Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1642

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INDEX. 2983 Kale Seed, P¤Ze· Kansas National Forest, Kans.—Continued. Paged\}W 011 ·-·----··-··---···---··----- · . 37 exchange of public lands to private owners Kalwpdh _Mq»1-. _ _ _ of lancis in ,... 960 ¤PP1'QR1'1¤119¤ 101` P11b11Q b1111¢1111g--- . ·. 1374 deeded lands added to . 961 acquiring site for public building at, au- Kansas River, t1101’1Z0d ·--·-·- - ··.-..--... 690 time extended for bridging, Kansas City, Kali, Albaty KBHB· -.·-· - .. 19]. Kgensiogincrpased ... . 1551 Kaolin, G Wy qnw , duty on 18 pension mcressed 1756 Karr, Hamilton A., Kamerun, German Protertorate, _ pension increased ,,_,_,__ , ,,_____________ 1712 articles from, admitted at minimum tariff- 2557 Karr, Julia A. (daughter), Kama, Sarah E. (widow), pension ...,.,...,,,.,,,_.__,,,_., 1484 Kpension increased , , .. 1905 Karr, Lemuel, ammerdzrwr, Amelw (widowl, 2 Kpension increased; ..,...,...,,,,___., 1603 1181011 - ..-. . 039 aseman, Nathan, Kgawha River W Va., nsion increased . ... 1585 appropriatiori for improvement of . 653 Kviiseer, John F., Kane County, Utah. _ _ Kpension increased 1892 appropriation for surveying public lands assner, Joseph F., alias Frank Weber, 111.1 ... . ... 741 pension increased .. .. 1928 Kane, John, I Kauai, Hawaii, nsion increased 1940 preliminary examination of harbors of, to Kgrie, Thomas, Illinois I/blunteers, be made .. . .,.. 670 Kpension increased 2052 Kaufman, Melissa J. (unaow), ane, Thomas, United States Navy, Kpelrgiorézncfeued .. , . 2006 nsion increased 1791 au , ar es Kd):e,_PWlliam D., Kpension increased ... . 1747 Kpension increased . - .. 1857 auri Gum, angaroo Skim, on free list, crude ... . 72 duty on, dressed and finished. ., . . 68 Kaylor, Francis M., Kaniksu National Forest, Idaho and Wash., KPGDSIOD 111¢1‘€3·¤9<1 -····-~--···--- · ···---·· 1719 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 427, 1249 ear, isaac, Kpyoclnmogign dllininighing _______,______,__ 2692 Kpensiora increased 1506 _ ha , , earnes £0Ty€, ` gncyggiiiiyfincreaiicqi ________________,_,____, 1941 Kpensionlgnlgeased ... .‘ 1578

  1. -1, Mme! . 6. · . . .

assigned to eighth judicial circuit. ... 1131 appropriation for public building .. 705 consent of Congress to agreement as to Keanw, Edw¢11'd Fo boundary in and jul-isdicuon over refund to .. _ .-.-. _ .------- 2124 Mi?ouri River between Missouri 881 Keamsf Hemili 11111:; WWW, 2027 ________ _ ______________________ nsion increase . - .. Kansas giiy, Kans., KE1`1}1, _J¢18Pe'» appropriation for public building .. 705, K6]§3.¤1011 11’1€1'€2S€d -··--·-···--·-·-· · -----· 1849 t-¤··.••.»·•·••·--en- Y A ~ _ ~ • doggrgrgy appropriation for public build. 207 Kagteiclels frogxlifdmntted at mmnmum tariff. 2683 ing, rent, etc - _ ee ·" _ 01{"P · l limit of cost increased, public building. . . KP${1é1012;1¥117Y€a;_2d ··---·- · ·-·—···~-—-~··-- 154-% terms of court at .. . . . ev mq, {cme ·, time extended for bridging Kansas River 191 KP*;[1¤10;1,;(l;;;‘(;;’a¤€d ··-····- · -······--~--·-· 1523 t ve my , _ · _ _ _ Kamas guy, Memo and Orient Railway C0,m_ Kzigcgoilgogi, admitted at minimum tariff. 2616 1/· , , ’ · · may Rio Grande, Presldm del Kp°"sl°%$;i;?LS°d '``’‘‘‘`'‘‘'‘'‘°'‘' 1845 Norte. Mexico to Del Rio, Tex . 853 emgzzzm igwrméed ,780 El Oro to Mexican bank ... . .. . 353 Kpe ld M ‘ M ‘'‘‘‘’‘`° ’ `°'‘ Kansas City. Mo., €me’- a (IL 0w)’ 1851 time exmniieu for bridging Missouri River Ke1;§l‘;S1Qg.‘ -1,- ····························· b9,,f,fé,y.g{,‘l,,; g,,,‘d ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘`‘‘‘`‘ gg appropnativn for public 1>¤i1di¤s; - - , ---·-- 1374 _ ‘ ’ · '‘`'’‘‘'` `‘'°' limit of cost increased, public building. .. 678 l€!'mS of rourt at . ... . . . . 1117 Keme,3 Cement Kansas Oity, Saint Josgph and Excelsior dutv OIL _ _ ________ _ _________________ 18 Springs Railway om y, _ A N_ time extended for bridging ggnssourl River Kgggsgjon lgggxasoh ________________________ 1727 K £;lK¤11¤=§}3;1Y» M0-: by ···’'‘‘‘'‘ ‘ 178 Keepers, Came E. (willow), amos ions, V .. . ... 2116 appropriation for support, etc., Of ...-. 280, 1069 Kg;;It1;.i?nVt%lliam H,. Kansas L1dicZalD’istrict, pension increased . : .. 2045 counties composing first division .,,.. 1112 Keese, Janette Taloott (widow), second division ... . - .. 1112 pension ... . 1572 third division . -.·-..-· 1112 Ke_/fer, John, terms of court .. . . 1112 pension increased . . .. 1660 Kansas National Forest, Kaus., Kehqe, C'h¢11'1e8, appropriation fgy maintenance, ctc,, oi_ 427.1249 military record corrected . 1767 88741°—-von 36, yr 2-11--111