Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1700

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INDEX. 3041 Navy-—C0ntinned. Page. Na,,y_.C,mti1mBd_ pag.; approprliitlun for Contillgéllt; 01HC€l`S BX- appropriation for Bureau of Supplies and 9·mlH€d for PIOIHOHOD Bild 18,11111g in Accounts, provisions ________ _ _ _ 6197 1278 RhYSl€&l €}$3mi¤9·tl0¤, G10., to be Ie- use of profits on sales, etc ..,,,_,,_,., 619 med with increased rank .. 1267 clerical, etc., services . ... 620, 1279 for care of Icpers, Guam pava.1 station, , , 1267 contingent _,.,_,,,,_,_,,,,,____,__ 620, 1279 for Bureau of Naxngation, transporter.- freight, department and bureaus . . 620,1279 12101} ._ .·..·-. t .. Z 608, 1268 naval supply fund abolished .. 1279 recruiting; eyideuce of age of minor amount transferred to general account recrmts; discharge. 608, 1268 of advances ... 1279 contingent _ 608, 1268 issue, etc., of all materials to be govgunnery exercises _ 608, 1268 emed by naval supply account- 1279 steanung exercises, prizes, etc . 608, 1268 for Bureau of Construction and Repair, experiments in axriation ,. 1268 construction, etc ... 620,1280 outfits on iirstenlistments . 609, 1268 repairs to speciied vessels .. . . 620, 1280 nayal auxrhanes, maintenance 609, 1269 clerical, etc., services . ... 621, 1280 ¤'$·l111¤§ Sl·3r10¤S --·... 609, 1269 construction plants ..,,,.. 621, 1280 War Co lege; clerical, etc., services. 609, 1269 for Bureau of Steam Engineering, steam Naval Home ..,,_...,.,., 610, 1270 machinery .,... . 621, 1281 for Bureau of Ordnance, ordnance; cler- clerical, etc_, services ,_,_ , _______ 622, 1231 1ca1, etc., services ... 611,1270 eilrgineering experiment station 622, 1281 B¤10kG1€SS pvwder . 611, 1271 for aval Academy . ... 622, 1281 naval gun aCt»0ry. . .. 611, 1271 for Marine Corps .,..,,,, , , . 624, 1284 IWW batteries . 611, 1271 for increase of Naval Establishment. 628, 1287 fire-Qontrol Instruments ... 611, 1271 for construction and machinery, new landing guns and appurtenances . 1271 vessels ,...,.,., 629, 1288 ammunition . . ... 611, 1271 for submarine torpedo boats .. . .- . 629, 1288 modernizing turrets. . ... 611 for torpedo boats with vitals below small arms and machine guns .. 611, 1271 water line. ...,... 629 torpedoes, mines, etc .. 611, 1271 for fleet colliers. .. 629 torpedo station 612, 1271 for armor and armament. ... 629, 1288 experiments; restriction .. . .- . 612,1271 " for equipment . 629 naval militia; department em- limit of cost increased of battleship ` ployees , . ... 612, 1272 "Florida" . . . 1288 service of U. S. S. “Detroit " loaned. . 1272 also of battleship to be built in navy relpairs; contingent ... 612,1272 yard . . .. 1288 for ureau of Equipment, equipment of President requested to invite foreign vessels . 612, 1272 fleets to assemble at Hampton clerical, etc., services 613, 1272 Roads, Va., etc., on way to Panama maximum of pupils at schools having opening celebration at San Frannaval equipment, reduced .. 613 cisco . . 1289 coal and transportation ..,. 613, 1273 none of sums for increase of the Navy contingent . , ,. 613, 1273 to be used for department clerks, ocean and lake surveys ... 613, 1273 etc 629, 1288 depots for coal 613,1273 specific authority required for all oxduties, etc., to be distributed to other penses 1289 bureaus of department; discontinu- no purchases of steel, armor, ctc., from ance of bureau _,_,,...,,,,,,,... 613, 1273 combinations in restmintof trade, etc 1289 use of appropriations restricted to for_pensions ... , 842, 1085 specific urposes; report 614, 1273 deficiency appropriation for naval station, detail of line under staff officers in Pearl arbor, Hawaii . . ... 211 manufacturing and repair depart- for Bureau of Yards and Docks . 211, ments _,,________,,_,_,__,,,.,.,,, 614 221, 791, 793, 810, 813, 1303, 1304, 1322, 1326 for Bureau of Yards and Docks, mainte- for Naval Academy . .. 212, nance .. 614, 1174 791, 1303, 1304, 1304, 1326 clerical, etc., services .,.. 614, 1174 foI‘ Mafillé C0!'p6 . . 212, contingent 614, 1174 221, 225, 791, 794, 809, 813, 1305, 1322, 1326 public works, ,_____,. - ..,,,.,. . . . 614, 1174 for pay . . ...-··... 221, sidine to navy ard, Washington, D. C . 615 225, 791, 792, 809, 813, 1302, 1322, 1326 navafstation, Bear-l Harbor, Hawaii. . 1276 for pay, miscellaneous .-.. 221, 791, Marine Corps rifle range, Winthrop, 792, 809, 813, 1302, 1303, 1303, 1322, 1326 Md_ __ _____________,,______, , .,___ 1277 for Bureau of Navigation . . 221, repairs and reservation . . . 617, 1278 226, 791, 792, 810, 813, 1303, 1304, 1322 for public woris, under Secretary oi the for Bureau oi Ordnance .. : . . 221, Navy . ..,.,., 617 791, 793, 810, 813, 1304, 1322, 1326 Bureau of Navigation . , . . 617 for Bureau of Equipment. .,,,. 221, Bureau of Ordnance ,.,..,.., 617 793, 810, 813, 1303, 1303, 1322 Bureau of Equipment ...,._,_,,__ 613 for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery ____ 221, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery . 618 792, 793, 810, 1303, 1303, 1304, 1304 Marine Corps, _______ . ..._,,,,,__ 618 for Bureau of Supplies and Accounts ___, 221, for Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, sur- 791. 810, 813, 1303, 1304,1322, 1326 ggony uecessarieg __,., , ,,.. 618, 1278 for Bureau of Construction and Repair. . 221, contingent ,,,,______,_...,,_,,..., 619, 1278 226, 791, 810, 813, 1303, 1322, 1326 transferring remains of officers and for Bureau of Steam Engineering 221, enlisted men _____,,. , ...,_. 619, 1278 791, 794, 810, 1303, 1303, 1322, 1326