Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1626

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INDEX. 2967 _ I Page. Psge. Internat14;)rt;1'fwgTC(;<;)1;l5{/ress on Hygiene and Interpreters, Dgplorrurticd and Consular Ser— _ _ r owe- ontinue . appropriation ior expenses, etc . i.. - 341, 1034 appropriation for quarters, student, Japan 1uv1ta.tion to States to participate in Flf- and Turkey ,,______...,______,, 339, 1030 teenth- - . e .. _ .. 873 for consulates. . 346, 1035 I to be heldluéUn1ted Stages ix} 5911 or 1912. 874 Interstate Commerce ntematwna ongress on oem nsurance, re ations of, transpo 'on of 1 f invited to meet in United States .. 1034 gul immoral practicletsttetc. . . . la?. 825 International Conventions (see Hague Conven- Interstate Commerce Cases, _tl0l1E). _ precedence given to, of public importance. 854 International Dwputes, certificate of Attorney General to secure convention fegchiixcilic settlement of . . - 2199 hearing at earliest practicable day. . 854 Interm1tionalE nges, composition of court; iilling vacancies. . . . 854 appropriation for expenses 718, 1395 divisions of gpinion; assignment of addifor printing and binding for . 768, 1447 tional circuit 'udgg _________________ 55,4 Internatwkmal Exposwlion of Art and History, rwrgumgnt to be {ward ___________ _ ____ 35,4 Rome, Daly, _ _ _ _ pending causes included_..: ... 854 appropriation for participating in .. 345 Interstate Commerce Commismon, Internatronal Expositimt of Fine Arts, appropriation for salaries .. 719, 1396 deficiency appropriation for participation for expenses, regulating commerce. . . 719, 1396 _iI1, at B\1€D0§ j\i1‘8S ..·. . 203 for enforcing reports, information, et,c,, International Ezpoantzon of Industry and from common carriers . . 719, 1396 Labor, Turin, Italy, for arbitrating railway emp1oyees’ differappropriation for participating in .. 345 ences ...,.. 719, 1397 International Exposttrim, Panama-Pacific, designation of member to perform foreign nations may be invited by Presi- dutiesin ..,,,,..,,,.., 1397 dent to participate in . . 1454 for enforcing safety appliances regulaconditions recedent _,...,, 1454 tions ,.,,... 719, 1397 International Association for the for securing reports of railway accidents. 720 Measurement of the Earth, for expenses, compelling use of safe locoappropriation for pa ent of quota 342,1032 motive engine boilers ...,,___,.,___ 1397 or expenses of delqn tes ... 756 extension of period for compliance of Interventional Industrnafgroperty Bureau, safety appliances to cars placed in appropriation for share of expenses . 515, 1217 service m April 14, 1910, to July Internatvkynal Institute of Agriculture, 1, 1911 ... 1397 appropriation for payment of quota and for investigating block-signal systems, member . 343, 1032 etc . I .. 720, 1397 deticiency appropriation for quota 774 for_print1ng and binding for . 769, 1447 Internatebnal Joint Commisswn, deficiency appropriation for Charles Starek. 121 geement in treaty with Great Britain for for arbitrating railway employees’ differestablishing bounda% . 2451 ences . 782 International Office ofPnbl1b ealth, for legal expenses under Attorney Genappropriation for annual quota 344,1034 eral, . , 799 International Parliamentary Union éor Pro- for printing and binding; . . . 806 moting International Ar tration, cases in Commerce Court y, or against, to Bureau of, be brought by or against the United appropriation for contribution to . . 345 States . _ 543, 1150 Internattorml Prison Commission, Commerce Court to enforce orders of, other appropriation for annual subscription, etc. 342 than payment of money . . . 539, 555, 1148 Intematwnal Railway Congress to decide suits to enjoin, etc., orders appropriation for payment oi quota ... 343 of ... _ .. 542 , 1148 Internatzoruzl Red Cross Conference, Ninth, to enforce regulations of, by mandamus, appropriation for expenses of meeting . 1034 etc _ _ . _ . . 1149 Internatwnal Sanitary Bureau, common camera required to comply with appropriation for annual share of mainte- orders of-, ·.·.. 554 nance ... . .. 343, 1033 may irétprvene in cases before Commerce m.,,,,,· · · · · urt ... 543.1150 Inappro;>(;ilz?fic`?1i1ig;0cii)r!{p®;i1iieJ:i?8e):iiafl?7i7 ., 344 Part 0§9I;?t€£;dOmQ€H§l§H¤t§¤g allotment, ds °¤*·>···=>’ =·¤¤*°P¤=¤¤¤ *0* expense ·---· 12% safe ieemgeveieiiie beie3" ;;,;¢st;;s" iii? International Union joy- Protection of Indus inspection, invesdgatiom, et};. _ _ _ _ _ _ 914 . tml P'°P”¢?!: . railway accidents to be monthly reported deficiency appropriation for expenses of io _ _ 350 meeting er, at washington. D- C ·---- ·119~ im,eesg5fiei.`ei; eeeeéf eiéZ III f Z IZ sai _ _ 775* 1290 in connection with State commissions. 351 IMef’r¤1¢i0{M1l_ Wa¢¢'fw¢1y8 C'<Ymm*8—%¢m» _ __ forms of reports, etc., to be prescribed by. 351 aPPY°P!"3U‘m Y0? GXPBUSQS --·-·-·----· ’30·140’ standard safety appliances equipment for I”¢¢’*`PP‘¢¢¢'*`8, €`¢m¢’¢$, cars, to be designated by, in six allowed to assist enumerators --... 6 months ___________________________ 298 Interpreters, Diplomatic and Cemrular Service, extension of period for cars in service. . . 298 appropriation for embassies and lega- to prescribe modified height of drawbars- , 299 tions . .. 338. 1029 Interstate Commerce Regulations (see also Comforstudent, China,.] apan, and Turkey. 339, 1029 _ merce Court), not to be paid other salaries .. 339, 1030 creation of Commerce Court, functions, etc. 539 S8741°—vo1;. 36, rr ?r-—11——110