Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1610

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mnnx. 295 1 House of I?cpresentat·i·ves—(}ontinued. P%S¤· l House of Represmtativee-Continued. Page appropriation for reconstructing Hall of: . . 1444 deiiciency appropriation for James A. Gas- _ de ciency appropriation _ for equipping saway . 1318 f libraiy in Pilicte) Building .. ger ggosiph B. Sparks or opera ing e eva rs ...,,, r , , Ernst ,,,,.,,,,,,..,.,.,,,_ 3 for extra month's pay to employees,. $64 if gg]- &dv§inTL. Williams . 1313 , or . . op ing . 13 for J. C. Stewart .. . . ._ ... 127, 806, 1319 for George F. givers 1318 foripay to widow of Francis W, Cushman- 128 for Mars all Pickering .. 1318 . A. De Almond ... 805 for Dio W. Dunham ... 1319 J. M. 611%; . . .. 805 for N. T. Hynson . . . 1319 J. B. Per -... . 805 for Edward S. Glavis .. 1319 W. P. Browulow . 1317 for Charles S. Greenwood ... 1319 2. gilmtibge ... coal for pentral léeating, and power . . me .. p ant to e ai or om appropria- · W. W. Foulkmd .. . .. 1317 . tions for fuel) and oil for Senate and. 891 { Jog; Colpk . -6 1317 continglent fund vouxhers approvefl By or ug ter 0 presentative . . ommittee on ccounts cone usive Lovering ... 805 upon all officers, etc ... 1318 for heus oi Amos L. Allen .. 1317 employees to be pa1d December, 1909, §01’ gxtognobge gr Speaker .. D salzgzies, Decemllggp .. B2, . . 8;; or er ert . rown .. ecem r, 1910, sa 'es, ecem r 1. 14 for clerks committees on Expenditures to receive June, 1910, salaries on day of Nav¥BDepartment, and Commerce adjournment ... 886 and bor .. 128 five Members to be appointed on joint comior equipping folding room, Omce Build- mittee to investigate affa1rs.` 1444 ing ,.. . . , . . 128 joint commission on rates of bonding comfor removing documents, etc., to folding _ _ pames, continued .. : . _- 804 room, Office Building ... 133 jomt committee of genate and, to 5.11I‘vest1- for , messengers, etc ... 1 te nterior epartment an orest for iolii speeches. 128, 217, 805, 806, 880, 1318 gzrvice . , .. : . . . 871 for offic§ reporters and stenographerséés Member elected in Arizona to be cerntied 578 to for materials for folding ... . , 217 V Members elected in New Mexico to be Cel'- for miscellaneous items . 223, 881, 891, 1317 _ to .  : . .; .···.-.-. 567 for fuel and oil ...,,__,,.,.. 805, 1317 tariff printing and bmd1:ug_may be done at for stationtzy ... 805 Government { Ilgnnting Qflicc on for contes -election expenses .. 806, 1317 requisition o epresentative r for clerk to Committee on Rules 805 W. Underwood ·-·- 2 -...-----·--- ; - 1317 jgmjmr _______________________,,. _ ,,_, 805 three Members to be appointed on COII1.lD1S· gor conapiling lcgntested-election cases... gg; sion to Mexican centennial celebra- 882 or L, , Bus y ,,,___,,._,,... . . . HOD ..-. . -·--·--·-. f tant 1 k, Committee n j int committee to confer with Battle of or _____ _____________ _ , , _? _ 805 0 Gettysburg Commission . ... 2134 {Or £ll;);;ncghA_ Donnelley _,_,__. , , . . 805, 1% three Mémbsm bil E110 $l§l.g·S6C0l£)<;i (EQIP ‘ beg, peards _____________ _ __,___ ess o a pom e on n mg ig; W_ H_ Egtgy ________,____,__,,... 805, 1319 lfivestigation Bommission. . 1444 for John J. Cameron . 806, 1318 two Members of, to serve on ational Forest for Gggrgg Gilbert, ______ _ ______ , , .,,,_, 806 MR6?)€fV8t10Il; ...-- · . - · : . 962 { Charl L, W‘11‘ _., 806,1318 two em ers to e nppom on €0111mlB· tg; J, 0, glewmi . T? ,..,, 806, 1319 sion to investigate employcfs lwbllfor xmawr, committee on `Coinage, ity ¤·¤d_ w5>rk¤¤¤¤’¤ ¢<>¤¤1>¢¤¤¤¤¤¤-- - 884 ( eveighm mg %0e”mmur,Gs-".-·1¢‘-h.-i' 806 Home midmsly to d to for 474 1177 'ta tl `ttee or' a roria on oreeva rcon uc rs , °r °l°}L.J§_ ?_Y_,’ _______ _ ____ T ,,.. ii? sos pir Sonics force . 476, ms for clerk, Committee on Expenditures in for removing patent models to subbase ,.,,5},%; §;¢5;;*·m* -··--··--········ 5% r.,...‘i;;;1°.‘:£S‘2';?$.1.ig;r ········* iée 13.12 W 1 . ...·· ---·· · _ o -s · •·•*·· ** r for printing and binding .. . . 806 {Of U131111»€1mHC9 ····-·-----·-·---·—— 766. 1443 {or special and select comméztees. 881, 891, 1317 §01‘ wm? {PF ····-··---·--- · or joint commission on ndmg' com- of Jo BN 1118 8 _ ----—·· ; ·--··-- Puig, _____ _ _______________________ 1317 forsubway transportation to Capitol - . . . 1443 for expert, clerical, and steriogrsphic deficiency spproprgstwn for equrppmg services, approved by Represents- library r<><>¤¤¤ }¤ --··—--- _ ·--- · ·----·- 12 5 { five oscar C. Usaegwood ... ... lor eq¤¤i;1;:1¤~s(;¤1d1;§l;:*t<;f>¤1t;¤~i;, --—--·-- or widow of A. . Welc - -··-· OY Y911}0 _S Ocu v 9 ·» · ······ for messengers in post omce ... . .·... 1318 fo!` 19-Y ¤1d¤w¤1k¤ ·----·-----········· 79§ for compiling laws relating to emp10Y0€8, fil? comllllitlng aPPY°“·Qh9s t°· ·········· 790 contingent fund, Bm _________ _ _____ 1318 for Elliott Woods, services . . 1306 for Robert W_ Dye, ____________ _ _______ 1318 for J. C. Courts, services as secretary to for George J ennison . . . . 1318 commission on . . .: ... _. 1307 {0, R_ B_ Hormn _______________ _ ______ 1313 Speaker to remain on commission until for M_ g_ Shield ________________ _ ___,__, 1318 successor is elected, etc ... . . 1306 for George B. Serenbetz, J`. B. Holloway, Ho'll·-¢¢,_$¢¤(•·1wl M-. and Marie G_ potter ________ _ ____,__ 1318 pension increased . ... . . . . 1790 _ 88T41°-—-von 36, PT 2-11-109