Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1714

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INDEX. 3055 Omaha Indians, Nebr.-—Continued. P¤8¢· I Opium Evil, 1*886- delinquent taxes from tribal funds . . . 348 deficiency appropriation for expenses inrelease if funds not available ... 348 _ ternational investigation of - . . . 775 Omaha, Nehr., Optwal Instruments, terms lggggoiirt at · . 294, 1118 ding or}, . .. .. I; 2 1 Omqk, . _, on e is tes t bridge puthorized acrom Okanogan River 80 6 {ori.? . 76 a 1 Ora Cou t Fla. grart of lands for public park to; payment. 1350 bgiiege aulbhgiirized iacross Lake Jessup in. . . 330 nghtg, eww reserved ________, , . ,_,,_,, 1350 oran%;6Faru;;zr, il 77 Oman, on e is o ... . , , article: gum, aguiitted at minimum tariff. 2639 Orange Mineral, Ommcoc iwr, a. d t . . . . i 15 apgropriation for improvement of . - . . 640 Oraxgg, 0117. J., One undred and Two River, Mo., construction of public building authorized declared not a navigable water _,,..,_.,,., 194 at ...,,..,,,,, 682 Oneal, joseph, Orange Navigation Distrabt, Tex., pension Increased 1690 contribution for improving Sabine-Neches O’Neal, Thomas, aloha Benjamin F. Gorum, Canalto bemnde by ..,.,_,,,.,_,,_ 944 O,p§;lL0!;?incx·e8S;%Id . . .. 1859 deposit; required; maintenance of chan- ` ., no , etc ... 944 pensiépd . ... 1576 Orgnge Peel, 38 uma cs. ut on negotiations iwith, 'for commutation of an· on lice list, not preserved, etc 78 Inuiges, to be reopened 1077 Orange1Ri1;rer Colioiiy, gargish, ' . . artic es om, mit at minimum tariff' . 2691 exaniinatiori directed of situation, etc., for Orange River, Fh., . gmblic building at . 697 appropriation for improvement of . . . - 645 Oilwéi normlreasediwi i 1628 Orange, f r im e ent f Sab` i o inc . . .. , appropna on o v m _ o _ me- Wweill, William, alum William McD¢mald, Neches Qanal gsm Sabine River to. 944 pension Ainlgreased ..., 2086 Om _ 1 ntnbutiou, maintenance, etc. . 944 ta . . nge construction Bt public building authorized 682 on free list; in the rough, cut for umbrellas, _ 81 at ...,.. . . canes, etc . . .. Onions, Orangeburg. {S'- 0-, _ _ _ d t ____________ _ _______________ _ _____ 36 a propnation for public building 1378 Om;-Z, 0;,-ug, gnmmigsnmy Orggq lgnit of cost increased, public building. . . 679 bridge across Snake River built bg Mal- P1`911m111¤·1’Y °X¤m1¤9·t10¤ of WaW1W¤Y¤ to hen! Coun? com-t md, lege ‘z¢d_ _ 191 Charleston from, to be made . . . 675 Onmio Chamber of iommerce, ctc., _ 0?‘a"*9¢$» Onmay brgcylge Snake River at Ontario, Omg. 179 d“I12}’eY“· ····—--— · ·-·--········--····-·- £ lamb, ei, ..~. . ... ·· . ... i bridge acrgisss Snake River at, legalized. . . 191 011 11% 118% 11661, 1101 P1’0¤91'V0d» Gm ····-·- 78 authorized across Snake River at --. 179 §°‘“`» lmce --·--~-·--······-········· :· 76 Ontario, Province o_/Q Orchids, suspension of tonnage dues on vessels from, dl1§·Y 011- - - ; - - ; · -; ·-··-········-··--···· 36 revoked . ...,.. 2498 Orclnl or Orchrl Liqmd, 0mn,,,ag,,,,’ Michq on free list . . .. , . ._ .. 78 ` appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 655 Ordgrs of In¢¢f8¢¢1¢¢ Commerce C¢Ym‘mwn9n, 0.,,,,,, directing payment of money, enforcing. . . 554 dngy nn, mnnnmnntn, ew ________________ 21 proceedings in circuit court; recovenosu 554 mosaic c bes etc. . -·--·.·- 21 B°*"“c° Elf ········ : ···· : ··············· 554 rough, ef; ____ ’ _______________ _ __________ 2 1 suspension og modification allowed .. gx t-) O _________ _ ________ _ _______ _ _______ 21 compliance y carriers ... I .. Opdyi;8M,,,,,/ Cr (,,,,d,,,,,)_ recovery of forfeitures; proceed1ngs.- . 555 pension increased ____ _ ________ _ ___,_____, 1649 other gliarzdpayment of mggngyt to be ent 555 O l·k , Ala', orc 111 commerce .. . iyoiwfiruction of public building authorized Ordnance qn¢l0rdru1nce Stores, Navy, M _ _ _ _ _ _ __'_ _ _ _ _ ___' _ ____ _ ________ 680 appropriation for - . 611, 1270 Opehwm L', or smokeless powder. .. 611, 1271 tpnnn nf Cnnh at ___________ _ ___,...,,,,, 1114 for ammunition, etc 2 ... 611, 1271 opening of rrtnuum, _ f<>r_¤¤1¤s mi h<>$>ve¤s g-¤¤¢¤ lg; O international convention relative to ·..·- 2259 OT¢}$£;:;¤B§p?1Eg']’?n’?“2;:y °’ ··········· » I:{:$y?g:,8?€"f ______ L _______ _ ________, _ ___, 21 ’ approqriationt for ’pay of whsted megllif; 1039 Opie, wuz-sim J., <>¤g€*'*H;’ ··--··· . -·-··--·—-· · pension increased _____________ _ _ , _,,,.,,. 2052 §or pay of p core, longevity- ------- gg), · · ,.ngy_ Z, or curren pllpenses .. . . , _ OI;mN:.:,w,g’€,-,f;i(:f,0foy pgfpamryglg etc., vol. 27- . 749 for ammunition, etc., for small arms. . 260, 1096 O P ’ for fi morning and evening gun. . 260,1056 fiu?] Om _ _____ _ ________ _ _______ _ _______ 14 for s§l—arms target practice, medalgéo 1057 a knloids etc., of ..-- - ----··--- _ ··—- 14 . etc ··········· 1 ····‘‘‘‘‘··· ¤ ’ gpeciall ded issue to educational, etc. 1!1Bt1lSU.· Bxmigs _____ , _ . . 15 tions ...-.-..-·-----·- ’ ---·-· 261, 1057