Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 36 Part 2.djvu/1720

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INDEX. 3061 PM'!} WMU, P¤8¢· l Parkhurst, Matilda (daughter), Page. d¤1tY <>¤ —----·--·-·--·--- - ··---··-·-·--·.. 15 pension ..`... 1729 _ Parish, Augustus, Parkin, Ark., . pension increased -----.---... 1564 bridge authorized across saint Francis Pa'}? CW!/,_ mh, _ . River, near .,, 199 appropriation for public building at ... 1379 Parking Commission, D. C., limit of cost increased, public building. . . 679 appropriation for expenses _,,_,__,__,_, 389, 980 Pmki ·[0h"{ W, 2066 Parkinson, Robert gl, pensxon increased ____,,..,.,_,.,,.,,_ ' rease ..,..,.,.,.,,,_,,.., 1894 Park Place NW., D. C., Palrhlflfgll condemnation proceedings for extension of . 199 appropriation for care and improvement P Fggggwon 3015 .. 200 of .. 725, 1402 ar ., . . Parks Edga son , · purchase of land for ividening . 888 penbion. . . .,,.,.,._. . .,._._,_,____, 1352 $P§”’°P*'l°*l°¤ fer -·--··—·--·-· · --···-~-- 888 Parka Natumal (see National Parks) P<¤'¤» .7**%*9 W» Parks; Pubzn, ' Pension mc"6”°d ···--·--··-····-·-··—--- 1926 lands granted to towns in Colorado for- . . . 459 PWM, ,J¤h78» Parke, Rama, Peuswu Increased ·--·--··--—-··--·---—-·· 1724 pension increased ...,..., 2077 Parker, Am., _ _ Parks, _William L., dam authorized across Colorado River, pcumon mcrwsed ________________________ 2000 near .. 1081 · . . ' Park", CWM S., Pa Promoting Inter-. P ? `‘``‘'‘‘'‘‘'‘‘ 1806 appropriation for contribulion to Bureau. . 345 mm' in {wd Parmelce, Franklin H., ova , etc., of y from Texas, to be mion incr 1 1667 paid from appropriation for m0uu· Paprgndee John S °‘’‘'‘ ° ’'`'’'’’‘' ment . 797 · ’ · " Perker, Edward F., alias Edward Franklin, Pension Increased ‘‘’'‘'` '’`’‘’‘‘` 2072 P€¤€i0¤ increased --·•·-··-··-----·-··--—· 1549 P g:,iIE V`, 2103

G¤0'!I¢, 1815 pgmmtn, Bmw E  ``````````````````````

on .. . ... - · pension increased 2014 Parker,_Geqrge E., Pafm”,k,,,'Pre8,0n’ pension increased 1745 mmm mamma 1884 P°'*8'·.G¤Z'9¢ W·· papgwz Jam W ````°'```````` Y `````'``` Pymn new ·-··-··-·-··-·-··-··· 8878 nennlen seein: me ra} Pp°k';rgi°“ ·‘‘······‘‘‘‘‘‘ · ·‘’‘‘‘‘‘ 1902 I Pzredljdsg juvenile offenders committed to ar v. 'I°."# Girls’ Reform School, D. C.. . . 300 pension increased . ... 1706 Parole Owns, ""é5$s£’$??££¤i .. . ..». we ““’°l“§t‘E°“‘“""’“lT°'}"f‘T"T?*.f’l‘?°‘f’.‘T“?’Z ,2., P°"8"» M°'“"» - P i U ,f.i§{LQ;p'·` ` ` pension increased . ... 1846 are e» " e 9 "’°””8• Parke,. M A M release of convicts for good conduct ... 819 , ary .(w ow), . . . .d 1. Pension increased ________________________ 1770 board at ponitennaries to cousi or app 1- parka, MMTM7 canon, composition, etc ... 819 ,,g;*;gg,8i·j;8,,,*;8,g§,§;*;8,;* ··--·—-··-·····--·-···-- 8888 .,.2;‘;’;}‘3I.,¥§§°.‘;l;;.;‘,‘;,;,;.ui;;.;.;,‘.a.;e;; ${3 ’· - " a roval of Attornoy—Genera.l 820 2056 PP pension increased . . _ . . Parka, Orlando J arrest on violations, duties of officers. 820 ’· · " hearin b board, revokin parole, etc. . 820 ¤8··=··>¤ 8¤¤*¤8¤88 ······-···-··--·····--·· 8888 m§..2$ mnmnnhedg no Plixlgiréiriiliriitgrliseliii ism pnrnle ggeegigninnrized at prime, dunes, 820 Pggéfgygé, ________________________ ,5,,, .1..71... Oi mmsi.s...-i.é ..., no Parker, Theodore, l gztfaglgsiyfgrntg i};ll)t$iticl’nr;B(;<h1€eaeedm·· _ lull; 820 P§,iI;:1°;h:§;?;8d °``'``' ` ` 1973 2 der laws; BEIQLBHSGT etc.. 821 ’. " tt.orney— nera .. 821 pension .. . ... 1761 , “l’p"?v° ° bed P k y W ua ’ , pardomng power, etc., not adec 821 Papefiiaionllnciemsed ..- - ----------·- 2047 Pngnggwt, A{£·»_ d mSSB1ack Rwer 198 ,,,;,7.,-, Walter, 7 ri is an onze ac i ,near. pension increased 1802 s Parr. _'¢¢1d}{¢¤~8~ Poke, wiuiam A., 1 penewn ¤¤¤r¢¤¤·>d --------·——----—-—~---·— 2013 Ppinsi¢;r‘§_increas’•·;d 1512 g Parrish, Thad, 1610 ar er, illwm ., P€¤¤l0¤·-·_ --··-· _ ----···· - ··-··-·-·—·-·-·· ' ‘ I-eased ,,____ , _,,...,.. 1762 Parsels, Louisa (uvzdmc) p,};i;8;g&l,;1cW_ Vaq ‘ pension increased-; 2114 appropriation for public building .. 1379 Parshall, Jessie M. (widow), acquiring site for public building at, au- 692 A Ppepsirgi zpcreased 1844 h gd",. ,______ _ ,.,,___,__,.,__ . qrsgy gg terms gg ggzmq, at _ ________ _ ...,.. 1014, 1129 i duty on. ... 37 Purketorn, Charles H., 7 Parsmp Seed, pension increased ________,. . . 2062 { duty on .. . . 37