Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1697

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3038 INDEX. National FOT68$3·—COHtiHU€d. P¤·B€· National Museum—Cqnt1uucd. _ Pagereiustatomcut of homestead entries, ca.11- deficiency ap§>r0pnat1011 for completmg coled,1etfciéns3]ogy because of with- 1084 f negv bllilliléugzg .-·-··-----...· -- dmwa. 0 s 01* . 0I` IOS. S, W5 9 --------------------- rights of successful contestants .. 1084 for ico plaot , . 1 .. 7 82 return hom Pregidout reguested of bill ro- 2137 N for grgserkloug collectxons . .- 811 lat' to 0 tea. entries in .. ationu ar , _ c0rrect;§1§iu<;n1i:?l(j§meut off directed. 2137 appropriation for Chickamauga and Chs;é4 1401 ' lm; of ectric inos ma c tanooga , mg gyanxvggthezugh; period ... . . . 1253 for Shiloh ... 724, 1401 Nemimuzl Game Preserve, d Od 2 gor gfetigibing . . .·.- Grand Can on, Ariz., arm ° 496 or ic urg .. . . , National Gwgd (sec Militia, Organized). f mouH>ri2.l to Union Navy. N ¢·i4m,alG14m·d, 1). C'., or Ye owstone . . .. , 4 , , gppmpdgtion for expenses, pay of troops, for Mount Rainier ... 725, 745, 1421 gte, - . . 411, 1004 ior gratcr Lake .. 725, xg, Nacimml Home orDigable 0 unteer 0 {ers, or osemitc . _ , appropriation for expenses, Dayton, for Sequoia . 745, 1421 Ohio . . .._.__,,. . .. 732, 1408 for General Gtant 745, 1421 Milwaukee, Wis ,., 733, 1409 for Mesa Verde .. 745, 1421 ` Togus, Me ... 733, 1409 for Wind Cave . . 745, 1421 Hampton, Va .,,,, 733, 1410 for Piotr ...,. 745, 1420 Leavenworth, Kaus . - 734, 1410 examination of San Francisco water Santa. Monica, Cal . 734, 1410 supply in Yosemite Park 1420 Marion, Ind .. 734, 1411 for Glacier . . . 745, 1421 Danville, I11 . 735, 1411 annual statement required of receipts Johnson City, Term __..,_.. . . `. 735, 1411 and expenditures of the prior fear of 1421 Battle Mountain Sauitaflumy. S, deficiency appropriation for Shiloh, cnn., D§ . .. . ··--.. 2},55, { Sropairiug cyclone damages 210, for clo ing a rzmc es . . . . , or e uoia ... . for salaries and expenses, board of mana- commisgoncrs for Chickamauga and Chatgers . 735, 1412 tanooga.; office at Chattanooga 293 disposal of property of decodonts established, Glacier, Mont . . . . 354 leaving no heirs, wi I, {etc 736 National Railways of Mexico, conditkgm of mor?1ber·shipii1 may béidgc Ri;>1$I}rando[Jbrifiwoefr& Laredo, 1 8 for aid to tate or erritoria omes. . , ex., an uevo a 0, cxico. . . 8 deficiency a ropriation for Hampton, Va., 211 National Training School for Boys, D. C., for ?a.nt,a ggnkin, 12:1 ... gig, appropriation for maintenance of inlim 998 for veuwo , us .. , mates . . , for Iizville, Ill 211, 1301; 1321 for fumili; building . 747 for Johnson City, Tenn . . 211, 1301 for shop uilding ... 747 for Milwaukee, Wis .. 1301, 1321 equipment authorized 800 for Marion, Ind . . . 1301 for bui dings: central school building. . . 1423 for State or Territorial homes . 211 for support of .. 753, 1429 for Dayton, Ohio ... . 220 deficiency appropriation for water main to. 122 for clothing M . k 220 §or support 0; mmates. . 125, 786, 1298 o pointment on Board of anagers 0 or su port 0 .. 800 P ?1r;s hWgids1g»1itih, Iillenry N _ eeiugégmont of ghop aptlxorized . . . 800 a er, 0 n . 0 ey on . atwww aterways ommzsswn, f Z MEYEERM, andd(isca.r M.gG0tt.scr§all. lggg paymcut&> Gofreméuent employees serving o . D. assey an ucian k . crt. wi , 2. owe .. 130 National McKinl;; Igrthplacc Memorial Asso- of expenses of persons detailed to assist 0 ciation . ., in ctious, etc ..,. 13 iucorporators; object, management, ctc- . . 1361 conti11ue?€u11tiI November 4, 1911 . . . 956 powers of trustees, exemption from taxa- final report required by November 4, 1911. 956 ltigfn, etc...é 1361 report, etc., 011 proposed artificial water- 956 Nationa omtary ammiasiom. ‘ ways . publications of, to be priutged as public plans for impounding river flood waters. . 956 documents 217 canal from the Ohio, near Pittsburg, National Monuments, to Lake Erie, b local interests . 956 proclaxgagon eétgxgding area of Natural 2509 ca¤?1Lg1§mMIlal§g grie to southerly end 956 rx , . .» 0 e IC xgsm .. setting ang; Gran Quivira, N. Mex-, . 2503 canal to connect Anacostia River, Mukuntuweap, Utah .. . .. 2498 D. C., with Chesageuke Bay 956 Navajo, Ariz .. . .. 2491 data to be furnished y Engineer Corps; Oregon Caves 0:% .. 2497 _ expenses ... . ..,.,. 957 Rainbow Bridge, on ... 2703 NutwnalZoolog1cal Pork (see Zoological Park, Shoshone Cavern, Wyo .. . 2501 D. C., National). N _ 8%];, Alaska .,.,... . ..,. 2601 Nationaligy of ·.Fj0f'€|:g1L-B({f1& Peraom, etc., · 877 uscum censusm umestoincu o ... npgmm fornhzim, Hxtures, etc. . 718, 1396 Natural Bn§gea National Monument, Utah, ” 'ng, hghcing, ou: . 718, 1396 proclamation extending area of . . . 2502 for etc., collections ... 718, 1396 Natural Hikwry, Speeimms, _, for , repairs, ctc ... 719, 1396 on free lint, for public collections, not for · forpxintingmd binding for ... 768, 1447 sale.; ..,.,, P. . . 79