Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1655

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2996 INDEX; Legislative, Executive, and Judicial Expenses- Page- W Lermane, Michael, P8z6· Continued. pension increased .. . . 1982 appropriation for Commerce Court 1234 » Lennon, Jane E. (widow), for Court of Claims . . 530, 1234 pension .. . ...,.,... 1670 pay of switchboard operatom, assistant Q Lennon, John, alias John Leemard, messengers, etc., rated . · 530, 1235 { pension increased. . . . , 2097 permanently mcapacitated persons not to } Lenses, be paid 531, 1235 1 duty 011, glass or pebble ..,.,,_... 20 supplies to be contracted for by Secretary photographic and projection .._,_... 21 of the Treasury. ... 531 I Lent, John, general supply committee created; desk 5 pension increased . ... . ...,... 1781 iguation, duties, etc . . .. 531 I Lemtz, Forrest, M., contracts for telephone, electric light, pension increased . ., Y ,__.. 1585 and power service . ‘ 531 Lenz, Max, Laban, Willwkzm, pension increased .. , _,... 1911 jieusion increased . ... 2015 Leonard, Andrew J. Le mann, Phillippe, pension increased- .__ _ , . . 1563 pension increased . ... 2047 Lezymzrd, George E., Lehr, Willzhm E., pension - .,..,..,,_,,,,. 1472 pension increased . - .. 1664 Leonard, Orrin C'., Leipsic River, Del., pension increased . ..,,... 2016 appropriation for improvement of; condi- Leonhardt, Frederick, tions . . 638 pension increased. ... 1784 preliminary examination of, to be made. . 953 Lepers, etc., Islaml of Guam, " Leitch, John, appropriation for came of .. . 617, 1267 pension . ... 1472 Leprosy Eosgyital, Hawqii, Leztner, William Z., app1·0pr1a.tion for mamtemmce . 717, 1394 Ilfmsion increased . ... 1889 dehcieucy appropriation for maintenance. 808 Le nd, Moses R., Leroy, Isaac, pension increased . ... · 2119 pension increased ... . . ... 1790 Lemcrt, Beverly W, Letter Balances, etc., Postal Service, pension increased . ... 1885 [ appropriation for ... . ...,_, 366, 1338 Lemhi Agqmy, Idaho, _ _ Letter Carriers, Pasta} Servige, appropriation for fuliilling treaty w1I:h apfpropnatxon for c1ty dehvery . 361, 1333 Indians formerl of . . .. 275 or rural service 366, 1339 Lemhi National Forest, liylaho, for payin claims for overtime under appropriation for maintenance, etc., of- 427, 1249 eight-icur law .,,,,,.. 865 proclamation eularginv . . 2712 limit to attomeyb fees. ,_ _ ,,,.. 865 transferring part of Beaverhead, to 2713 penalty for vxolatious ... 866 Lemkc, Henry, deiicienc appropriation for paying claims pension increased . ... 1647 of {Jew York City .,,.,,..,__,__ _ _ , 1314 Lemly,_Hag·nbt P. (widow), 1817 allowed by conaolidatggn of two00Hices in pensmu increased . ... any city, etc. avin $1 ,000 rev- Lemogke Im _ _ 76 enue . ... 911 on , Jmce compensato time o , ow for Sunday oil . .. 77 labor? cit . 1339 peel, noyxeserved, ctc 78 Letter Copying 2001; Lemmt Bgy, la., _ _ duty on . _ ... 6 2 prelxmmary examination oi', to be made. . 670 Letter Postage, Forezgn, Lemon; Cyeek, N. KZ _ agreement with Great Britain reducing ; preliminary examguamcn of, to be made. . 673 mtg of ,_,,__,__,_____ , ,_,,,_,__,, 2196 Lemon Grass, convention with Germany, reducing rate Lg; freeilist, gl .. 77 of, by direct sea route ,,... 2197 0% GZMS ·, Letters 0 Ezcha e, International Cam erence’ pvnswn ¤¤<·r¢=¤¤<¢d -·-··------·--- - ·------- 1784 {0 Pymyw Umyom am- Lemcmz Jofm R., aiming, I L€§’>n€(;1:1<}},1e;;l€'°“$°d ---·-·- · ···-··-·-·--··-- 1639 appropriation for pa.rt1cipati011 in 1364 » Letters, Postal Service, g;1·‘tg€;’H&t· Hit- · ············ uncalled for, to returned to writer, with- » P v ············ out advemsmg, at t1me requested, Lemon; Sajmuel, €cc_ ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 630 L§n€3nS;§ mcrewed ······· · ················ 1605 if not received to be treated as dead my cr; ...» 41 ¤ mms, %,'§f,f§_;, ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ G3') L‘du’°wt’”Bn-an-""nuuHunnnnnu 38 pensionincreased . ... 1498

 ”’M·· L"3§2;Cr’?§‘£?§"“°i° “’r;,""J it { t ted

ypgnmou mcrg3ggd_ ______________ _ ______,_ 1485 ly _ pp Pna on vr CDD as L Enfant Hajw Pien.6 Ckqkgy 6 GCUQII GXPGDBGS, House of R6p1'8· me of of the Capitol granted for “‘°’¤““·“{°s ··--·--··· · ············· · 806 cemuwmes removing to Arlington Lew" L¤¤¢_M¤¢h$"¤¢8, mymgm of _ _______ _ _______________ 2129 on free hat, pnor to January 1, 1911 . . . 32 Lenhart, Wilaem S., Lever or Gothmugh Madame, pension inctwsed ... . . . . . 1649 duty on laces, etc., made em ..,,,... . 50