Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1702

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INDEX. 3043 Neal, NGPOZCOH B., P$·EB· Needles-—C0ntjnugd_ Page. pension increased ... , ,__. 1561 duty On, {gpg ____________ _ ______________ 28 Nwly, _F¤mk, free list, daming . . ... ‘. .4 77 pens1'<}nh1ncrcased ... _ ,,,, 1756 N lhzgld Sewing; _________________________ 77 Neary, 0 n, ee , orious, p€I1Si0I1 iHCI'€3S€d .___ _ _ , , 2040 pension increased ______ _ _______________ 2014 Neat Cattle (see also Cattle), Neel, John O., - iII1pOl’t3ti0I1 Of, prohibited, and hides _,.. S6 pension increased ______ _ _______________ 2016 suspended from countries not affected by Neely, Thomas, cgumgious disease . 87 pension increased ______ _ _,_____________ 1749 u0r?f1cation by Secretary of the 87 Neely, _Willa21m, N? York Volunteers, réasury .. . ... pension increase ., . ... 1893 unishment for . . . . 87 Neel , William Veteran Reserve Cm- 8, Neb; National Forest, Utah, pcggsiou iueréaged ______ , ______ _,______ 1835 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. 428,1250 Neenah, Wis., proclamation diminishing . 2718 appropriation for public building . . . . 1377 N btra];1sferring part of, to Wasatch .._____. 2721 acquirixgg sitegor public building at, aue ras a, t orize . , ... 693 appropriation for ride range ... 722 Ne , Charles La a me Wilson, for resurveys of public lands in . 1417 ggnsion incregsgd .. . .- .. 1955 assigned to eighth judicial circuit ...,,,.. 1131 Ney", Jacob C., · homestcaderxf time td make residence, etc., pension increased .. . ... 1553 in, extended . . ... 189, 903 Negotiable Warehouse Receipts, D. C., leave of absence allowed .. 189, 904 issue, effect, negotiation, etc., of . 301 taxation of allotments to Omaha Indians Nehaliwm Bay, Oreg., b d fb in .. . .. 348 re iminary examination to e ma ce 0 ar, Nebraska Judicial District, P etc ... 956 additional judge allowed for , 1087 Nehalem River, Oreg., _ counties composing Omaha division ,,_... 1118 preliminary examination to be made of . . . 956 lgggfglk dévision . . .. 1118 Neid, Annie (widow), 9 ron ivision . .. 1118 ension . . .. 198 Grand Island division .. 1118 Ngl, Thomas H., North Platte division ... 1118 pension increased *. . 2047 Lincoln division ...,... . 1118 Nek-gud-e-kin, or Wapato John, Indian Algaginigddivisign ____ _ ____,__.,____ ____ I flotteej f H t t t W t I _ c 00 ivision ____________._.________ 1 ga e 0 ortxou 0 a 0 men 0 apa 0 m- terms of court ___________ ~ _____,..,, _ _ _ _ 294, 1118 ggtion Company, authorized ... 1358 civil action to be brought in division where Nell, Zjimqthy F., defendant resides; exception ... 294 p€HS10H H10l'€2lS€d .. - .-·· » ...-·---... 1989 trial of issues of fact ... 294 Nelson, Albert F., Nebraska National Forest, Nebr., pG11Si0I1 1I1C1`€21·S€d ..-..- - ·—--·--------.. 1850 appropriation for maintenance. etc., of. 428,1250 Nelson, Avgdreev, young trees to settlers in arid lands ... 1250 pcHS1011 {HCFPHSGG ------ - -----·-·------- 2110 Nrches River, Tex., Nelson! Gryyith, board of engineers to consider project of p6DS10¤ 1¤€1f€2\S€d ---·-- - —---------—---- 1591 improvement of, to Beaumont . 649 Nelson! Horatio, conference with local interests, etc , 649 pvnsnon m<·rv=w<·<l .. ~ --.--..--·- 1993 Neck Ruyiings, Nnlsonl Jofm V., _ duty 0n,_artiHcia1 silk or imimtiou horse- pcnsion incr:·usv<1 .. . ... 149:1 hgur ___________________ _ _,_____ _ _ _ _ {S0 NQZSOTLI L07`8 [ ., 9 crigou, flax, ctc .,...,... _ _. 00 N ];011s1<;1'h.· __ .. l00 gi ___,____________,_____________ _ ____. GO `c son, 1 ar, Midpoy JrQnn E_ (u·j,]Ow>7 l ]·pi1nburs(>m€nt to .. . . . . PWS pension, _____________ _ ________ , .,.____,,. 1622 1V€]807l¥ ZVQI8, A _ NNI), ,[O}m_ { pq;nsion}nqrcas0d .. . ... §Z09=> Npension increased ... _ __,__... 1740 ; Nelson; Wgllmm, d T46 wbwg, John, p€’11810H UICTQBSQ - - · 1 · -—------··-···—-— ·) pension increased ..,. 1715 Nepa_l, _ _ _ _ _ Mwbish Charmwl, Saint Marys Rircr, Miwh., i articles fgcm, admxttcd at minimum mmf. 2642 up mpriatinn for lighting ,_,. . ... 755 l U Nero, ” Sq Nw4»dI}?g1;1_ Gygrgp W, I 3pp}·0pr19,t1()n for repzurs ____ _ _________ 621, 1280 pension increased ...,.. . . 1838 3 Nerolz, _ _ Newlhum. William O., ‘ gm free 1]§tz 011 .. 77 nsiun increased __,_,,____, . _,.. 1566 i A/esbzttz Wizllnam, H.,

 Books, p@]]s]0[) lncrgaggd ______ _ ___________ , _ _ _  

duty on ______________________ , _ __________ 28 * ]Vg3lgr’·S()Z?mgn, Ngpdlp Cqgggy pguglou Increased ______ _ _______________ 2084 duty On _________ _ ______________ _ ____ _ _ _ , _ 28 1 ]\¢'g3[gr,.]0,5·?ph, Np€d[;g_ , peuglggdmcmgyd ______ _ _______________ 1484 I _________,_. 28 Netherla 8,

   ; ;_-_· ____ _   ____ , ,________ 28 } articles {from, ladmittgd at   tm·iff_ 2522

knitgiugy gu-;_, mgching ____ _ ___________ 28 ’ Q()H\'€[[t]()¥]_ wlph, fg; gubmltting (hgputes tg ]atch ______ __ ____________ _ _ _ ___________ 28 i »3_rb1t,r3,g10n _ _ ___________ Ht ____ ·_ _ _ 2148 · ided fm-_ _____________ 28 mclamatiou exten ing co pr1vi—

 ________ _ ,,__________ 28 P legm to subjects gf, 3,u§§g§(;()]0njgg_ 2685