°°‘i¤N““.‘i§¤“‘FF°'°’°;C`£.“°““‘ S°"‘°“£°‘3S’}3}3 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ $$23 ' ` areao e atio orest, r nsas. e tem er , M undaries of the Uinta National Forest, Utah. Octollner 7, 1910 2749 Modifying boimdaries of the Ashley National Forest, Utah and Wyoming. October 7, 1910 .. 2750 Modifying boundaries of the Prescott National Forest, Arizona. October 7, 1910 . 2751 Modifying boundaries of the California National Forest, California. October 12, 1910 .. 2752 Modifying boundaries of the Stanislaus National Forest, California. October 12, 1910 .. 2753 Modifying boundaries of the Wichita National Forest, Oklahoma. October 13, 1910 . 2754 Modifying boundaries of the Alamo National Forest, New Mexico. October 20, 1910 . 2755 Enlarging boTulndaries olfi the Klb:m;4th11!;Iii(tional‘Ifores1é, Califglrnia. Nqvemberg, 19101;. . . Designs y, ovem r , , as a a o ene thanksgiving. ovem er , . .

 area of the Angeles National Forest, )Cali§>mia. November 25, 1910 ... 2760

Copyrights, benefitatlo tggrmlsgiyl extegdelgl to m$banical repr%ductio€s. 1g)ecember 8, 1910 gf;` area o e e atio orest, ashmgto` n. ecem er , 1910. ... 6 Modifying boundaries of the Toiyabe National Forest, Nevada. December 10, 1910 ,. 2763 Modifying boundaries of the Monterey National Forest, California. December 12, 1910 . 2764 Modify boundaries of the Trinity National Forest, Califomia. December 16, 1910 ,, 2765 Modifying boundaries of the Shasta National Forest, California. December 16, 1910 2766 · Enlarging boundaries of the Sopris National Forest, Colorado. December 16, 1910 .. 2767 Modifying oféhe Clevelalgd N:;11o§al I•`or§st,)r$l)(s;.lifornia. liecember 16, 1910 2768

 ' area o e o y atio orest, o o. Decem er 16 1910 .,_,,_.,,.,..,. , 2769

Diminishing area of the Simdance National Forest, Vgyomingj December 16: 1910 .,,,,___,,,,,,., 2770 Modifying boundaries of the Sevier National Forest, tab. ecember 23, 1910 _,_________________ 277] Modifying boundaries of the Modoc National Forest, California. December 23, 1910 . 2772 Diminishing area of the Boise National Forest, Idaho. December 24, 1910 ,,,_,,______________,_ 2773 Modifying boundaries of the Ozark National Forest, Arkansas. December 28, 1910 _______________ 2774 Modifying boundaries of the Lassen National Forest, California, December 30, 1910 ________ _ ____ 2775 Diminishing area of the Kern National Forest, California. January 30, 1911 ______________________ 2776

 boundaries of the Inyo National Forest, California and Nevada. February 23, 1911 ,... 2776

Convemng extra session of Congress. March 4, 1911 ,,______,,__ , ____,__________________ 2773