Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1605

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2946 INDEX. Made, Robert E., Page- Hobson, Ida Thomas (wélow), Pagedeficiency appropriation for burial ex- pension inéfcased ... . 1554 penses, etc ... 781 Hobson, Jamu M., Hindnum, Lorenzo W, pension inéreased 1503 · pension increa.sed-..;- ... 2045 Hockemueller, Johannes, Hmds, Mary E. (widow), pension increased 1535 pension increased 1840 Hodge, Allen B., Hands, Van Buren, pension increased ... . 1473 pension increased 2057 Hodge, Wdliam H., Hmer, Jesse, pension increased ... . .. . . 1893 pension increased ... . 1557 Hodgenum, John T., Hmer, Lafayette, pension increased - .. 1951 pension increased ... . 1622 Hodges, Duvall F., Hmcs, Dambl, pension increased 1573 pension increased ... . 1487 Hodges, Henry, Hmes, John, pension increased 1711 pension increased 2007 Hodges, Wesley J, · Bones, John H., alias Henry Heinz, pension increased 1540 pension increased . . .. 1794 Hodges, Wqlliam F., Hmge Blanks, — pension increased ,1493 duty on, iron or steel 25 Hodgsdon, William B., _ Hinges, pension increased 1583 duty on iron or steel 25 Hoding, Alonzo, . Hinkk, Wzillabm F., · pension increased ... . 2020 pension increased ... . 1581 Hocmer, Melchwor, Hmman, Charles A., pension increased 1476 pension increased 1559 Hoey, Francw, Henman, Joseph, pension increased 1531 pension increased 1945 Hoey, George, Hmman, Lillk P., pension mcmased 1681 pension . ,.. 2101 Hojman, Ethel H, (widow), Heres, Gcrehom C., pension . t . . .. 1810 pension increased 1593 Hofman, Willwm C., Hzmnimm, Fredenhk, pension increased 2018 pension increased 1930 Hogaboom, Isaac, Hue, Willnhm, _ pension increased 1469 pension increased 2010 H0fer,_Jo}{n Fretrik, Hua, Joseph, pensxou mcreused 1958 pension increased . . . . 1892 Hogan, Helen S., Hutorical Assomhtion, A_mqnZcan, _ _ payment to, for lost bond . 2123 appropriation for pnnting and binding return from Bresident requested of bill for annual regort. . 768, 1447 the relief of ... 2136 Histornbol Places, . U., conecuon m enrollment directed ... 2137 appropriation for erection, etc., tablets for Hogan, Jofm, mnrking .. . . . 382, 974 pension mqreased .,..,,__,,__ 1719 Hitchcock, Albert, Hogan, Marten, . pension increased ... . 2015 pension increased .. , ,,,___,__ 1883 Hztchcock, Frank B., Hogan, Owen, pension increased 1474 pension increased .,.,___,,,,___ _ _____ 2075 Hztchcock, Henry C., Hogan, Willehm D., pension increased ... . 1756 pension increased ,.__________ _ _______ 153] Hzwassee River, Va. and Tenn., Hoge, Chrizta A. (widow), appropriation for improvement of . . . - 652 pension ,..._,__,,,,_______ _ __________ 155] bridge authorized across at Charleston and Hogg, Jams, Calhoxm, Tenn . 187 pension increased ,,...,,__ _ ______________ 2110 Hoag, Charles M., Hogge, Hiram, pension increased 1533 pension increased ,,,,..___________ _ ______ 1593 Hoag, Wilson, Hogle, Walter, pension increased 1563 pension increased __,_,____________ _ ______ 172-] Board, Laura M. (widow), Hogs, pension increased 1519 census inquiries of, slaughtered for food, . Hoarhmmd Seed, and all hides produced ,___ _ _______ 223 on free list ... 79 duty on ..,___ _ _,___________ _ _______ 35 Hob Nails, Hzgsheads, duty on - ... 28 uty on, em 3 ,__, , _,_________ _ ________ 33 Hobart, Franklin, Hague, Samui) ,, pension increased 2080 pension increased ________ _ __________ _ ____ 1635 Hobart, Wdlimn K, Hohfeld, Edward, pension increased . _. . . 1936 pension increased _,,,,,____________ _ _____ 1723 Hobbs, John Franklin, alias John Franlclm, { Holbrook, Calvin B., pension_incl'8&S&d . . . . 1585 i pension increased ,_,,,_________ __ ________ 1649 Hobba,_W•{1um, ( Holbrook, Josqda H., pensxon increased 1583 l pensmn increased __________ _ _____________ 1563 Hobron, John D., { Holcomb, John C., pension increased ... . 1652 pension incrqsgd __________ _ _____________ Iggy